
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

First Day

Only the clicking of the heels on the floor was heard as Callista glanced at the dorm mother of the Empire Academy. She wore a two-piece black dress and she wore a serious expression.

Callista was taken aback when she suddenly stopped walking and turned to the door that they stopped at. "This will be your room. Remember, we have a curfew in this dorm and if you don't follow the rules, you might as well sleep outside. You can address me as Miss Sapphire" she said and handed Callista the keys.

"Understood, Miss Sapphire. But may I ask what these cleaning tools are for?" she hesitantly asked and glanced at the tools beside the door "It's for you, of course," Miss Sapphire answered.

"E-Excuse me?" she stuttered in both shock and confusion "Empire Academy is well known for not being biased. The school teaches children how to be independent, so if you are served by a maid before might as well forget those times because in here..." Callista's jaw dropped when she opened the door to see the insides as if it was an abandoned and haunted room.

"...students clean their dorms" Sapphire finished her sentence as Callista forced a smile.

"Yes, Miss Sapphire. I understand" she said and tried smiling as Sapphire nodded in contentment.

"And Callista you must follow these rules that are written here. Every girl here in the dorm must follow it or you'll automatically get kicked out." she said, not even bothering to smile, and handed her a small book.

"I see. Thank you for your help and guidance, Miss Sapphire" Callista said "Well, Welcome to Empire Academy Miss Alberts" she said and walked away and left Callista to stare at her retreating back.

Well, this is surely not what she was expecting...

Callista put her bags beside the door before covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief "Might as well clean up.." she muttered and took the broom to clean.

It took her many hours to finish cleaning the room, especially the place where dust had formed and stuck together as she requested furniture and other things at Miss Sapphire's office.

While the students are going crazy about the new student's first day in the Academy. It's known that only talented magicians can study here so they were curious about how strong the new student is.

"Hey, Ana. Do you know something else about the new girl?" Ivan asked as Denovan also put his book down to listen.

"Well, from what I know, Callista Alberts suddenly came to campus requesting to be enrolled in the Academy. The Headmaster personally witnessed the outcome of the entrance exam thus why she is here now." Anastasia replied with a shrug.

"I also heard she ranked an A+ on the entrance exams" Denovan added making Ivan's eye widen "Really!? Damn, she's so cool!" he chirped. Everyone's attention went to the door when it opened as the bell rang.

"Okay, Class, sit down" the Professor said as the students hurriedly got back to their selected seat.

"Class, you will be having a new student today to join us but seeing that she isn't here yet might as well start the lessons without her." he said.

Empire Academy has rules, there are two classes that are extremely eyecatching and that is the Elite and Abnormal class.

The Elite class consists of students who have the talent for magic while the Abnormal class is where delinquent students attend.

The one in charge of the Elite Class is no other than Charles Hedwick, a popular image at the Tower of Lucis.

"Now, let's start with History"

Charles turned his back to write something on the board "By the way, what magic does the newbie have?" Ivan whispered in Anastasia's ear "I heard it was.."


All of the student's attention was placed on the door when it made a loud bang as someone opened it and everyone was taken aback.

It looks like she was also taken aback by the situation "Oh..I'm sorry I did not know classes start this early" she muttered that everyone in the classroom heard.

"And you must be Callista Alberts?" Callista's attention went to the Professor "I must say, it is rude of you to interrupt my class Miss Alberts." he said as he eyed her carefully

"I'm sorry. Miss Sapphire made me write a form this morning and did not let me out until I finished it" she said as Charles fixed his glasses.

"That's typical of Miss Sapphire. You're excused. Go sit" he said and glanced at the chairs "Yes, Sir" Callista quickly replied as she sat at the back of the row where no one was occupying.

Great. Such a good way for a first impression...

Callista internally groaned. She also didn't expect Miss Sapphire to knock on her door so early in the morning just to let her fill up a form for the girls who stay in the dormitory so it's not like her fault that she was late.


"Hey, is she awake?"

"I don't know"

"Should we try waking her up?"

"Stop it, Ivan"

Callista woke up from all the noise "Now, look what you did. You woke her up" she looked at the people in front of her "Did I fall asleep?" she muttered and fixed her hair.

"Your lucky that Professor Charles didn't see you or you'll be dead." a girl with snow white hair said "Is that so?" she answered.

"By the way, I'm Ivan, and I should mention that it's not every day that a new student like you automatically goes to the Elite Class." a boy with green hair said "And this is Denovan, Anastasia, and Ignis" he said, and pointed at his friends.

"It's impressive how you passed the strength test though, even I thought it was hard." a guy with blond hair said.

"I know, right? I specialize in spell casting so it was hard for me. How did you manage to get a high score?" Ivan asked "Oh, they told me to punch the dummy doll so I punched it" she answered and all were flabbergasted when nothing followed.

"You're not joking? That's all you did?" Ivan doubtingly asked with wide eyes "How many punches did you give?" Anastasia asked "One?" she answered hesitantly and all of their eyes widen.

"Was I supposed to punch it many times?" she asked because of their reaction "Wow, I wasn't even able to make it fall on the floor" Denovan said and it's Callista's time to widen her eyes.

"I wasn't supposed to make it fall? Is that why their reaction was like that?" she said to herself when she remembered the expression on the faculty.

"You made it fall!?" they said at the same time "Starting from now, I like you and we're friends" Callista didn't expect Ivan to hug her

"He's right! You should teach me how to do it!" Denovan said with a sparkle in his eyes and Callista couldn't do anything anymore.