
Secret Spirit

A college girl who has supernatural powers loves anything ghost-related. She falls in love with a dangerous spirit whose job it is to kill anyone it encounters. They both deal with consequences relating to life, death, and the fact that one is dead and another is alive.

FoxLover_0615 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 0 - Prologue

Ezra -

I like spirit. I don't care what others think anymore. I will confess.

I've never liked anything romance-related or been a sentimental guy. I'm more of a horror fan than anything, whatever scares people I love or even makes me obsessed. That's why, when I liked a certain girl back in high school, I knew something wasn't right. What was so special about her? We've been partners once, but she, for some reason, caught my attention. We've never even talked before; the only time I've ever heard her talk was when she was talking to her cat, Oreo. That was her emotional support animal. But for some reason, whenever I'm around her, I don't feel disregarded. The first person at school who didn't complain about sitting with me Say something about the way I act, the way I'm dressed, or even about who I am. It feels nice when someone doesn't have something bad to say about you all the time.

When our seats got changed in pre-calculus class, I was kind of relieved. I was sitting next to her. She never said anything to me, so I was cool with that. She was even nice to me and let me pet Oreo, but she bit me, so that didn't go as planned.

Because of the way she acted, I started to like her, and I hated myself for having these feelings, but they wouldn't go away. I would always think about her and stare at her, and I even started to notice weird stuff about her.

Like how she tends to look around a room before entering one, she'll always tap her pen against her table whenever she's bored, she'll pet her cat whenever she's scared, and she rubs her index fingers together whenever she's talking to someone she doesn't know.

I feel like a creep because of how much I know about her. I used to get looks from other people whenever I was with her. Because of who I was, people never liked the idea of me being with her. But I didn't care. I knew that whatever I did wasn't going to be liked by others, but I liked her, and I would like to keep it this way.

I like spirit. I don't care what others think anymore; I will confess.

One day, I was crossing the road and saw Spirit. She waved at me, and I walked to her. I saw she was holding a letter with my name on it. A pink heart was right in the middle of it. I ran up to her but wasn't looking where I was going.

A truck was close to me, making Spirit run to me. She pushed me out of the way, but I fell back onto the pavement. I was gone forever. I could never tell Spirit how I felt; I could never see my mom again; I could never exist ever again.

I was dead.

I woke up enraged inside this weird world. I was surrounded by mirrors while on a bed. I got out of bed and walked to one of the mirrors, where there were memories of the past. One showed an alternate universe, and I was smiling while holding Spirit's hand. But the one right in front of me was a portal.

'Your death was undeserved'

A loud, deep voice surrounded me, hearing nothing but echos after it talked, ruining the silence.

'You were meant to live longer'

This voice was one of a female; it was more sultry, but these voices annoyed me.

'Your death was an accident'

"What are you, god or something?" I shouted, and it went quiet.

Two people came out of the mirror right in front of me.

One wore the mask of a goat, while the other wore the mask of a lamb.

"We are not gods but a mere guide to see where you belong." The male voice in the goat mask told me

"So basically, you're trying to figure out whether I belong in heaven or hell?" I asked, smirking to myself.

"Heaven is not where you belong." The female voice with the dog mask said to me

As expected all of my life, nothing good has come to me, so why would I expect the death gods to be nice as well?

"But you don't deserve hell either," the male informed

I am totally confused now. If I can't go to heaven or hell yet, where else can I go?

"You have unfinished business." The female told me

"What?" I was confused.

"You shall go to earth," they said at the same time, and I fell through the bed.

I arrived in a dark bedroom, with only the light coming from outside allowing me to see. This time, the bed was entirely different. I thought that everything that happened before was a mere dream, and I really wasn't dead.

I got out of bed and looked outside the window. I was so high up that jumping down looked fatal. Outside, there seemed to be a bunch of houses next to mine and even a cemetery right across.

I left the room and saw an empty hall in front of me. It was so dark that I was barely able to see what was in front of me. There were countless windows that shed some light, but nothing would be able to light this room. It was dark and quiet.

Why would I want to leave a place so quiet? I went from a place with judge mental eyes to a place where only mine exist.

Even if I died here, would that really be so bad? I was never liked anyway, so really, who would care? I'm truly at peace without them.

I walk to the stairs, and the main door is wide open. This was my chance to leave. I walk down the stairs. I want to create a new life when I leave. Maybe one where I could actually make friends or one where I can see spirit.

As I walked out the door, everything felt so real. My body feels as if it's floating, like I'm not even walking on the ground anymore.


My feet weren't on the ground anymore; I was floating in mid-air. I was really dead. Everything I saw wasn't a dream or a weird nightmare. It was real. So if I'm dead, what do I know? Where do I go now? And how did I float out of the house?

I went back inside the empty house and was back on my two feet.

So I float outside and stand up inside. Or I just don't know how to use my ghost powers.

"Who the hell are you?" A masculine voice came from behind me.

I was frozen in fear. I thought I was a ghost, so no one could see me. Also, is he my kidnapper? Wait, then what kind of powers do I have? I have too many questions I need to answer.

"Oh, wait, your that Ezra guy they were talking about?" The man replied as if it were obvious.

I turned to him with a confused look.

"How do you know my name?" I asked the man

"I'm Antonio, your guide through your journey as a spirit. I won't be here for too long, just for the night," Antonio informed me.

Antonio's face was hidden under a white mask that made his eyes glow white while he was wearing a white suit.

He looked like a knockoff of a superhero. What is happening?

Antonio took me and dragged me to the living room.

"Look, this may be a lot to handle, so let me explain this to you." Antonio made tea out of thin air and gave it to me.

I was hesitant at first but did in fact drink it, and it was amazing.

Basic things to know about me

1. First off, I am dead and, in fact, a ghost.

2. This house is the only place where I have a human form, which means it's the only place I can physically interact with anything.

3. As soon as I leave this house, I will lose the ability to touch anything. I'm in my ghost form.

4. Though I did die at the age of 16, I can still age up.

5. I'm considered a weird ghost just because not too many can do what I can.

6. I have telekinesis, which can only be used in my human form.

7. To try my best not to kill anyone

"Wait, I'm going to become a killer." I asked Antonio, and his mask smiled at me.

"Well, almost everyone gets revenge on their killer and gradually becomes more and more bloodthirsty." Antonio excitedly explained

I couldn't think anymore. Everything was just thrown in my face, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"But of course you are different; every spirit, good or bad, is different, to be honest. For all we both know, you could start your own revenge group, become a god, kill people for your sadistic pleasures, or do whatever the hell you want as a ghost. And that's the best part about being dead." Antonio smiled sinfully at me.

I could be anything I want. I could do anything I wanted. Could I become a god?

"Yes Ezra I know what you're thinking about. Getting revenge on the people who ruined you, or even better, your unknown killer, C'mon, Ezra might as well tell me what you're going to do with all of this power." Antonio became more and more nosey.

I was scared at first learning about the idea of me being a ghost, but over the years I was able to deal with this fact. I even got to see my own funeral. Still, it felt so unreal. But I was able to get through it all and soon deal with it. I had two things I truly wanted to do.

To not kill anyone and to not kill anyone.

Until I saw her again.