
Chapter 113

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!



We finally got into February, and in this first week of the month would be the third Quidditch match of the year, which would be Ravenclaw versus Slytherin, which was called Mental Duel.

I found it strange when I heard people call any Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin rivalries that, until they explained to me that all houses have their rivalries with each other, and some students just for fun dubbed these rivalries.

The Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin rivalry is known as mental duel as it is one of the main focuses characteristics of these houses, with Ravenclaw being the smart ones and Slytherin being the cunning ones.

I also found out that the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff rivalry is known as The Battle of Hearts, as the two houses are known to listen to your hearts more than logic, unlike Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

This little information was what made me realize again how Hogwarts has a lot more stuff than what is shown in the books and movies.

Now back to the Quidditch game...

When Ravenclaw beat Slytherin, we will be at the top of the table, and even with Gryffindor's future victory in the match against Hufflepuff, we will still be ahead by the amount of points we'll scored.

I, at least, was already sure Ravenclaw would win the Quidditch Cup, as the last game would be against Gryffindor, who would play without their Seeker, if everything went like the canon. And even if Potter played, I was still pretty sure we would have enough points to stay top of the leaderboard, even if Gryffindor won or caught Snitch.


-Ravenclaw x Slytherin match day – Changing room-

"Listen! If we win this game we will be at the top of the table, with great chances of winning the Inter-House Cup, but if we lose, we will be in a difficult time as we will have to beat Gryffindor, who have a very strong team" Hillton said to us, looking at each of us with narrowed eyes, "I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but if we lose this game it would mean we basically lost the Inter-House Cup."

"Wow, absolutely no pressure," Christi muttered.

"Relax captain, our team this year is very strong too. There's no way anything can go wrong" Miles Owen, the reserve Beater said, but as soon as he finished speaking, everyone, including me, stared at him with blank faces.

"You just cursed us," Isabell said, receiving nods of agreement.


"If we lose, next practice you'll have to do twenty laps around the pitch," Hillton said dryly, earning a frightened and even more confused look from Miles.

"Hmm, I think it's almost time for us to go in," I said, listening to the noises outside.

"Yeah" Hillton nodded, "Well then get on your broomsticks and get into formation" he told us.

We then heard Lee do his little opening show, and as soon as he called our names we flew out, seeing that the Slytherin team was already positioned on their side of the pitch.

After all the necessary formalities, Madame Hooch blew her whistle and started the game.

The game was proceeding normally, that is, not counting Slytherin's obvious attempts at play dirty. But that part was the one that amused me the most, as whenever some of the Slytherins tried to play dirty against me, I gave them back much worse.

"Flint goes after Ethan! He's reaching out with the obvious intention of hitting Ethan's head... You nasty and treacherous snake!!" Lee exclaimed indignantly, especially since I was his friend. Professor McGonagall who was nearby didn't even bother to reprimand Lee.

"Flint is about to catch up with Ethan! He's going—Oww! Ethan just elbowed Flint in the face! Hahhahha, take this, you greasy snake! Hope this fixes your ugly face!" Lee yelled, giggling like a maniac, which wasn't too different from some of the other Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, who were happy to see this scene.

"Oh! Look! Looks like Hillton found the Snitch! He's going to catch it! He's got his arm out to catch it! He's almost there, and... He was hit by a bludger! He's falling! " And it was just like Lee said. Hillton had just been knocked off his broom.

I looked at him only to see him being caught under a spell by one of the teachers. As soon as Hillton landed safely on the ground, Dylan asked Madam Hooch for a pause.

"Hillton, are you okay?" Patrick asked worriedly as the team landed on the pitch near Hillton.

"I guess so," Hilton said. He then tried to get up, only to grunt in pain as he clutched his shoulder, "Urgh... I think I dislocated my shoulder."

"But you still get to play, right?" Isabell asked hopefully.

"No, I don't think I can keep playing," Hillton said, much to the dismay of the team.

"If you, the Seeker, aren't going to play, how are we going to win the match?" Roger asked in a panic, looking at the score that was 170 to 80 for Ravenclaw.

Even though it's 90 points ahead, without a Seeker it's basically a lost game, as the only expected end result is the other team's Seeker catching the Snitch and gaining 150 points.

"Someone can replace me as Chaser and then I come in as Seeker" I suggested, as I was the only reserve Seeker, and making this switch is not against the rules.

After a short time of thinking about my proposal it was accepted, with Lucian Crowler taking my place as Chaser and me taking the injured Hillton's place as Seeker.

"The Ravenclaw team's pause is up and they've made a change to their team! Lucian Crowler steps in as a Chaser, and replacing the injured Hillton is—Ethan Night?!" Lee exclaimed in surprise, which was reflected in the faces of those who didn't know that I'm also the backup Seeker, "Apparently Ethan replaced Hillton as Seeker and Lucian replaced Ethan as Chaser!" Lee informed everyone after recovering from his surprise.

The two teams returned to the air, waiting for the new signal from Madame Hooch to start the match again.

"So the little first year thinks he has what it takes to be a Seeker?" the Slytherin Seeker in front of me who I didn't mind remembering the name sneered, and I was tempted to remind him that he lost to a first year in his last match against Gryffindor.

Deciding to ignore the idiot in front of me, and using all my senses while enhancing my body with magic, I waited for Madame Hooch to blow the whistle.

With my senses turned on I could feel everything around me, and focusing them I immediately found the Snitch, causing a smile to cross my face.

As soon as Madame Hooch blew the whistle I immediately and quickly moved forward with my broom, overtaking the Seeker and the Chasers of the Slytherin team at a speed difficult to keep up.

And not even 20 seconds after I moved forward with my broom I stopped in the air, much to the confusion of my team and the fans, confusion that increased even more when they saw me open a huge smile as I raised my hand in the air.

But this confusion soon turned to shock as they saw the Snitch was in my hands, flapping its wings gently.

"This... How?... What the hell happened?" was the question Flint asked, which was on everyone's mind.

But no one answered Flint when Madame Hooch blew the whistle, signaling that the match was over.

"That... That... I... What the fuck?!" Lee exclaimed, standing in the commentator's booth, "Ethan Night just caught Snitch in less than a minute! ONE MINUTE!! Match ends 320-80 for Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw wins the match!!" he yelled happy and shocked.

When he finished, three-quarters of the students in the stands started celebrating and cheering wildly, both for the incredible match and for Slytherin's humiliating defeat.

Landing on the pitch with the Snitch still in hand, my teammates rushed towards me with shocked and elated expressions. When they caught up with me, they wasted no time and hugged me happily, with everyone jumping and screaming.

And while I was in the middle of that hug I heard Ravenclaw fans, mainly my friends, and some other students from other houses, obviously not counting Slytherin, screaming my name.

'As an amazing and famous arachnid hero said... They love me' I thought amused.



(End AN: Another chapter of Savage: The Night Wizard for you, the best readers of the WebNovel!

I luckily managed to rescue the corrupted chapters of my story!

The only downside is that I spent a lot of time trying to find these chapters and because of that I didn't have time to write the new ones, but now I think everything will go back to normal.

Hope you like the chapter!)