
Second daughter of Edwin Vancleef [Up for Adoption]

I'm just doing this for fun... It's an idea I have had for a while... I started playing WoW Classic recently and wanted to write WoW fanfic... I will be writing all the way to legion from retail but after it will be the void dimensions arc... There are some items only retail WoW that I need for my story... Though I promise to try and make it interesting and screw with the original story... I plan to save Varian from Gul'Dan... Man, I was angry when one of my favorite characters died like that... Why did Blizz gotta do that to Varian he is like an icon to the alliance... Names places and other things belong to their creators. WoW doesn't belong to me I'm just writing for fun.

Crimson1997 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs

Reincarnation, 9 year time skip, Speech to the young Anduin and Nyx

"I'm sorry to say that you're dead... My kid was playing with his Truck toy and made a bit of a mess out of you..." The Goddess says.

"Right... That explains so much... So what now? Heaven or Hell?" The soul narrows her eyes at the goddess.

"Nah I'm resurrecting you you get some wishes within reason of course..." The goddess looks at her paper and sees an obscene amount of positive karma as this young soul was one of the earth's most renowned doctors and was the first to find a cure for Alzheimer's.

"I want to have a system that revolves around Skyrim Crafting and a reward system that gives me Skyrim metals and Materials... I want to be a high human so I can live forever and never age... My physical abilities must be immense... I don't care which universe you send me to but I'd prefer something fantasy-like... I want memories from modern-day earth but I want to forget myself as Selene... A fresh start with no memories of my childhood to present only things like anime and everyday stuff including my knowledge of gun-making... That is all and thank you..." Selene closed her eyes.

"Got it... Well, have a nice eternity or whatevs --------------- NEXT!" The Goddess waves her off.

"WAHHH WAHHH!" The newly born baby now named Morrigan Vancleef the eldest of the twins was born sickly... Whether she survives past five years old is up to fate... Most babies that are born as Mage-Slayers are Stillborn and if not then most of them hardly live past five years of age. Those who do survive become extremely powerful.

'Who am I? And why are they speaking a Language I don't understand? Ugh!? What are these memories!?' The baby kept crying until her weak body stopped a common sign for babies born with her condition.

Months later...

'Being a baby is incredibly dull... Not only that but my mother and father have totally given up on me... They have asked their fastest runner to deliver me to the stormwind orphanage... I've gotten a basic level of understanding of the language... I also seem to have been born in the warcraft universe years before murder hobos start going around finding treasures and doing so-called quests... My parent's words I think were... We can't get attached to a child doomed to die...

How are they not attached to me from the moment I was born no even before that they should have loved me! Man, this world works a lot differently than my last one... If a child is doomed to die so to speak they are sent to an orphanage so they can die there...' Morrigan's thoughts were cut off as she was placed in a basket at the doorstep of the Stormwind City Orphanage... She willingly cries loudly to make her presence known.

"Aww poor child... Did your parents abandon you? Well, let's see... Your name is... Morrigan Van- !!!!" The Orphanage matron looks left and right and takes the baby along with the basket to the nearest guard.

"Sir! This child has a rather problematic identity... Can you please inform your commander of the child of Edwin Vancleef's?" The Matron has a serious face.

"By the light! This is not something I can decide on my own! I shall take the child..." The guard runs as fast as possible to the nearest Garrison.

"Commander Sir! This is the newborn child of Edwin Vancleef! I deemed this above my station so I have brought the child to you!" The guard gives the baby to the commander who has an appalled look on her face.

'...This is above my station too...' The Commander glares at the retreating back.

~Sigh~ "Alright then time to go see Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth... This is a terrible night..." The commander arrives in the noble district and knocks on the door of Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth.

"Who is it!?" Jes-Tereth comes out with messy hair and wrinkled clothes with a Dagger in her hand.

"Uh... Ma'am this is the child of Edwin Vancleef... Her name seems to be Morrigan Vancleef... I deemed this above my station and came to you..." The commander has a stiff smile as she repeats what her subordinate said.

"Ugh... Light Damn it... Come in and put the baby on the counter..." Jes-Tereth leads the Guard Commander of the Trade District into her home and makes a cup of tea for the Commander and goes up to her room to get dressed in her uniform as this is destined to be a long night.

"You may take your leave! Alright, let's go meet your maker Morrigan Vancleef... Your dad and his subordinates caused lots of harm to Stormwind City... Your fate is up to King Varian..." Jes-Tereth walks toward Stormwind Keep.

'Fuck you! I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you making it sound like I was the one that killed Varian's wife!?' Morrigan starts protesting but it only came out as a baby crying.

"King Varian I come with a troublesome newborn child... It's the child of Edwin Vancleef... I think he abandoned Morrigan because she could awaken as a mage-slayer... Not sure if she will survive but if she does she will be a powerful asset..." Jes-Tereth gently lays the basket with the sleeping Morrigan on the command table.

All of the commanders and generals and Varian look strangely at the peacefully sleeping baby. Varian clenched his fist before powerlessly unclenching them...

"The child isn't responsible for her father's sins... What should I do with you?" Varian holds the baby in his arms and instantly feels a connection. Morrigan wakes up and gives a sunny smile with giggles as she grasps Varian's finger. His heart melts at her cuteness and starts acting out like the doting father doing peek-a-boo and other things.

'Wait why am I acting like a real baby? And why am I enjoying this?' Morrigan gives baby giggles and snuggles in Varian's arms falling asleep again.

"I'm going to adopt her... She shall henceforth be known as Morrigan Wrynn... Grand Admiral has Jaina Proudmoore come to my city... I need to ask if there is something we can do to make certain my new daughter can live past five years old." All the alliance high-ups cheer at finally having a princess and afterward, Varian asks Jes-Tereth to go find Jaina.

9 years later a person that looks like she is 16 is sparring with her father. Due to her genetics of both human and high elf, she gained an adult body at an uncanny rate, and her abilities as a Mage-Slayer also aided in her uncanny growth.

"Alright, I have peace of mind if you join the SI:7... The reason why I went so hard on you is that working in the SI:7 isn't child's play... I needed to know that you could handle yourself in any situation..." Varian speaks to his daughter who is gasping for breath.

"You make it sound like I'm going off to a battlefield... Besides, I will be using my Sniper Rifle from very far away to kill my targets even Amber Kearnen said I'm a better shot than her!... Also, my stealth abilities were praised by the Hand... Sir Mathias himself said he couldn't detect me until I struck him... My abilities as a Mage-Slayer such as [Conceal] [Muffle] and [Hide Bloodlust] allowed me to stab each of the fingers without them knowing what happened! I'm having a hard time understanding why you need to test me, Father!" Morrigan puffs her cheeks out cutely.

"Is it wrong for me to want to know if my daughter can hold her own if she were to be discovered? I love you dearly Morrigan... I was testing to see if you could handle yourself against the warriors of the Horde were you to be discovered by people like Thrall or Saurfang... While you aren't a warrior I at least now know you can hold your own against one and even escape if necessary..." Varian smirks.

"... Your right Father... It wouldn't be surprising if someone like Thrall or Saurfang could find me... However, it would be extremely difficult for them to sense me... But it's not impossible... I suppose I was getting Arrogant since everyone in the SI:7 kept calling me a prodigy... You have opened my eyes..." Morrigan nods.

"Father! When can I hold a sword?" Anduin has an excited face.

Morrigan and Varian share a look as both lift an eyebrow obviously communicating without speaking. Varian himself has no issue if Morrigan were to hold a sword and join an organization like SI:7 due to her natural talents as a Mage-Slayer... Being a Mage-Slayer already puts her in a league of her own and she can hold off Varian and meet him in combat despite not being a Warrior... However, Varian knows Anduin could never be a frontline fighter he just doesn't have the talent for it, and even if he makes up for it with hard work he could never be like Varian or Morrigan.

"No... Swordsmanship is beyond your reach... Stick to being a priest... You don't seem very convinced... Those will talent possess it from the outset take father for an example... Can you catch up to where he is on effort alone? I'm not saying give up... Just know your own limitations... hah... Foolish utterly foolish... Those who run after the unobtainable are certain to ruin themselves and that isn't what Dad or I want for you..." Morrigan who was an anime fan in her last life deems Evileye's speech as important and it works for this particular situation...

"I'm aware of that... But I can still fight!" Anduin who is only 12 years old this year desperately wants to be just like his little sister and father... An impressionable youth.

"You're bound for an early grave with that form of thinking... Think of the people who will weep for you should you continue... I and Dad don't want to see you come home in a casket! You are not suited for the front lines! Just be a healer..." Morrigan walks away. Varian has a look of approval when gazing at Morrigan's retreating back.

Morrigan has introduced a new style of clothes to Stormwind and she dresses up in modern-day clothes she puts energy bars in her backpack along with ten magazines for her sniper rifle she sheathes her Sword that looks like Excalibur Morgan on her side. {Img}

Morrigan walks out of the castle and heads to the SI:7 headquarters which is so much bigger than the game portrayed and it even goes deep underground. As she arrives all of the assassins of SI:7 kneel to her.

"No need for kneeling... When I'm here I'm just another Agent... Ugh... You may Rise!" Morrigan sees that they aren't listening to her so she just goes with the flow and says you may rise.


"So Sir Mathias got anything for me to do? I'm super bored these days..." Morrigan sits down and puts her feet up on the table and starts sucking a lollipop. The high-ups of the SI:7 known as the Hand give a wry smile at her acting like a thug. Only thugs put their feet on tables and she even goes so far to go as act as a gangster sometimes.

"As a matter of fact, I do... We are going to send some operatives to kill Edwin Vancleef... Your biological father... I thought you would hesitate when killing the man... But the excitement on your face paints a different picture..." Mathias gives a strained smile.

"I got a bullet with his name on it... This is my Hand Canon... [Ace of Spades] I carved his name on this bullet... It has Essence of Murasame coated on it... I will be glad to kill the man who abandoned me! I've been planning on doing so for years now!" Morrigan has a crazy smirk on her face. {Img}

"Commander! I order you to kill Edwin Vancleef without Mercy! Now get going!" Mathias calls Morrigan by her military rank instead of saying, Princess which shows just how serious this OP is.

"Sir Yes Sir!" Morrigan salutes and moves swiftly as the wind is already gone from the SI:7 headquarters and is heading toward her mount... It's a Black Drake of the purest black and the name that Morrigan gave her is Nyx! Morrigan has been taking care of Nyx ever since she was just an egg.

Nyx has human-level intelligence and so they treat each other as sisters instead of mom and daughter ever since Morrigan said she is too young to be a mother so they are sisters with an age gap of five years. Nyx has a human form but she looks like a five-year-old child so Nyx dislikes it and is waiting until she has an adult body for her human form which is why she is currently sleeping on a giant roost on top of Stormwind Keep.

I'm only posting this chapter to get your guy's thoughts on if it is much better than the previous dumpster fire I wrote... This will be the first and last time a time skip happens... I have zero experience in writing childhoods so I did a time skip.

So how did I do compared to the previous 26 chapters I deleted?

Also, this is the only chapter I will post for now. You will all have to wait for a while for 20 chapters that will be mass released.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts