
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

The New Student

It was another day inside Empire Academy, students chatting in the hallway, athletes hurriedly coming out of the classroom to attend Air Hurley practice, and girls gossiping about the latest news.

He felt someone circle their arm around his shoulders that somehow startled him "Ivan?" he said and glared at the green haired who grinned at him.

"Have you seen Ignis anywhere, Denovan?" he asked "Sorry, I have not Ivan. You know that the young duke always disappears whenever the bell rings. He must be wandering off again somewhere along the academy grounds. What do you need with the young duke anyways?" he asked.

"I kind of need him to help me out on witchcraft. You know that he's the only one who has the talent for that subject amongst the three of us and I can't even risk getting a D- from Professor Wilford again. " Ivan explained, as his face darkens when he remembers that strict Professor.

"How about you ask for help from Lady Ana?" Denovan suggested as Ivan stepped away from fright just by mentioning her name "No... No way! You know how scary that woman can get! She's a monster!" he whispered as he paled.

"Who you calling a monster? I can hear you idiot." both of them flinched hearing the voice "A-Ana, I didn't mean that.." Ivan stuttered.

The woman had her arms crossed in her chest while her pointing finger tapped her arm as if she was impatient, and stared at both men with a raised eyebrow.

She was the proud heir of this Kingdom, Princess Anastasia Ashia, she was a perfect fit to be a ruler and the Empire's people dote on her, especially the Emperor.

"If you say it like that I will not be tutoring you anymore even if you pay me" she said with a huff "I'm sorry.." Ivan apologized with his head down "By the way, have anyone of you seen Ignis?" Anastasia asked.

"He's not with you? He was taking casting lessons a while ago but the classroom was already empty when I got there. " Ivan said as he tilts his head. "Why are you looking for him though Lady Ana?" Denovan asked so Anastasia showed them the file in her hands.

"I have to show him the information from the new student. He's supposed to be the one assigning her to her room" she explained as the two gazed at the form.

Ivan gasped at the ID picture while Denovan stared "Wow, I haven't seen someone so beautiful than you Ana. " Ivan immediately regretted his words as Anastasia glared at him.

"What did you say?" he stepped back "I-I mean you look like you are surrounded by white feathers while she looks like she's surrounded by red roses." he said with a nervous chuckle.

"Do you get what I mean?" he hesitantly said "I agree. She has a unique beauty." Denovan said with a nod "The other members of the student council are already getting crazy because of the unexpected new student." Anastasia sighed and took the paper in Denovan's hands.

"Although I must say she is indeed pretty." she said with a shrug before walking away "Sigh... I really can't properly breathe around that girl" Ivan said.

"Because only foul things comes out of your mouth." Denovan said as Ivan gasped as if offended.

"I do not! You're mean to me, Denovan!" Ivan whined as Denovan chuckles.

While the man who they had been looking for was sprawled in the grass beneath a tree and had just woken up from his nap.

The first thing he saw was the bright sun that was covered by the tree as he slowly stood up.

'That was a good nap..' he thought.

He yawned as he stared at the lake in front of him, the one inside Empire Academy. He looked down to see a round-looking object come rolling towards him and stopped at his thigh.

A necklace? Where the did this came from?...

His question was soon answered when he saw a shadow covering him from the sun as he looked up. The sight soon took his breath away.

She wore a red dress, catching her breath from trying to catch this round object, white rosy cheeks, hair that reminds him of chocolate because of the color, and beautiful pair of greenish gray eyes.

She looked plain, and yet, she was able to shine this brightly as if she was an angel who went down from heaven. A beauty he hadn't seen before.

"I'm sorry about that" those words came out of those red lips of hers as she took the object "It's alright." he said still awestruck by her.

"I'm sorry for bothering you." she said and stepped back "Who are you? I haven't seen you here before." he said, the only words that came out of his mouth.

"Oh, I'm new. I only just enrolled yesterday and am now looking for the Headmaster's office" she said with a small smile "I..." he was about to say something but was cut off by a shout.

"Ignis!" he looked back to see Anastasia running towards him and when he turned back to the woman, she was gone.

"Ignis! I have been looking everywhere for you! Were you sleeping again?"

Anastasia nagged as Ignis stared at her "I do not appreciate you nagging at me, my dear cousin" he said but Anastasia only rolled her eyes and handed him the form.

"It's from the new student. You're supposed to be the one taking care of her dorm, Ignis" she said as Ignis studied the form.

'Callista Alberts'​ the name he read.