
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

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12 Chs

9. Meeting the Rival

The next morning had come. The sunlight had again broken into Sumico's bedroom through some glass windows. Sumico subsequently opened her eyes. She stretched her body here and there before getting down from her bed.

Sumico looked at the clock in her bedroom. It'd already been seven o'clock. She still got one more hour to get herself ready, to have breakfast and to go to Huangwira Enterprise office building. Recollecting about what had just occurred to her yesterday, honestly, Sumico really lost her motivation, encouragement and mood to work in Huangwira Enterprise anymore.

Sighing in her long breath, Sumico decided to go to the office again today. She'd deeply consider and mull over her next steps again later on.

Forty five minutes later, Sumico had got ready to go to the office where she worked. Sometimes, Sumico was driven to the office by Pete Jupiter Huangwira with his car. Sometimes, Sumico rode her own motorcycle. Some other times, Sumico would take a taxi. Today, Sumico was seen going to the office by a taxi.

Sumico arrived at Huangwira Enterprise office building at five minutes to eight. She got off the taxi and entered the office building. Alas, really bad luck for her, at the lobby she bumped into her sister, of course holding hands with her boyfriend. Pete Jupiter and Wenny Kammal arrived first and they'd got into the office building several minutes before Sumico arrived. So, right now, both of them were seen walking in front of Sumico and they couldn't notice Sumico who'd been paying attention at them from their behind.

Wenny Kammal tried to release her hand which was still gripped by her sister's future husband's hand. While laughing coyly, Wenny Kammal was occasionally seen pushing and pushing away Pete Jupiter's body which became closer and closer to her body. Once she turned her head backwards in order to check whether there were people noticing their romantic as well as intimate actions in the office, she spotted Sumico standing not too far behind her and Pete Jupiter Huangwira.

Wenny Kammal was extraordinarily astonished. She really didn't expect her younger sister to arrive so early at the office. She hurriedly pulled her hand away from Pete Jupiter's gripping. Pete Jupiter frowned his forehead for a while. He followed Wenny Kammal's eyes direction. He was also considerably startled spotting Sumico Kammal standing not too far behind him and Wenny Kammal.

"Su… Su… Sumico… So early… Usually you go to work at 8.15 the earliest…" Wenny Kammal tried to neutralize her shock as well as astonishment.

"Yeah… I come earlier today because there are some parts of my cooperation contract which I haven't finished. Why can you be here, Sister Wenny? You should have been in The Persephone Hotel behind here, shouldn't you?" quipped Sumico smiling meaningfully and knowingly.

"I was having my breakfast when I bumped into your Brother Pete in the stall selling noodles. He offered to send me to my working place because The Persephone Hotel and Huangwira Enterprise are quite close to each other," replied Wenny Kammal with her slightly trembling voice tune.

"Oh, I see…" answered Sumico briefly. She nodded her head continuously for quite a couple of seconds.

"Darling… You come earlier today…" Compared with Wenny Kammal, Pete Jupiter could act out his role much better. He took his broad steps to approach Sumico.

Sumico didn't show her angry or furious or disappointed facial expression. She tried her best and her hardest to smile as naturally as possible. She didn't push Pete Jupiter away either once that man seized her into his disgusting hug. Sumico merely froze at her position. She didn't lift up her hand to even respond to that disgusting hug.

Sumico secretly turned round her eyes lazily. She used to enjoy being inside this hug. Right now, when she realized that even her sister, and perhaps many other women, were also ever caressed, cuddled, licked, sucked and nay squashed inside this hug, Sumico started to feel this hug was dreadfully uncomfortable and nay disgusting.

"I come earlier because there are still some parts which I haven't added to the cooperation contract, Brother Pete." Sumico still froze inside Pete Jupiter's hug.

"Cooperation?" Pete Jupiter released his hug for a little while, frowning his forehead while staring intensely at his girlfriend as well as his future wife. He stared at Sumico like that also in order to scrutinize what actually Sumico was thinking about at this moment. He also wanted to know whether or not Sumico had seen further his romantic as well as intimate actions together with Sumico's elder sister a few moments before.

"Yeah, cooperation contract… We've got an appointment to have a long-term cooperation with The Persephone Hotel behind this Huangwira Enterprise office building, Brother Pete. Remember?" Sumico tried to smile as naturally as possible.

Pete Jupiter required quite a couple of seconds to finally remember what was being talked by Sumico.

"Oh, I see… I see… The Persephone Hotel, where your elder sister is working…"

"Yeah, it's Sister Wenny who's recommended our enterprise to The Persephone Hotel. Thanks to Sister Wenny, The Persephone Hotel has now purchased a lot and a lot of stationery sets from Huangwira Enterprise." Sumico still showed her gentle, professional and elegant smile.

"Yeah… Yeah… You're right, Sumico… That's why I'm deeply grateful to this sister of yours. The Persephone Hotel is a big and important customer. The requirements and procedures to be passed in order to be one of their suppliers are immensely complicated and difficult. That's why I'd like to say, thanks very much, Wenny…" Pete Jupiter turned to Wenny Kammal and showed his coolly professional smile.

"That's okay… That's fine, Pete… You're welcome… I work in The Persephone Hotel. My recommendation about this Huangwira Enterprise to The Persephone Hotel was merely trial and error at that time. Thank goodness it can be accepted. I'm also overjoyed…" said Wenny Kammal, smiling rather stiffly, not really naturally.

"Yeah, more or less, this cooperation can occur due to your recommendation. Should we have free time later on, perhaps Sumico and I will treat you to delicious dinner. You don't mind, do you, Sumico Baby?" asked Pete Jupiter to Sumico at this moment.

Seeing her elder sister's not really natural smile, Sumico thought of a kind of naughty idea to taunt and to tease her elder sister. Since her elder sister was still in front of her, Sumico would utilize that golden chance as properly as possible.

"You must treat me first, Brother Pete… Because of me, you can then know my Sister Wenny, who's now working in The Persephone Hotel. Then, my Sister Wenny can recommend this Huangwira Enterprise to The Persephone Hotel behind there. Isn't it? It all starts from me, doesn't it?" said Sumico deliberately showing her pampered behavior towards Pete Jupiter Huangwira in front of her Sister Wenny.

"Of course… Of course I'll treat you first, Sumico Baby… My everything for you, Baby…" Involuntarily, even unknowingly to himself, Pete Jupiter lifted up his hand to caress his Sumico Baby's head and long hair.

"Really? Everything for me…? Even if I ask you to buy me the newest editions of handbags, shoes, clothes and nay cars, you'll give all of those to me?" quipped Sumico slightly squinting her eyes, with her bit taunting smirk.

Pete Jupiter burst out in his exhilarated but also arrogant laughter at the same time.

"Only those, Sumico Baby…? You've underestimated me too far, Baby… All of those aren't big deals for me… They're solely a piece of cake… I'll send all of those to your house later on, Sumico Baby…"

"Wow… Thanks… Thanks very much, Brother Pete… You're indeed the best for me…" Sumico deliberately hugged Pete Jupiter and landed her quick kiss on his cheek.

Having seen that, the flames of jealousy and furiousness started to burn the quay of Wenny Kammal's mind, feeling as well as perception.

"I'm indeed the best for you… I always love you and adore you, Sumico Baby… I'll be there for you…" Pete Jupiter continued to caress and fondle Sumico's head and long hair. He'd gradually forgotten about Wenny Kammal which was still there.

"If that's the case, I think I'll reconsider and reconsider to give… to give… to give…" Sumico smiled coyly in front of Pete Jupiter.

"To give me what, Sumico Baby?" Pete Jupiter reasonably raised up his eyebrows due to his curiosity.

"To give my all and my everything for you sooner, Brother Pete…" Sumico intentionally whispered that phrase loudly at Pete Jupiter's ear.

"Really, Sumico Baby? Seriously, Sumico Baby? You don't want to wait until the first night of our marriage anymore, Sumico Baby? Do you? Are you really serious?" asked Pete Jupiter more vigorously, more enthusiastically, with his more beaming eyes. Involuntarily again, he seized his Sumico Baby back into his embrace.

Sumico didn't nod or shake her head. She simply showed her knowing, mysterious and inexplicable smirk in front of Wenny Kammal and Pete Jupiter. Having heard that, Wenny Kammal could solely secretly harden her lower jaw.

"But, I still need more time for my consideration, Brother Pete…" Sumico was seen caressing and cuddling Pete Jupiter's nose right in front of Wenny Kammal.