
Secrets hide

The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Mysterious Appearance and Mission Finale Ch7

The leader of the terrorist group kicked Li Yan in the abdomen. She crashed into the wall, cracking it. Li Yan was vomiting blood. Meanwhile, the terrorist was shouting in pain. His hand had been cut in two, and blood was flowing from the wound. The half-hand had fallen on the ground. He rushed toward Yan, but Huan tried to stop him and threw a thunder grenade. He was unconscious for a moment, but he kicked Huan in the chest, and she crashed into the door and passed out. Yan was gritting her teeth; this was the first time she had lost so badly.

Huan lost consciousness and lay passed out beside the wall. Yan tried to get up, but she used all her strength. The leader of the terrorists was laughing and came near to Yan, picking up a dagger. He said, "Don't think you'll die easily. I'll torture you, and even if you beg for death, you won't be able to die." After saying this, he was about to put the dagger in Yan's eye (*boom*).

Dust was spread everywhere, and smoke was blocking their vision. In the smoke, a mysterious boy appeared. He was about the same age as Yan. After the smoke vanished, they saw a boy who was sitting near the broken window. He wore a black hoodie and mask, which made it difficult to see his face. He sat very comfortably, like he was enjoying the show. He said very cheerfully, "Don't mind me. You guys can continue."

He was about to stab Li Yan's eye, but the boy said again, "It's a waste to kill this beautiful girl. Why don't you spare her?"

"Hey, brat, mind your own business!" the terrorist leader said.

"Oh, why are you so angry? I'm just asking you," the boy said with a poker face. Like that, he started to anger the leader of the terrorists. After some time, the leader's patience was completely broken, and he ordered his teammates to attack him. "Today, you'll die or I will."

The terrorists attacked him, but his eyes were becoming sharper and sharper. Yan could feel that he was enjoying it. He was dodging bullets and daggers very easily, but suddenly, he was hit by one of the members. He became silent and grabbed that person's face. Everyone was sweating with fear. The atmosphere became very silent. "I was just playing with you, but you make me serious now. Massacre begins," he said with a very heavy voice.

"What... what?" The whole group of terrorists was stunned. Even Li Yan. The boy started to laugh very crazily. In a blink, he disappeared, and the heads of the terrorists started to fall. After seeing this, the leader of the terrorists started trembling in fear and said, "Please spare me."

Suddenly, the boy, covered in blood, appeared from behind him. He said, "will you spare me if I said this?" When this sentence ended, the head of the leader fell on the ground, and blood was flowing like a fountain. He stood in the middle, and the sun was starting to rise. Yan's eyes were popped out in surprise. She never expected a boy of the same age as her, who appeared very cheerful, to become so violent and cold. She was thinking about it, but suddenly the boy started to walk toward her. The more steps he took, the more uneasy Yan felt. But in the next second, she saw his gaze, which was glaring at her. She thought he was going to kill her, but he said, " I'm taking this as a fee of saving you".

In the boy's hand, Li Yan saw a wired type of jade with an unusual pattern that was obviously picked up from the exhibition. She was about to say something, but before she could, the boy interrupted her saying, "I'm not asking from you, I am telling." After saying this, he vanished in an instant. Li Yan almost fainted when she realized the sun had risen and the mission was completed. All the bombs were defused without any explosion because the boy snatched the button from the terrorist in a blink. Li Yan was still thinking about who that boy was. He was insanely powerful. Mei pinched her and said, "Where did you go? You weren't fully conscious." The mission ended and Mei, Huan, and Yan sat in the black car on their way to Yan's house. Yan said as if she was hiding something, "Nothing happened."

"Oh, really?" Huan and Mei said.

"Why don't you believe me?" Yan said.

"We believe in you," Mei and Huan said.

[At Yan's house]

Ari was sitting on the bed, his clothes covered in blood. He thought to himself, "The appearance changing technique was really useful, but I have to hide these clothes." He lifted his hand, and the clothes burnt in an instant. He used his QI to burn them. Now he was sitting on the bed again and said, "While I was killing terrorists, they had a strange mark on their neck, like the master showed me. It seems Joker Thorn started to make a move, but they will definitely become alert when they know about the disappearance of the jade. They will try to destroy all ten pieces of the seal, and this is one chain of the seal. But they don't know I can sense those artifacts. Hahaha..." He started to laugh, but then thought, "You always think I lost my memory, but now you also know that was all part of the plan. But that was very embarrassing. I put that jade on the bracelet given to me by the master. He said, 'This bracelet has the power to recover ancient martial arts, but you have to find some objects of artifacts from that period. When you put that thing on the bracelet, it will show you all the exercises of that time.' " According to the master, he put the jade on the bracelet, and suddenly, a bright blue light started to emit from it. "What! What is happening?"

(Note:- give the reviews I won't able to know how many people reading my novel )