
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

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12 Chs

10. If We Never Try, We'll Never Know

"But, I still need more time for my consideration, Brother Pete…" Sumico was seen caressing and cuddling Pete Jupiter's nose right in front of Wenny Kammal.

"I thought you'd hand in your all, your everything to me right away, Sumico Baby…" muttered Pete Jupiter quite disappointedly. He was seen seizing his Sumico Baby into his hug, absolutely forgetting Wenny Kammal who was still standing silently nearby.

"I hope you can understand me, Brother Pete… That's my most precious and most valuable crown being a woman. I must think ten more times and nay twenty more times before handing it to the correct man. Perhaps, after you've got my all, my everything later on, the situation will turn upside down and you won't buy me anything I want, you won't do anything for me again," uttered Sumico with her slightly pampered behavior inside Pete Jupiter's embrace.

Pete Jupiter simply burst out in his exultance again. "You know that absolutely won't happen, Sumico Baby… From now until forever, you'll always be my number one…"

Pete Jupiter really forgot about Wenny Kammal who was still nearby.

"Therefore, I said I still need some more time for consideration, Brother Pete. My virginity as well as my originality can be my fishing rod at this moment. Once I hand it to you, there's nothing more which I can use to hook more fashionable clothes, handbags, shoes and nay cars, Brother Pete. I want to hook all of those as many as possible before I really hand in that fishing rod to you. Is it okay, Brother Pete?" quipped Sumico occasionally glancing at her elder sister.

Pete Jupiter burst out in his jovialness and cheerfulness again whilst Wenny Kammal's face had turned darker and redder as though a puff of black smoke would have really come out from that face.

"Hahaha… Up to you then, Sumico Baby… One thing I'd like to tell you here for sure… Even after I've attained your everything, you'll still be my number one, Sumico Baby… Everything of mine will still be all for you… I'm not that bad ass, shit, irresponsible man… Okay, Sumico Baby?" Pete Jupiter stuck his nose to his Sumico Baby's nose.

Sumico simply nodded her head coyly. Secretly, she glimpsed at her elder sister, who'd been trying her hardest to repress her anger as well as furiousness inside her darker and redder face.

Wenny Kammal couldn't stand it again. When Sumico had said to hand in all her virginity, purity as well as originality to him, Pete Jupiter completely forgot about her, about their togetherness, about the romantic as well as intimate nights which they'd been spending and sharing together so far.

Wenny Kammal went off furiously from Huangwira Enterprise office building. After her elder sister's shadow had been nowhere to be seen, suddenly, out of the blue, Sumico pushed away Pete Jupiter's body quite harshly.

"Mmm… There's something different in your cologne today, Brother Pete… This isn't like your usual cologne…"

"But… But… But, Sumico Baby… I'm still using the usual scent I use…" stuttered Pete Jupiter because of his own astonishment.

"No… No… Stay away from me, Brother Pete… It's still your usual scent, but a little bit, more or less, I can smell a bit tropical fruits scent. I don't like that kind of scent. I've got headache after smelling it." Sumico had walked several meters away. She obviously knew that her elder sister usually used the perfume with the tropical fruits scent.

"Sumico Baby… Sumico Baby…" Pete Jupiter carried on following Sumico.

"Mmm… It's really unbearably disgusting, Brother Pete… Stay away further from me before you take a bath and clean yourself…" Sumico was seen massaging her temples as well as her forehead.

Sumico got into the elevator without giving any chance for Pete Jupiter to follow her into the elevator. Throwing his hands to the air, Pete Jupiter could solely walk towards another elevator with his quite upset way. Subsequently, he entered that elevator, bringing him upstairs to his personal working office.


Wenny Kammal entered The Persephone Hotel, entered her personal working room with her furiousness, jealousy and anger. She threw her handbag fractionally harshly onto her working desk. Within her slightly breathless condition, she was seen sitting at her seat.

"Shit Sumico! What a shit and rubbish girl she is! She always shows off that Pete Jupiter Huangwira is hers! Nobody can have my Pete Jupiter! Pete Jupiter Huangwira simply belongs to me! I won't give him to anybody else! I won't let him belong to any other girls, even though that girl is my younger sister. I can give anything to Sumico, except this one, except my love, except my Pete Jupiter Huangwira," mumbled Wenny Kammal angrily to herself.

Sniffing quite harshly and in her pretty upset manner, Wenny Kammal decided to start her job that morning. She was going to look at some emails and make their replies.

Typing and typing emails until the middle, Mr. Thomas Felix Onggario was seen standing by the door of Wenny Kammal's personal working office. Mr. Thomas Felix Onggario was the General Manager in The Persephone Hotel, and Wenny Kammal was his secretary.

"Wenny… Have you dealt well with the CEO from Huangwira Enterprise?" asked Mr. Thomas Felix.

"Already, Mr. Thomas… They'll come here to meet up with you at ten o'clock sharp today…" said Wenny Kammal with her professional voice tune.

"Okay then… Actually, they won't be meeting up with me…" said Mr. Thomas Felix scratching his head which wasn't actually itchy. He looked rather nervous and frustrated at the same time.

"So, with who?" Wenny Kammal frowned her forehead for a little while.

"Directly with our CEO, the owner of this hotel, the shareholder with his biggest proportion in this hotel… Mr. Virando Augustin Kuandy…" said Mr. Thomas Felix Onggario.

Wenny Kammal bulged her eyes and mouth. Since her first day working in The Persephone Hotel, she'd heard the name of her CEO for quite a couple of times, but until today she hadn't personally met that CEO of hers.

"Wow… He's come back to Indonesia, to Jakarta, hasn't he?" Wenny Kammal's rhetoric question was audible here.

"Yeah… He's been staying here in Jakarta, in this hotel for almost a week."

"Never have we seen him in this hotel, Mr. Thomas…"

"He doesn't like to show up himself in front of the public if it isn't very necessary, Wenny. But, our Mr. Virando is a really perfectionist man. He doesn't like any blunders. So, I beg you to check and recheck once again all the apparatuses and devices in the meeting room. Don't leave any mistakes please."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Thomas…"

"Please pay attention to any other small details in the meeting room as well, Wenny… Please don't make this as one of Mr. Virando's dissatisfactions towards our working achievements…" said Mr. Thomas Felix with his rather flat facial expression this time.

Wenny Kammal swallowed her saliva into her choked throat.

"Okay, Mr. Thomas… I'll check and recheck all of them together with the staff and the maids… We'll show our best to Mr. Virando…" said Wenny Kammal more nervously this time.

"Great to hear that…" said Mr. Thomas Felix walking away from Wenny Kammal's personal office.

Wenny Kammal decided to finish all her emails first before going on to the next job. Because she got merely a few emails to be replied that morning, it wasn't a big deal for her. She replied all those emails merely in half hour.

Wenny Kammal decided to go to the main café of the hotel. She needed a cup of coffee first before she went on with her next job, to get the meeting room ready for her CEO and for her secret boyfriend from Huangwira Enterprise.

Some gossips and whispering about the CEO of The Persephone Hotel began to be audible among the women and the female employees. Sipping her hot coffee, Wenny Kammal also overheard all those gossips as well as whispering.

"I hear that the real CEO of this hotel is going to show up himself in front of all of us."

"After we've been working here for quite a couple of years, we can meet and see our real CEO."

"For all these times, I think Mr. Thomas Felix Onggario is our boss."

"It turns out that we still have our highest boss again above Mr. Thomas Felix Onggario. He's said to be the biggest shareholder among all the shareholders of this five-star hotel."

"He's believed to be amazingly handsome, perfect and gorgeous. Many women have been dreaming of being inside his warm, cozy, and most desirable hug."

"And the most important thing is that, he's believed to be still single. Hehehe…"

The girls, and most of the female employees were heard chuckling exultantly and exuberantly sharing their funny as well as exciting gossips.

"Don't daydream that one of you can be inside his warm, cozy and intoxicating hug please…"

"If we never try, we'll never know…"