
Death in Paradise: Chapter 12

Jack woke up, got some coffee, and set off to the gate. Jack and Sam discussed where he was going to go and they decided that he should go to Haramark since it would be where he would be able to gain strength the fastest.

So Jack arrived at the gate a few minutes later and paid the man who was giving him a carriage ride a few silver coins. Jack felt like it was a scam but he was the only one who would take him to Haramark so he reluctantly accepted the day before. They soon set off towards Haramark, the place that Jack would affect greatly in the future.

Halfway into the ride a group of people stepped into the road in the way of the carriage.

Bandit "Stop and everyone get out!"

Jack heard that and turned to look at the group. There were 6 people in total in front of the carriage. Jack looked towards the man driving the carriage, and he had a scared look on his face.

Jack "Hey, turn around and keep your eyes closed."

The man soon looked between Jack and the bandits but soon turned around with his eyes closed.

Jack then called out his soldiers after getting out of the carriage. A giant purple shadow soon lomed behind Jack. There were hundreds of eyes glaring at the group of bandits. They all stood frozen as if they had just seen their death. One of the men passed out while another had a stench coming from down below.

Jack "Kill them."

The shadows then rushed towards the bandits who tried to defend themselves but were quickly overwhelmed by their numbers. Jack then called for one of the guardians who could use fire magic and told him to burn their bodies.

The carriage driver was looking forward with his jaw basically on the floor.

Jack "You saw nothing here."

He just nodded and Jack soon hopped back into the carriage and they continued on their way towards Haramark.


A few hours later Jack walked into Haramark and noticed that the city looked much worse than Scheherazade did. There were no paved roads and there were shady looking people everywhere. Jack shook his head and went to look for a place to stay. He soon happened upon an inn and went inside and booked himself a room for a day.

Jack went to the room and set some of his belongings inside then headed out to look around the town. He noticed a bar that had a large number of customers called Eat, Drink, and Enjoy. He then saw a notice board similar to the Neutral zone in the center of the plaza. Jack figure the best way to level up was to complete these so he looked around to see if there was any tha piqued his interest.

Reconnaissance of the Forest of Denial

A mission issued by Haramark Royal Family

Reward, details of negotiation by mutual agreement

*Sicilia, Cinzina

Jack 'The red haired woman from the neutral zone huh.'

This one piqued his interest since it had her name on it as well as the fact that it was issued by the Haramark royal family.

Jack also saw one about joining a team but Jack did not like working with others since he couldn't trust them very much.

Jack decided to take this request so he asked around for someone who could provide him with some information about the forest of denial. Most everyone that he asked just laughed at him and called him stupid. Jack shook it off and was eventually pointed towards the Bar and was told to ask the Bartender. Jack headed inside and ordered some food then asked some questions about the forest of denial.

The bartender looked at Jack like he was dumb but answered his questions anyway.

Jack learned that when he was in the forest it made it to where he would deny things like himself or other things.

Jack had his shadows to knock him out of his delirium in case that did happen so he felt like he was fine with going in alone. Jack then left and headed into a shop and purchased a bag and around two weeks worth of small food in case he was there for a longer duration of time. He also purchased a paper and some pencils so that he could make a map so that he wouldn't get lost inside. Jack then headed back to his room to rest before he set off towards the Forest of Denial.


Jack woke up early and made a coffee and set off towards the forest.

Jack was walking towards the locations and on his way he ran into a few monsters that he and his shadows dispatched quickly. It took him around four days to arrive since he was on foot.

Jack learned that the forest was bordering the edge of the parasites territory so to be safe if he did see any he should run. Jack was not going to run away though as the best way to grow is by putting your life on the line.

Jack soon arrived on top of a hill bordered by a vast forest.

Jack 'Let's head inside then'

The moment Jack walked inside he felt a weird surge of mana rushing towards him. The mana did not affect him though and he continued on his way marking landmarks on his map for later.


Jack continued to explore the forest and he encountered a few monsters that were a little too strong for him to face, like the lion-like monsters that he saw, so he simply climbed up the trees and ignored them. He also went to the parasites broder because he was curious what it would look like.

It took him the better part of 2 days to arrive there as well.

But when he was there he heard a gunshot-like sound and Samson popped out of his shadow to quickly block the projectile hurtling towards him. He hadn't even known where it came from but thanked Samson silently and called his other shadows to find what had attacked him. They soon found it and killed it, bringing its body to him. Jack inspected it and wondered what had created these things.

Jack 'Well seems like a tenacious bunch of enemies if you ask me.'

He thought that the parasites were like him since they were able to make more soldiers out of the dead but they had a flaw that his army didn't: it was that they couldn't die. Jack soon heard the buzzing of wings and saw a massive group of over sized roaches flying towards him.

He was disgusted by it and he engaged them in combat quickly. They finished them off quickly but Jack didn't make them into his shadows but simply burned their bodies since they were much too gross.

Jack then retreated since he heard more parasites heading towards where he was.

After leaving from the parasites border he was only a couple hours walk away from exiting the forest when he heard a lion's roar. He assumed it was the Lion monsters he saw from a few days ago.

Jack hurried towards the sound and found a group of people engaged in combat with the lions. Someone called them lioners which in his opinion was quite a dumb name but he shrugged it off.

Jack then hopped down from the tree branch he was on and told his shadows to surround them. Soon enough an army of shadows was surrounding the group of lioners and charging towards them.

Samson took the agro of the largest one while Bellivir and Hook assisted two people about to get hit and moved to kill more.

The whole ordeal was finished within 5 minutes thanks to Jack's help.

Jack then walked towards the group.

Jack "Hello, how are you all?"

Jack saw there were roughly 9 to 10 people in the group he assumed they were on an expedition.

Ian "Hello my name is Ian, and thank you for assisting us."

Jack nodded towards the old man.

Most of the group was looking towards him warily since they had witnessed the shadows killing the lioners like they were nothing.

Jack "Do not worry I am not here to kill you. I am curious where you are headed though."

Blonde man "I am Samuel, and I do not wish to give out that information."

Jack shook his head at his response. Human greed never changes.

Jack "Well be on your way then good luck."

Jack then backed off but continued following them from a distance away.

Jack noticed one man that seemed to have a keen eye and he had a crossbow so he decided it was best to stay further away to avoid his eyes that seemed like a hawk.


At the group they were talking about what had just happened.

Ian "Whatever that young man did to summon those things was quite interesting."

Dylan "Yes, but he is very dangerous."

Seol was thinking about the man since he had seen him in the neutral zone.

Seol "He was in my group in the neutral zone I'm pretty sure."

Everyone there just looked at him and chuckled.

Cho Hong "There's no way that is possible."

Hugo "Yeah he seemed way too strong to be a level one. Even stronger than you."

Seol "But I remember his face, and I am pretty sure his name was Jack something as well."

Dylan told everyone to stop arguing as they had found the entrance to the tomb they were looking for.


Jack saw a few of them enter a cave and the rest were waiting outside. Jack felt the presence of death inside the tomb and walked up towards the group.

Jack "Hey you should get your friends out of there."

They all jumped and grabbed their weapons but noticed it was the man who had saved them earlier.

Cho Hong "And why should I trust you?"

Jack "Because your friends are most likely going to die in a few minutes."

Cho hong "As if they are strong they won't"

Jack shook his head and looked towards Seol who nodded at him.

Seol then took out a fountain pen and paper and set it on the ground.

Words popped up on it and he showed it to the woman in armor who rushed inside quickly.

Soon enough Jack felt a large malevolence coming from the cave but it was similar to what the feeling to what his shadows gave off.

The group was running towards him when one of them got grabbed by something behind the doors. They were dragged back but crawled back out with their eye sockets empty. Suddenly a dark claw reached out and killed the person. Everyone was wearing a ghastly expression when another person was picked up and he killed Samuel afterward he was finished off by the ghost. Alex's neck was twisted by it after the one who killed Samuel was killed.

Seol then ran to grab all the belongings and suddenly everything vanished and the doors were slammed shut. They all heaved a sigh of relief and Ian ran up to Seol asking if he was ok.

Seol showed them earrings and the cross that was on the ghosts tomb and they were shocked. Afterwards they headed back out and walked past Jack as if ignoring him completely. Dylan gave him a glance but shook his head afterwards.

Jack then walked up to the doors and pushed them open. The ghost was enraged and went to kill him but suddenly stopped. It looked like it was shivering just because of his mere presence.

Jack "Hello there."

The ghost nodded and retreated to its tomb only peeking at him.

Jack "Quite the place you got here I have to say."

Ghost "Yes but it is also a sad place."

Jack "Well whatever I am leaving now."

Jack then left and shut the doors behind him leaving the ghost to her own thoughts.


The ghost shivered remembering the hundreds if not thousands of eyes staring at her from the man's shadow.

Ghost 'What was that?'


Jack returned to where the group was sitting and noticed all of them recovering.

Jack "Should you all be resting like that?"

They all turned their heads glaring at him.

Dylan "You are correct. Might I ask what your name is?"

Jack "Jack. Anyway, can I head back to Haramark with you all?"

Dylan "I do not mind. But..."

Dylan turned around and the group looked at him as if he was crazy. Dylan chuckled and nodded towards Jack.

They then rested for a few minutes as the mana was not able to get to where they were. They then headed out of the forest where Ian got a call on a communication crystal.

Ian "We have lost contact with Arden fortress."

Dylan "That means…"

Ian "Yes, the Parasites have invaded."

2172 words today. I will be keeping the word cout between 1600 and 2000 from now on as well. I feel like I rushed this one kinda too so let me know if it is ok or not. As always Let me know if there is anything you would like me to change or fix, and Enjoy!

TAKENcreators' thoughts