
Sentient Core

Waking up after dying mysteriously, Xadia is met with a new world has he awakens from his internal slumber. Awoken to a world occupied by humans and Siphons (People with abilities) and technological advancements. Not long after he awakens from death, he discovers that he is possessing a siphon ability. With this discovery, Xadia strives to grow stronger and uncover the mysteries of his death. Can he survive this new world? Imagine a futuristic world where cultivation is possible, where humans have evolved into super-powered beings, where anything is possible, magic and power, why imagine when you can have it all in one, check out Sentient Core. *********************** We will warm the Herd And shake the stars.

Davion_blue001 · Khoa huyễn
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67 Chs

Don't screw this up.

After taking his bath, Xadia had spent an hour on the holo top looking for anything related to siphons, researching he was trying to see if there had been any report of a siphon being possessed to summon energy, but so far he had found nothing.

Exhausted from the activity of the day, he had gotten to bed and had fallen asleep quickly not even bothering to eat, the effects of exhaustion are greatly underestimated, and for Xadia to fall asleep without eating was something that never happened.

A knock on the door had caused xadia to wake up, and judging from the scene of the room, it hadn't morphed to its daylight form making xadia aware that it was still midnight.

Getting up from the bed, like a zombie Xadia's foot slid across the floor as he proceeded to open the door.

"Wakey wakey," said Ric with a devilish smile on his face, making him look like he found joy and pleasure in deliberately interrupting Xadia's rest time.

"Uncle Ric, how can I..... eeeeuugh help you," Xadia said yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Take your bath and get dressed we don't want to be late for the portal transport, it's usually busy during the day so we're going early, or do you want to miss the preliminary process."

Although Xadia knew nothing of the sought, he nodded answering Ric's rhetorical question.

"Good!, will be leaving in about an hour, there's a Currell pack in the living room, it's for you.....after you've had your bath," Ric said giving Xadia an emphatic "don't defy me" stare.

And with that Xadia proceeded to the bathroom, although the room was in its night mode, Xadia found a button on the wall where the bathroom door was the last time, he had pushed it and the wall had made an upside-down rectangular line and it rolled to the side revealing the bathroom.

Quickly taking his bath, Xadia moved to the living room and helped himself with the Currell pack and he was now ready for departure.

An hour had passed now, saying goodbye to Mrs ford, and it was time to go, a hover taxi was waiting outside for them as Ric had ordered an hour ago, they got inside and they were on their way.

In the car, xadia was lost in his thoughts as he was trying to imagine what the hunter school looked like, what things he would learn about the siphon beasts.

Another thing on his mind was the mysteries behind his death 100 years ago, a mysterious man had suffocated him with a gas mask.

He had defied a gang and they were all out for him, he had lost consciousness and he didn't know why, was he a siphon, what sought of experiment had he being subjected to, all this was enough to make Xadia sigh as they had soon reached their destination.

In front of Xadia and Ric now was a glowing skyscraper with a purple crystal on top of it and a glowing word on the building that said "portal".

Entering the building,xadia could see a lot of people on glowing sofa benches waiting to be attended to, there was also a door where two guard-like figures stood.

And Xadia had guessed that it had to be the portal room, soon Xadia and Ric had gotten to sit down on one of the sofa benches waiting for their turn.

After one hour of waiting, it was now their turn, entering the logs room, Xadia could see a woman in a glowing black suit by a machine that looked like a counter.

"Destination, please?" the woman by the counter said

"Arkham hunter academy," Ric answered.

Now with the coordinates known, the woman had begun to type at the counter-like device, in the middle of inputting the destination, the room had suddenly gone dark.

What's going on Ric said out loud as he knew that there hadn't been any news of a power outage in centuries, being a patrolman and all, Ric knew everything that happened in the city, and a power outage hadn't been recorded for today.

Hearing the words that came out of Ric's mouth, Xadia was now aware that this wasn't a normal occurrence in the city and one thing came to his mind "the dragon gang".

Suddenly a toxic smell could be perceived, and it caused Ric and Xadia to start coughing collapsing to the floor after.

Quickly grabbing the sixteen-year-old boy, the gang member was making haste as he thought of his last conversation with a gang member who had robot parts for an arm.

___ ___ ____

A block away from the portal gate stood a guy with a robot arm and four other gang members.

"So here's the deal we switch off the lights, smoke the room and grab the boy," Slade said.

Ahaking their heads the gang members answered

"Now who will grab the boy," One of the gang members said soon moving his head to the side and the others had done so too.

"Mee?" a gang member who seemed to have one of his front teeth missing answered with his eyebrows raised as all eyes were on him.

"Why can't he do it he's the new one here," the gang member said pointing to his mate.

"If you screw this up, you won't be able to fathom what I'd do to you, the guards might let you go after some time, but me I'll have your eyes removed a blade in your stomach, and a series of lab experiments in places you wouldn't like," Slade threatened

The threat had been enough as the gang member was making haste in accomplishing his task, he had put a bag over Xadia's head, and lifting him by the shoulder he was quickly making his way to the door.

An elbow to the head had made him fall to the floor, getting back up the gang member was confused because in front of him was a supposedly unconscious Xadia

"How is he standing, we tested that stuff before and it even works on siphons," the one-toothed gang member thought as his task had become more difficult.

Looking at the person in front of him,xadia could tell that this was a gang member, a glowing red suit, glowing red breathing mask, and red spiky boots, it was no doubt, it was a member of the dragon gang.

Not wasting any more time, the gang member rushed at Xadia, seeing this xadia dived to the left making the one-toothed guy catch nothing.

Seeing that he had failed to catch xadia, the gang member decided to use his ability, placing both of his arms together a green ball of light started to form between them, and when he was a few meters away from Xadia, he threw his arms out and a green beam shot out from the palms of his hand.

Xadia had nowhere to go, and the ray of light was too fast for him to dodge. Hence he knew that all he could do was greet his teeth and bear the pain.

As the light hit him, his body was lifted into the air and was sent flying backward to the far end of the corridor, and Xadia passed out.

___ ___ ___

Waking up, Xadia could see that he was now on a glowing bench, and a shadow was cast over him.

"You're awake," Ric said.

"What happened?".

There was a power outage and a leak in the portal room and a toxic chemical caused everyone to pass out, any ways as an apology the company declared the portal transport free for anyone who was affected and that includes us," Ric said with a smile.

"It's time to go to the portal room now".

Following Ric, Xadia was reminiscing about fighting the gang member and it was sure it wasn't a hallucination as he could still feel the pain from the blast, although it wasn't hurting too much, it was somewhat bearable.

Now at the front of the portal room, the two guards were staring at Xadia, one of them seemed to have bruise marks like he just came out of a fight.

The way they were looking at him Xadia assumed they wanted him to say nothing about the encounter with the gang, he deduced that the guard took care of the gang member and that the organization had decided to keep the gang intrusion a secret.

Entering the portal room,xadia could see it now, a big wide circular device stood in the center of the room there were wires connected to its back and an operation port at the side, the operator then turned the device on and a blinding warping light had appeared in the circular device.

Turning to the man by his side Xadia said. "Goodbye uncle Ric.

"Good-bye chum," Ric said rubbing Xadia's curly black hair

moving to the front of the big device, Xadia was now a step away from the Arkham hunter academy.


We will warm the Herd

And shake the Stars.

if you've read this novel and you love it please don't forget to vote with your stones for more updates, need the inspiration.


we will warm the herd

and shake the stars.

Davion_blue001creators' thoughts