
Secret Spirit

A college girl who has supernatural powers loves anything ghost-related. She falls in love with a dangerous spirit whose job it is to kill anyone it encounters. They both deal with consequences relating to life, death, and the fact that one is dead and another is alive.

FoxLover_0615 · Urban
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Chapter 1 - Soon To Be Fiasco

Spirit -

I'll make sure that there's hell to pay.

Everything in life should be set straight. Everything in life should be easy. Everything in life should be normal. Nothing new and nothing old. Nothing trendy, nothing basic, just normal. So how come I'm not normal? I'm a 5'5 black female with dark brown curls, hazel eyes, and one friend. That sounds normal to me. My body is something I would consider a spoon only because I have a butt but no boobs, if you get what I mean. Still, I wouldn't consider my body to be something perky or a bit normal. But what isn't normal is this guy standing in front of me and handing me this letter.

The letter has a heart right in the middle with the words 'To Spirit'. I've never had a guy confess to me before, and the last time I actually liked someone, he died in a car accident the same day I wanted to confess to him. But this random dude who I never knew existed wanted to confess his love to me?

I didn't even dare open it and just pushed the letter to him.

"Do you not feel the same way?" He asked, and I shook my head while backing up slowly away from him.

"I'm sorry," The only sorrowful words that came out of me

"But I constantly see you looking at me during anatomy class, and you even winked at me as well. You gave me roses when I had a free period and even wrote your full name on them." My admirer was angry as he clenched the letter in his hand.

In anatomy class, I was dozing off, and I guess I was facing his direction, but that doesn't explain the roses.

I looked at my best friend, Hayden, who was just laughing while this was happening. I looked at him angrily, which made him shut up. The boy rolled his eyes at Hayden's laughter and walked away. I was so confused with what was going on, but Hayden pointed at a group of guys who looked at me with such a loathsome look on their faces but a joyful one towards the boy. All four of the boys in the group gave my admirer a pat on the back while the one girl rubbed his arm.

I could see the anger in his eyes and the embarrassment in his face as he turned red.

This was one of their pranks again to make a kid embarrassed by making him think I was leading him on in order for me to reject him later. Just to make me seem like the bad guy. I saw people looking at me, and I sat down.

"Why did you have to laugh?" I asked him, covering my face with my hands, and Hayden sighed.

"The guy you rejected sleeps with every single girl he could find, but of course you would know that if you got out of your bedroom," Hayden annoyingly said to me as if it were obvious.

He seemed like a genuinely cute guy; it's not my fault if I couldn't tell.

Those stupid guys were originally our close friends, but we separated only because of a stupid incident that happened back in high school. Ever since then, I've been obsessed with staying away from people as much as possible. I still wish we could be together like we were back then.

"I'm so tired of those assholes. I'm so tired that I've become hungry. Wanna catch a bite at the mall? I'll pay for food." Though his offer was sweet, I just couldn't go.

"I already don't like being around people, which tells you I want to go to a place that's full of people," I said while lying down on the ground.

He turns to me and looks at me sadly.

"Come on, we haven't hung out in a while; it'll be boring without you there." Hayden tries to persuade me to come along, but I won't.

I look around and see what looks like thousands of people outside in the park on campus.

"Don't you think there are more people here than usual?" I asked him, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know; it seems normal to me," he answered.

I got up and decided to leave. I saw the sad expression on his face as I was leaving and kind of felt bad. As I was walking inside the building, I walked through someone. I was fazed by what I not only did but what I saw as well.

I forgot this was normal as well. I could see what others couldn't, and that was ghosts. I've had this weird power ever since I was a kid, which was the cause of this weird fear I have of getting near people. That's why I've always stayed in my room, because I never liked to be around people, not even my own best friend. It got so bad when I was growing up that I couldn't even talk to family members without having a full-blown panic attack. It eventually got better, but I had to get an emotional support cat, and I love her so much.

I love my cat Oreo, and I've found out she can also see ghosts, so at least I'm not the only one in the world with powers like these.

As I walked to my dorm, I saw my roommates Aubrey and Shannon kissing each other, and I immediately walked past them fast. They've been together since high school and were lucky enough to become roommates now.

The entire dorm is surrounded by ghost-repenting stuff just so they don't invade our privacy. You don't know how many times this has happened since I entered Hayden's dorm. I also wear a cross necklace just so an evil spirit won't haunt me, which I can only assume has worked.

They always, for some reason, won't leave me alone. Either they're trying to take me somewhere, or we are vandalizing and getting caught. I don't want to be around them, but I can't run away from them because they will keep asking.

"Spirit, do you want to come with us to visit a haunted mansion?" Aubrey asked

"No." I answered and tried to speed-walk away from them.

Aubrey jumped off the couch and ran to me.

"We won't get in trouble. My cousin checked, and there's no camera and nobody lives there. We won't get in trouble," Aubrey persuaded

Aubrey is the type of person you'd call privileged. She would always get whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She has a rich girlfriend, popularity, good grades, and knows everybody everywhere. She could never get arrested for whatever she does just because she knows people. And if she doesn't know them, her family does.

Aubrey's family isn't rich, but they aren't poor; they're middle-class idiots who also know everyone. How do I know that? Because my BFF knows how to get information out of anyone.

"Wait, it's an actual house? I'm definitely not going." I walked to the door of my dorm.

"Not just that, but we are having a party in the mansion. Also, guess what? It's a Halloween party, so you're going to need an outfit to wear." Shannon informed me.

Shannon was a party girl and knew everything needed to have a good party. She hosted all types of raves. They are usually in abandoned houses or just abandoned train stations, and they are always the best. I've attended one of those, which resulted in me getting sick and some guy harassing me. Shannon got in trouble once with the cops, but Aubrey was able to persuade them to not get us arrested, but everyone else got arrested instead.

Aubrey needs Shannon for money, and Shannon needs Aubrey for the number of acquaintances she has.

"Hayden almost got arrested because he attended that stupid party, and I could've been raped if he wasn't there," I argued.

"Look, you were wearing revealing clothes. I'll give you something not so bad," Shannon countered.

I was quiet and stayed quiet. I was pissed off by the fact that I was being forced to do something I didn't want to do. Oreo exited my bedroom and hissed at them.

"You're the one with social anxiety; we want to help. You never talk to us or your so-called BFF. You're always stuck in your room, hiding under the covers. We want to be your friends and help you. Aubrey was sincere with her words, but I didn't want to be her or Shannon's friend.

I was happy with the way my life was going. I didn't want to be friends with them. I have two friends, Hayden and Oreo, and one of them knows me better than the other.

I took Oreo inside without saying a word to them. I sat on my bed, and I could just feel Aubrey's eyes glaring at me through the door. Why would she want to be friends with me? She feels sorry for me—sorry that I'm not like her or even better. Whenever something doesn't go her way, it's never her fault.

So she wants me to feel bad about not being her friend. There's no reason I should be friends with privileged dumbasses anyway. She looks like Marlon Wayne turned into that Tiffany girl in White Chicks, and Shannon literally looks like she got her lace fronts from Dollar Tree. Which would explain the random crumbs on the top of her head?

Okay, I know my comebacks are ass and maybe make sense, but when the majority of your life is spent contemplating whether or not people are judging you, you are going to be thinking about the best ways to talk shit about a person.

So yes, I have an excuse.

But that doesn't justify the fact that I'm just tired of them, and maybe they need a little taste of their own medicine for trying to meddle.

You know what I'll prove to them: that I am happy the way I am. I'll go to the party and have the time of my life, making friends. Even better yet, I'll get them both in trouble. My dad is some kind of special cop and can deal with an illegal party such as this one.

I'll make sure that there's hell to pay. Some way.