
Sealed Fate: Love Found and Lost

"In my head, I knew this wasn't right, but every other fiber of my being screamed otherwise. Our breaths mingled together as our tongues conversed passionately with each other. Had it not been for Jordan's solid grip on my waist, I wouldn't have been able to hold myself up because of how weak my knees felt. He moved his lips from my lips to the hollow portion on my neck and a moan escaped my mouth. If it was the alcohol or the absolute fatal attraction that I had felt for him since the moment we met, I didn't know. All I knew was that this felt euphoric. It felt right and I wanted to feel like this some more." ____________________________________________________ When Skylar Rose lands a job to write a magazine about the infamous playboy of the business world-- Jordan Parker, there is instant attraction. Jordan is obnoxious, selfish, a certified lothario and just insufferable to sum it up. But with looks like his, who cares, right? Skylar cares. While the very presence of Jordan in a room makes her brain go wild with the hormones, the moment he opens his mouth all of Skylar's energy goes into not slapping that mouth off his pretty face. So when an impromptu dinner date goes wrong in ways no one could ever imagine, Jordan finds himself in a bit of crisis and it seems like Skylar is his only way out. Leaving her no choice but to agree to his cause; Jordan entraps Skylar to form a PACT. One that will give them both what they want. Jordan can finally get his mother and her attempts at getting him married, off his back and Skylar will get the unfiltered details of Jordan's journey into the business world. All she has to do is pretend to be his girlfriend. Skylar agrees, but on one condition: what transpired on his balcony that night can never happen again. Easy enough? But life never goes how it's planned, does it? Feelings. Desires. Lust. All find their way into the crack of their hearts. Burdened with a secret of hers, which she plans to carry to her grave, Skylar can no longer stay. So she vanishes in thin air leaving Jordan nothing but pieces of his broken heart and memories he wishes to now erase. He swears to never let anyone in again. But months later he finds a journal, Skylar's journal, which has the answers to all his questions and so he embarks upon a journey to find Skylar and get the closure that he deserves. Will he find the answers he's looking for? Or will an even unimaginable secret unearth itself in front of him? ----------------- WPC Winner #159 (Bronze Tier) || DAILY UPDATES **SLOW BURN** THIS STORY IS MY ORIGINAL CREATION. THE COVER PHOTO BELONGS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. It is not my original creation.

itslikeametaphor · Thành phố
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128 Chs

First Encounter

I waited outside Jordan Parker's cabin as Alec had asked me to before stepping in himself.

"I'll just inform the boss," he had said.

I sat on a couch in the waiting area, tapping my feet as I watched people walk around the black and white interiors of the office engrossed in work.

I could hear their heels clicking against the marble floor as they crossed from outside the glass doors of the waiting area. Women clad in pantsuits clucked their heels against the floor as they walked to and fro. One of them, a redhead wearing a blue pantsuit, stopped just outside the doors. She appeared to be talking to someone on the phone, a worried look dawned upon her face as she continued the conversation.

I wondered what the matter could have been.

But before I could have gotten more invested in a stranger's facial expressions, my phone buzzed and I zapped my attention to it.

The screen flashed a text from Maddy.

*Go get 'em!* It read.

I smiled to myself and replied. *I'm going, I'm getting.*

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," I heard Alec's voice and quickly discarded my phone into my pocket. "Jordan is ready for you." He smiled warmly and I felt something jump in my stomach.

His smile was so contagious that I didn't realize when I started mirroring it.

Alec didn't look like something out of a movie but he had a certain air of charm around him. He was of a medium built, had tawny hair and a very mundane set of irises; black. But they had vibrant energy about them. His entire being did. He was radiating good vibes and maybe that is why he seemed so warm and welcoming.

I noticed that he smiled using his entire mouth. A big, wide grin. With his teeth showing.

"Okay, Thank you," I replied, composing myself.

I straightened the creases off my black knee-length pencil skirt and adjusted my powder blue blazer. As I grabbed the laptop bag off the floor Alec said, "Don't you fret, he's not going to bite."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

Alec smiled again, "He's pretty serious about his work and doesn't talk much about his private life, as long as you stick to the business side of his story, you'll be fine."

"Business is all I need to know," I muttered.

"Alright then," Alec stepped away from the door and gestured for me to walk in, "Your future awaits."

I tightened my grip on my stuff and stood face-to-face with the two opaque glass doors through which Alec came out.

*Here goes nothing, Sky.* I thought to myself as I inhaled and knocked on the door in front of me.

"Come in," A deep voice said.

Without uttering another word I walked into the cabin and was left speechless at the sight in front of me.

It was magnificent, to say the least.

From the ground floor to the 20th floor, I had been impressed by Jordan Parker's taste at each step. I would be lying if I said I had seen an office cabin like that out of a movie.

Perfection at its best.

For a moment I forgot where I had just entered. I kept moving my head from left to right, up and down as I gawked at the all-glass interiors of the cabin. The marble on the floor was white as fresh snow. Half of my apartment could fit inside this room and still have some space for a small garden out front.

The room shone brightly as the Manhattan sky lit up the inside through the huge glass window panes. You could see the Manhattan skyline from up here. I could only imagine how magnificent it must look at twilight.

I was mesmerized by the tasteful interiors of the room I had just walked in that the reason for which I was here seemed to have dissolved somewhere in my mind.

"Excuse me, Ms. Rose? Are you done ogling at the walls?" My attention was brought back by the same stern voice.

I forced my eyes away from the skyline and onto the source of the voice.

Jordan Parker.

Hair as dark as a starless night, green emeralds for eyes, a sharp long nose, and a jawline that could cut through bone. He was a specimen of raw beauty.

Everyone knew how much of a playboy he was and he had the looks to fit the description.

He stood up from the chair he was seated on and walked towards me looking like a dream in that white shirt, gray blazer, and gray trousers. His tie dangled from the collar of his shirt as he moved.

I met him halfway and extended a hand forward, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Parker." I smiled.

He took my hand in his and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I met his emerald green eyes with mine and smiled, trying to mask the nervousness.

He did not smile back.

"Let's get this over with," He broke his hold on my hand and I jerked it behind my back.

I frowned at his crass comment.

Jordan walked over to his desk and gestured for me to take a seat.

"It's a very nice cabin, Mr. Parker," I continued as I approached the chair.

"I designed it myself," He settled back into the chair across from me.

So it was true. I wonder if all the other rumors about him were true.

"Ms. Rose, I'd like to know how much of my time would this thing take?" He asked right off the bat.

I blinked, taken aback by his eager bluntness, "A few weeks at the max, and please, call me Skylar." I added.

"I don't have the time for this stupid magazine," He mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.

Disinterest splayed evidently across his beautiful face.

"Mr. Parker, I'm sure you're aware of what we're doing here, right? I am supposed to ink the past 8 years of your life—"

"Look, Rosie, I want it done by the end of next month." He interrupted.

*Rosie? Who the hell does he think he is?*

"It's Skylar Rose. I would prefer if you call me by name," I ground my teeth together.

"I prefer Rosie," He leaned back against his chair and smiled audaciously.

I stared at him in disbelief.

Was this what I had to deal with each day? And what was this exactly?

"Sir, is there a miscommunication that I don't know about? I was informed this was a mutually beneficial deal."

"I couldn't give a rat's ass about publicity. If it were up to me you wouldn't even be here."

*Believe me, I'm thinking the same thing at this moment.*

I stared at his face, not knowing what to make of his uncouth demeanor.

"Well, whatever may be the case, looks like you are stuck with me. A contract was signed as per my understanding," I said. "So, we better start soon."

Pompous rich bastard.

I wanted to add and I almost did. But then I remembered the look on Jeremy's face. I knew how much of a big deal this magazine was for him. No other business magazine had been able to score a deal like this with Jordan Parker other than The Spectator and Jeremy had entrusted me with this. I could not let him down after all he had done for me.

He needed me to do this. He had been given an ultimatum by his bosses that come what may, they wanted a magazine on Jordan Parker as soon as possible.

So come what may, I will deal with his pompous ass rich playboy for as long as I had to.

Moreover, this was going to be the last assignment for me before I headed back to California for good.

I wanted to write something big, and what could have been bigger and better than Jordan Parker himself?

So, I suppressed my urges to hit him on the nose and urged my inner professional to wear her hat and overtake controls.

Jordan straightened his back and leaned forward, staring at me intently for a minute before he spoke again, "I see you're not one to take a no." An amusing grin was plastered across his luscious lips.

*Luscious lips? Seriously, man? He's a jerk!*

But instead of letting my distaste show, I put on a neutral face. "Something like that."

"Just make it quick," He said, lounging back into his chair. "I don't like wasting my time on irrelevant things."


I wanted to scream at his face.

But instead, I mustered up a smile and said, "Of course, Mr. Jordan. I understand."

"Tell me how this works," He waved his hand carelessly.

"I'll be following you everywhere you go. Observing you. Sometimes I'd need you to answer a few questions and only the things you agree to would go on the record—"

"Does this mean you're going to stay with me?" The jerk interrupted me.

"NO," I blurted, quickly. "Just accompany you to your office and whatever meetings you'd allow me to."

"So you're just going to follow me around all day?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't put it like that but, yes."

"Sounds like a sweet deal," His pink lips split into a wide grin. "I'm sure you'd be worth my while."

"I assure you, Mr. Parker, this magazine would be worth your while," I deflected his statement.

He stood up from his chair and sauntered towards my side of the table.

"What do you want to know, Rosemary?" He asked as he leaned across the table in front of me.

"It's Skylar Rose!" I jerked myself off the seat and stood face to face with him.

The only reason I could level my face with his was that he was leaning his behind on the table, his long legs spread ahead stopped just in front of my feet.

Jordan pushed himself off the table and straightened up, towering over me by at least 3 inches.

I breathed hard as I tried to maintain my composure.

I could smell the cologne radiating off him into the air around us. Intoxicating me. Penetrating my brain and killing the working brain cells.

He locked his eyes to mine and inched closer.

My breath quickened.

"I think we should start from tomorrow. I've gotten a pretty good idea of what I'm dealing with," I said, maintaining steady eye contact. I did not want to appear weak or influenced by his charms.

With that, I turned to the left and started to walk in the direction from where I came.

I don't know what it was about Jordan Parker, but something inside me screamed that I had to put a mile between us as soon as possible.

Before I could take more than two steps away from him, I felt his fingers encircle around my wrist. A ripple of current passed through my arm at the point of contact to which I paid no heed.

Anger bubbled inside me.

I twirled around and jerked my hand free from his clutches.

As Jordan opened his mouth to say something, I swung my wrist and brought my open palm across the side of his face.

A crisp noise filled the quiet atmosphere of the room.

Stunned by my move, Jordan glared at me. Anger and shock masked his face. He had not anticipated this.

Hell, even I had not anticipated this!

The very next moment I was hurdling outside the door without so much as a second glance towards the person whom I had just assaulted.