
Saved By An Angel Son

Diana was the only daughter of Albert Wilson, she lost her hope of living when her parents died, she remained indoors refusing to accept the fact that her parents was no more. Robin, her uncle took her to college for her to start up a new life. At the college she meet a gorgeous young man named Edward clan who was the second son of Clan Mitru, his sister's were Uriah and Rabel while Micheal being the second son. Michael was a demon while Edward and his sister's were angels, there purpose on Earth is to protect those who haven't been baptized as Micheal not being the only demon on Earth. Diana was one, she was never baptized even in her first death when she was betrothed to Edward for centuries ago, now she was incarnated as human again while Edward an angel but the fallen. He was cursed never to touch any girl, because he refused to side his father who rejected Micheal his brother because of his demonic nature, since then Michael developed a great hatred towards his brother and sisters too. Now he's against Edward mission as he is now working for Lucifer who is bored and unhappy as the Lord of the hell

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9 Chs

The College

Chapter One

A car moving on a narrow road, stopped roundabout, the road was divided into four, and it moved following the left lane.

The car stopped again at a black gate which was opened and it drove inside.

She came out of the car looking around the compound, she saw a statue of a human with two horns on its head.

She went inside the building and saw a white man dressed in a military tire coming in her direction.

"Good morning sir" she greeted.

"Morning, your name.?"

"I'm Weston Diana, she said.

" Your items, please. She brought out her phone, wristwatch, and her bag dropping them on the desk.

He took her phone and other valuable things he got from her bag putting them in a carton which was written her name.

"That's my phone"

" Miss Merton all these are not allowed in here."

"Including my phone?" Yes, we have a general cell phone here which is expected to be used during weekends.

She heard noises outside the building, suddenly the door opened, she turned and saw an officer dragging a man inside.

She was stealing a look at the hug and tall guy not realizing that the man has been calling her.

"Miss Walton!! he shouted.

She heard her name and turned immediately to follow the man who was directing her to her room.

She entered and forgot to close the door after the policeman has given her the keys.

Dropping her bag on the bed, she went around the rooms organizing and arranging her clothes, after she was done she when to bed to take a nap.

Diana was sleeping when the light start to blink, she stood staring at the light suddenly the memory of Rhage her first boyfriend who was killed by a fire demon flashed through, she was in deep fear not knowing she was falling when a hand grabbed her, Diana manage to turn.

" Mam, are you alright'?

'Yea is fine, she turned and saw the door open realizing that she didn't close the door when she entered.

"Well am Clara and you're... Diana hurried her name immediately.

Clara knew Diana was sweating but didn't bother to tell her.

' I hope you are ok.? Yes, am fine.

"Do you need anything at all? Nope just show me the washing room. Ok then follow me.

They went directly to the washing room, Diana entered and went directly to the sink to wash her Face while Clara was at the door watching her.

"She seems disturbed, Clara thought.

"Is something bothering you"? Not at all, just that this building looks strange to me. "Don't worry very soon you'll get us to it.

"Can I ask for a favor?" Diana said. Can I stay with you in your room, I..I.. mean to be your roommate, I can't stay alone in my room.

"Sure you can, Clara replied.

Diana brought her luggage to her room, before 6 pm, she was done arranging her belongings and was discussing tomorrow's lecture, immediately the light was out.

"What happened?"Diana asked. They normally off the lights at 6 pm; "why?" I don't know, she was scared about the image she saw in her room when she was staring at the blinking light.

"Clara, should I on the table light"? Ehh…m no is already late am going to bed". "Well then good night Diana, Clara said.

"Good night, replied Diana. They dozed off.


An alarm clock clanged in the silent room.

A bed spring creaked. A woman's voice sang impatiently; it's time for lecture…!

Diana was unable to get up from her bed, but finally,y she was up. "Good morning" Clara murmured as she noticed that Diana was getting up, "morning Clara how was your night?" 'it was awesome and yours?" "fine. It's time for lecture, Clara said.

They both hurried quickly and dressed up, Clara went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

"It's time to eat…! Clara shouted. Diana went to the dining and saw fried eggs and tea.

" You made these, Diana asked.

"Yes I made it" Diana stood and stared at her for a few minutes. She went to the dining table and sat on the chair. They both hurried the breakfast and went to the lecture hall.

Diana sat on a chair beside Clara, while the lecture was on, she saw a man drawing on a piece of paper, his stature was different from the other guy she meet when she entered the building.

After the lecture was over, she saw the young man the police arrested waiting outside.

"Hello, good afternoon, Am Michael." "Diana," she said. Both were still working, "how was the lecture? 'Good, you didn't come why? Ah…..m just sick and tired of the lecturer. She smiled.

There's a long chair at the back of the building near the garden, can we go over there? ' Sure we can, she replied.

Silence took over them, as no one was ready to break it.

She didn't dare to look at him, she already knew Michael was staring at her. She thought, "why is he looking at me like that, she was getting uncomfortable, she didn't want to ask him why he was looking at her like that, but she bent her face to avoid his gaze.

When they arrived at the garden, Michael said and Diana with her face still bent.

She was thinking deeply about the topic to bring up as the silence was getting longer.

"You were arrested when I came inside the building, what happened"? Micheal was shocked at her question, he was looking at the ground, he didn't want to tell her what he did.

She saw the strange look on his face, realizing how he was struggling to speak.

"No need to keep your face that way, if you don't want to tell me then ... raising her face she saw Michael looking at her, this time she didn't look away, she put herself together staring at his gray eyes.

" What are you staring at, he said in a low voice.? She was ashamed on what to say to mike, and suddenly the bell rang. " I think is time for lecture I will be going, she said.

" I will see you tomorrow." Mike said.

Ok, she replied.

"Where do you leave.? She asked. 'Few blocks away from here, he answered and departed.

" Clara, "where were you.? At the garden with Mike, who..! Michael" yes.

You look worried," is there anything wrong being with him".? No, just be careful. Diana didn't understand her, as if something was wrong with Micheal. She didn't bother herself much about it.

Watchout for part two.

The strange act.