
Secrets hide

The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Mission part II Ch 6

The night was very deep and clear, but the noise of cars, police, and other people's screams could be clearly heard. After Li Yan and her friends appeared, she called the special forces to handle the matter. Huan was trying to figure out how many hostages there were and why the building was raided. Huan was shocked after scanning the building; there were approximately three bombs planted on every floor. She told Yan, "This matter is not as simple as we think. They are professionals, and everything was planned. But why were the bombs planted not ordinary bombs, but R2X type bombs full of various radiational waves? The explosion won't cause significant destruction, but the radiation that will spread in the city will be the worst case."

The building was about 150 meters high and had about ten floors. The special forces took the building in siege as per Yan's command. Mei and Huan were trying to find a solution for R2X. Suddenly, Mei remembered that the skyscraper had water storage underground and on the upper side of the skyscraper. She suggested making a structure that held the properties of Tungsten (W), Hafnium carbonitride (HfCN), and wurtzite boron nitride's (w-BN). Li Yan shouted, "That is impossible! You are making a new structure that holds the properties of heavy elements. You also know that we don't have much time. If you start the experiment now, time will slip through our hands, and the terrorists will achieve their goal."

Mei replied with a cheerful smile, "What do you think I'm doing during vacation?"

"What were you doing, Miss?" Huan said in an irritated manner.

"You can't guess! I'm trying to find a fusion method of the nucleus, and I succeeded in it. Now we can use the fused nucloid structure on the mission," Mei said with pride. She continued, "Let me tell you; we will collect all R2X in the water chamber and cover it with this material called the anti-radial shield. When the R2X blasts in the chamber, due to the pressure, water will start to rotate circularly, and radiation will affect the fusion of molecules, causing various types of isotopes and compounds to appear in water, causing rapid condensation. But won't it melt the chamber?" Yan asked. Mei smiled and said, "Don't worry. I have my method for it. I will adjust its temperature." She continued, "And leftover energy can be used by energy conversion methods to change radiational energy into electric energy. So, do you like my plan?"

Li Yan was stunned. Only someone like Mei could solve this problem. She put every theory and hypothesis into this mission just to save people. She remembered before joining her team; people also called her the devil of science because she was the one who always broke the rules and made new things. She never followed any rules in science but made her own rules.

After preparing and planning all night, they started to move in the early morning. The sun was still trying to wake up, birds were singing on trees, and wind was flowing rapidly, and in this weather, three girls went underground to reach the water chamber. When they reached there, it was very dark. After lighting up, they saw a huge cuboid structure which was the water chamber. Mei started to do her work and covered the whole chamber with the black, sticky, but thick gel, which was her creation, the anti-radio cloak. Then she took out specialized tubes and a huge container from her dimensional pocket and plugged the tube in it and connected it with the water chamber.

"All setups are done," Mei said and wiped the sweat. It's better for me to stay here to make sure there won't be any issues," said Li Yan as Huan nodded in agreement. They both made their way to the back door of the building, which housed an ancient collection and science exhibition that could be a potential target. Li Yan was lost in thought, but Huan snapped her out of it, asking, "Are you okay, captain?" Li Yan nodded in response.

Huan then took out her watch and clicked both buttons attached to it, revealing a screen. She began to scout and hack the security cameras, reporting back, "One guard in the middle and two beside the door." In an instant, Li Yan threw her dagger at one of the terrorists, taking them down before the two guards could react. Li Yan then took cover from one guard while grabbing the second guard's neck with her leg, breaking it with a loud crack. With two guards dead, the last one attempted to shoot, but before he could, Li Yan took out his heart, killing him instantly.

Li Yan shook her head, signaling for Huan to move forward. Together, they continued to kill terrorists and collect most of the bombs, putting them in the water chamber. After an hour, they had cleared nine floors, but the problem was the last floor, where the leader was located. There were no surveillance cameras, and Huan's attempt to peek with a drone was discovered. Now, the tenth floor was on high alert, and they decided to use ladders to reach it since there was no need to remain hidden anymore.

Li Yan and Huan took out their guns and started firing as they ascended the ladder. Li Yan used her spiritual power to sense the number of people on the floor - there were approximately 50-60 terrorists. Firing came from both sides, and suddenly a grenade was thrown, causing smoke and dust to fill the air. Li Yan and Huan were seriously injured, but their cultivation skills kept them alive. Their recklessness had caused them to let their guard down, and the terrorists laughed at them. They were all wearing black coats and had a strange, devil-like tattoo on their hands.

A bald man with a huge scar on his head appeared from behind, and all the terrorists bowed before him. From his appearance, he was the boss. He approached Li Yan and Huan, who were unable to stand up. He picked up Li Yan's head by her hair and said with a terrifying smile, "So you're the commander of Killer Queen, but too bad today is your last day." Despite the situation, Li Yan smiled lightly, as if she had been expecting this all along.