
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

ATua · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

4. First Meeting with Pete Jupiter Huangwira (part 2)

"Of… Of… Of course you may…" stuttered Sumico. She moved her bowl of meatballs and glass of ice lemon tea to the right part of the dining table.

The senior high school boy sat at the chair beside Sumico. He was seen ordering a bowl of beef noodles and a glass of ice lemon tea as well.

"Sorry for disturbing your meal in the middle like this… I've been searching and searching but I can't find any empty space…"

"That's okay…" said Sumico. She simply continued finishing her meal.

Sumico occasionally glimpsed the senior high school boy right beside her. He looked quite handsome, quite tall, with his fractionally skinny body. However, his hair was rather untidy and his uniform shirt was a bit messy. Perhaps, he'd just finished his PE lesson and he didn't have enough time to tidy up his hair and his uniform shirt.

"Why? Is there something wrong with me?" asked the senior high boy out of a sudden, having noticed that Sumico glimpsed at him occasionally.

Sumico quickly turned her eyes away. She was pretty embarrassed being caught having been glimpsing at the senior high school boy sitting beside her.

"No… Nothing…" answered Sumico quickly.

"But I think you kept on glimpsing me occasionally a moment before. Sorry… Please do correct me if I'm wrong…" said the senior high school boy, still smiling gently and courteously.

Because she'd been caught with her hands in the cookie jar having been glimpsing at the boy beside her, Sumico didn't have any other better choices besides giving a satisfying and logical confession.

"Sorry… It was my bad… Actually, I solely thought why your hair and your uniform were a little bit messy and untidy, Elder Brother…"

Having heard that, the senior high school boy was seen grinning widely and exuberantly.

"I've just had PE lesson. Because my stomach was really hungry already, I didn't have enough time to tidy up my hair as well as my uniform shirt."

"Oh, I see…" Sumico kept on nodding and nodding her head. It was just the same with what she thought previously.

"Anyway… Although my hair and my uniform are fairly untidy, I'm still good-looking, aren't I?" The senior high school boy was seen smiling naughtily.

"Hah?" Sumico was reasonably startled.

"No… Just kidding…" The senior high school boy grinned broadly.

Sumico was merely heard slightly laughing. She was subsequently seen continuing her meal.

"I didn't know that you're such a confident boy, Elder Brother…" Sumico felt that she could already dissolve herself into the senior high school boy's jokes.

"Of course we ought to be more confident about ourselves. Isn't it? If we don't praise ourselves, if we aren't confident about ourselves, who else is going to do that for us? Am I right?"

"Just reckon that you're right, Elder Brother. It sounds that I have to learn from you more about confidence."

"You can learn from me at any time. I have a lot of time to teach you. By the way again, my name's Pete Jupiter Huangwira. You can simply call me Pete. How about you? What's your name?"

Out of a sudden, the senior high school boy beside Sumico stretched out his hand. Sumico was fairly startled at first, but later on Sumico also stretched out her hand to shake hands with Pete Jupiter Huangwira.

"I'm Sumico Kammal Lowie… You can simply call me Sumico…" uttered Sumico.

"Nice to meet you, Sumico… So, we can be called friends already, can't we?" muttered Pete Jupiter showing his nice, charming and attractive smile.

"Yeah… Yeah… Of course we're friends…" stuttered Sumico.

Sumico was pretty uneasy and restless. This was her first time chit-chatting with a boy so closely and from the so close distance.

However, unknowingly even to Sumico herself, the next conversations cut the distance between both of them shorter and shorter. The next conversations made the two students closer and closer.

"What class are you, Sumico?" asked Pete Jupiter.

"I'm still in the sixth grade of primary school, Brother Pete… How about you, Brother Pete?" mumbled Sumico.

"As you can see… I'm in the senior high school – the first year…" continued Pete Jupiter.

"Oh, so you're in the same grade with my elder sister, aren't you?" asked Sumico a bit more inquisitively.

"What's your sister's name?" Pete Jupiter asked her back.

"Wenny… Wenny Kammal Lowie…"

"Same grade, but different class, Sumico. She's in the class next door. However, she's my treasurer in the students' council of senior high school." Pete Jupiter gave an eloquent answer.

"Oh, you mean you're the… the… the…" Sumico intentionally let Pete Jupiter explain himself.

"Yeah, for this period of year, I'm the president of the senior high school students' council…"

"Wow… Amazing… You must be a really capable and intelligent student, Brother Pete…" muttered Sumico in her slight amazement.

"Not really… Even though everyone says so, I still reckon that I myself still have to learn a lot…" Pete Jupiter cackled jovially this time.

"Hehehe… Again, you're still a very confident person, Brother Pete…" Sumico was heard chuckling exultantly this time.

"And you're also a very gentle and pretty girl I've ever met…" Out of a sudden, Pete Jupiter's soft and shady voice tune was audible.

"You must be kidding… I'm just an ordinary girl without anything I can take a pride in." Even though she'd been intensely nervous, Sumico tried to laugh as naturally as possible.

"I hear that you've won quite a lot of linguistics competitions, Sumico. I hear that you're very keen on English, Mandarin, Indonesian and nay Japanese. Is that right?" Pete Jupiter carried on shooting his bullets of praises.

"Hah…? How can you know all of that, Brother Pete?" Sumico bulged her eyes reasonably bigger.

"When you mentioned your name is Sumico Kammal Lowie, I've known it directly. But, you knew nothing about me when I mentioned my name previously. It was such a heart-breaking situation." Pete Jupiter pretended to touch and massage his left chest.

"So… So… Sorry, Brother Pete…" stuttered Sumico with her slight qualms.

"Hehehe… Just kidding… Not a big deal… Don't take it too seriously, Sumico…" Pete Jupiter guffawed exuberantly. He was seen being as happy as Larry.

"How annoying, Brother Pete…" Sumico gently landed her punch on Pete Jupiter's thigh. She was tickled pink.

Pete Jupiter was merely heard cackling exultantly. Having been able to get to know Sumico Kammal Lowie and able to chit-chat with her more closely made him really over the moon.

Unknowingly to both of them, their closeness and slight intimacy was being watched by somebody's pair of cutting as well as stabbing eyes from outside the glass windows of the school canteen.


Eleven years later…

Time passed by really quickly. Within these eleven years, of course Pete Jupiter Huangwira had expressed his love and feeling to Sumico Kammal. They decided to date since five years ago. Both of their parents had also known about their intimacy as well as relationship.

Moreover, Pete Jupiter Huangwira had already asked Sumico Kammal out for their vacations for quite a couple of times. Also for quite a couple of times, Pete Jupiter had tried and tried to gently but manipulatively drag Sumico onto his hot beds, yet so far he still failed and failed. Until this moment, Sumico was still well and perfectly sealed.

Days by days passed unknowingly quickly to everyone, until it reached the day when Pete Jupiter and Sumico Kammal had graduated from their college studies. Pete Jupiter majored for business management because he indeed planned to continue his family enterprise – Huangwira Enterprise, the biggest company producing the most complete, sophisticated, up-to-date, and fabulous stationery sets in Indonesia. It also got some branches in some big countries around Southeast and East Asia.

Meanwhile, Sumico majored for secretarial management and she graduated with her cum laude study achievement. After graduating from her college study, definitely Sumico worked as Pete Jupiter's secretary in Huangwira Enterprise. Working as his secretary, of course the distance between Sumico and her beloved Brother Pete got closer and more intimate from time to time.

"Good morning, Mr. Pete… Here are some reports from some divisions which had been discussed in last Wednesday's meeting among the managers and the heads of the branches." Sumico was seen coming into her beloved Brother Pete's office with some reports in her arms.

"We've agreed to each other, haven't we? When there are solely both of us, you must call me Brother Pete like all these times, Sumico…" quipped Pete Jupiter staring at his beloved secretary slightly sternly.

"Oh, okay, Brother Pete… It was just I was worried somebody would walk in…" replied Sumico quickly, showing her attractive and charming smile.

"Okay… Put those reports on this desk of mine, Sumico…" Pete Jupiter lowered down his voice tune.

Pete Jupiter was now scanning his secretary's quite polite as well as courteous outfits today.

"You're dressing up fairly completely and courteously, Sumi… Aren't you?" commented Pete Jupiter carrying on nodding his head.

"Yes… Yes. Brother Pete… I think I need to cover the important parts of my body…" stuttered Sumico more jumpily as Pete Jupiter started to stand up and approach his beloved secretary.

"Why? Are you worried? Are you scared that I'll attack you again?"