

I like to think I lived a pretty fulfilling life. I had friends, a girlfriend with the beautiful name of Riley. Just living my life as a teenage boy should. That was until that fateful day, I was walking with my friends back from getting food after playing football all day. after walking for a while I realized that I left my phone back at the field. I told them to go ahead and gave them my key. I slowly walked back to the field, just enjoying the nighttime. The cool yet warm breeze brushing through my hair while walking across the field I remembered running down the field catching the dime I was sent and making that game winning touchdown, once I crossed the field I grabbed my phone from the bench and started to head back.

While walking, I heard a scream that sounded to come from a girl I knew and love. After running to find out why she was screaming, I saw her surrounded by ten thugs with her back against the wall. I was confident I could take a couple out as I've been in martial arts for years. I slowly creep up behind them with a pipe that I found. I aimed for the one in the backs neck and after swinging and landing the hit I swung for the back of his knee for reassurance.

Then within the next second, while they were still turning, I quickly moved onto the next and hit him in the face, making him bend over then proceeded to knee him in the face. By this time they were all looking at me two guys down eight left as they started telling me I shouldn't have done that and pulling out their weapons. Some had switchblades, others had guns. I knew I didn't stand a chance since they were looking at me so I told her to run but she just stood there and laughed. I was so confused and by the time it clicked to me, I had already been hit in my solar plexus. I lost all the air I had in me.

While bending over, they grabbed my hair, spit in my face, while laughing, hitting, and ridiculing me. Once they heard the police sirens, they knew they had to go but since I saw their faces and knew I was gonna tell the police what happened, they decided to kill me to make sure they were safe. They slit my throat and as I laid there bleeding out, I realized I was a fool. Why was she smiling when I saw them surround her? Why because she wanted them to surround her. She never loved me. She used me for my money and my looks. I thought I had been a decent human being I always helped my friends didn't get into many fights. I don't deserve this.