
Secrets between us

Linda Lee, the adopted child of Lee family, first her sister snatched away her boyfriend and second... marrying with a stranger to pay the family debt.. she has never seen that man before.. how will Linda lead her life with such a stranger? Read it to find more....

jhnxh_niah · Thành thị
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81 Chs

Thinking about him

"Ok Mr Jones.. you can drop me here.. " said Linda.

" wife, you can call me William ~~" said William, coming closer to her.....unhooking the seatbelt.

Linda quickly managed to get down from the car... and ran towards the hospital.

"what is happening? it was clearly mentioned in the contract love is forbidden.. then... why? Linda get back to your senses. " thought Linda, still her heart was beating..

she quickly went inside the hospital.. and went to her cabin.. when her phone buzzed..

it was Mrs Lee..

"Linda.. your sister's engagement is day after tomorrow... your father wants you to stay in Lee for some days. "said Mrs Lee.

"ok mom."

" and Ryan will also come to stay here.. so don't think you can do something vicious acts to snatch your sister's boyfriend. "

by saying this she hung up.

"snatch!! it was Julia who snatched everything from me since childhood... now also they blame me.. it was Julia who got happiness every moment from mom and dad.. and I had to find happiness for myself... this was the only difference between a princess and an child.. " thought Linda, her tears were about to fall when she suddenly remembered about William..

"why am I thinking about him now!! "

knock knock..

"Linda here are some files you asked for.. " said Slyvia..

"oh thank you.." said Linda, " Slyvia!! do you know about this CEO Jones?"

"CEO jones.. hmm I've heard about him a very little.. there are not many information about him.. but.. he is the youngest CEO.. of the Jones electronics.. he never show his face to the media also.. very secretive man.. but his company stock has raised to such levels you cannot imagine also.. he is a very successful businessman...he travels abroad a lot. for his businesses.."

"ohh.. I see. "

" but why does our Linda madam asked about him suddenly? hm hm? something is wrong. "

"nothing is wrong! you better do your job and bring me more files.. I'll take leave for 2-3 days."


"my sister's engagement !!

"hey hey. Linda.. your family is quite famous.. then.. why you keep your profile low. "

"Dear Slyvia daydreamer.. if I don't keep my profile low.. paparazzi's could follow me.. and I would have stressed out a lot.. being a doctor is also stressful job. "said Linda, flicking on her head..

" ouch!! don't flick. "

"Slyvia.. how about going to bar after work. "

"sounds good!! "

(after the work)

I'm really sorry!! I have an appointment with a patient.. you can go without me because it can take time a lot. "said Slyvia, joining both her hands..

"ok fine then.. next time. "said Linda. patting Slyvia's head.

"thank you!!! chuu~~."

Linda went alone to the bar..

"I will be fill up my empty stomach and I will forget about those bastards. " said Linda, cheering herself.

"waiter give me 2 more peg... I want more.. "

"but madam.."

up, gimme mole..mole!!! (shut up, give me more..more!!!)

as she was drinking she felt like puking and went to washroom.. where she dashed onto a man and puked on his suit..