
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 7: What Is Inside The Inner Forest?

After kali tamed the Black scaled corrosive serpent he continued to treat it's wounds and he fed it with another strengthening pill to replace the lost energy it used fighting the Gale wolf.

After treating and feeding the black serpent, Kali inspect the black serpent, it is 1.5 meters long and its body is as thick as a middle aged man's arms, it has a pitch black shiny scales and blood red eyes making it look terrying.

After a few hours the serpent is now fully healed it approached Kali.

"Hiss, hiss"

It is saying thank you to Kali, after taming a savage beast, beast contractors can understand the savage beasts thoughts because of the connection between the contractors dominance and the beasts' mind.

Kali caressed the serpent's head and it closed it eyes.

"I will feed you more strengthening pills in he future and make you stronger"

"Hiss,hiss,hiss" the serpent responded


There is still one more day before the ceremony ends, Kali doesn't want to waste it so he decided to look for resources and materials he can use to strengthen the black serpent.

Kali decided to call the Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent just black serpent because it's name is so long.

Kali was looking for resources and materials, but he looks terrifying because there is a long black serpent wrapped around his waist and it's head is resting on his shoulder, as beginner level beast contractors they still don't have a beast ring, beasts are used to store savage beasts, like the one the village chief owned, and beast rings have stages similar to savage beasts and beast contractors.

The black serpent is sleeping while it's head was resting on Kali's shoulder it opens from time to time if there are savage beasts nearby.

Kali entered a cave where a strong breeze was coming from, after entering the cave black serpent unwrapped itself on Kali's body and inspected the surroundings, the two ventured deeper into the cave and black serpent suddenly stopped.


After hearing black serpent's hiss Kali held his dagger and took a few steps back going behind black serpent, a few moments later a red wild boar appeared in front of them it is as big as a barrel and it's tusks are like two short swords.

-Flame tusk boar - beast type - boar race - fire attribute.

Skills: stomp, tusk stab, flame charge.

- aggressive beasts that uses its tusk and fire attribute to attack it has great offense and decent defense, but it has normal movement speed.

"Black serpent get ready!"

After hearing Kali's command black serpent assumed attacking position.

The flame tusk boar roared and charged at black serpent, black serpent used its corrosive poison to attack the flame tusk boar from a distance but it dodged the poison spit, it arrived in front of black serpent and used its sharp tusks to attack but black serpent jumped dodging the attack.

While the black serpent and flame tusk boar are fighting Kali was just watching since the boar is of the same stage as his black serpent and it will only take a few minutes before the black serpent wins.

The black serpent used dark strike and charged at the boar it then bite it's neck and released its corrosive poison before it retreated and returend to Kali's side, Kali pets it's head it gave out a hiss.

Kali approached the poisoned flame tusk boar and when he confirmed that it is already dead he used his dagger took out its tusks, it can be used to strengthen a savage beasts tusks or uses as an ingredient for strengthening pill, Kali has no savage beast that has tusks and he doesn't know how to make a strengthening pill, but he can sell it or use it to trade for a poison gland which can improve the poison attribute of a savage beast.

After taking out the tusks he dissected the boar and took out its heart he cut it open and saw a brown crystal.

"Beast crystal!, how lucky"

Kali was ecstatic after seeing the beast crystal not every savage beast can form a beast only those who consumed priceless resources can produce a beast crystal which can improve its strength, what disappointed Kali was the size of the beast crystal it is only as big as a fingernail.

"Though it is smaller than normal beast crystal, it's better that having nothing"

Kali stored the crystal and the tusksis his bag.

"There is definitely a treasure inside this cave the Flame tusk boar won't be able to form a beast crystals if it did not consume any treasure"

The only explanation why the beginner stage boar is able to form a beast crystal is because there is a treasure inside the cave and it is being monopolized by the flame tusk boar.

When Kali and black serpent reached the end of the cave they were welcomed by a garden filled with beautiful flowers and different fruit bearing plants.

" this cave is a treasure trove! "

Kali and black serpent inspected the plants and fruits, and Kali's expression changed from excitement to gloomy.

" there are only five useable material and resource here, that flame tusk boar must have consumed most of the resources here "

Kali took the useable resources and put it in his bag and he called black serpent to prepare to leave the cave, when they  reached the entrance of the cave they heard a loud and terrifying roar from the inner area of the forest.


 Flying type savage beasts flew from all directions and small savage beast and animals ran away in fear of the roar.

Curious about the roar Kali and black serpent ran toward the direction of the roar, they saw other participants also heading to the same direction with their contracted beasts.

When they reached the boundary between the outskirts of the forest and the inner area there are almost every participants are already there, then they suddenly hear a shout.

" Run!, run away! "

They saw two shadow figures getting closer to their position, they  were Asu the one who always bully Kali and the other is his friend who he form a team with and with them are their contracted beast beside Asu was an apprentice stage stage savage beast that is as big as a ten year old kid.

- Earth trampling bear - beast type - bear race - earth attribute.

Skills: beast claw, stomp, rock armor, earth spike.

- savage beast with balance offense and defense it has average speed and uses it uqses its earth attribute skills to gain advantage in a fight.

And the beast beside Asu's friend is a beginner stage Red furred monkey.

Behind them was a large shadow figure that is almost three meters tall when Asu and his friend reached the boundary of the inner area and the outskirts they are already out of breath and Kali can now clearly see the large shadow figure chasing them.

" master stage savage beast " Kali exclaimed.

- Blood horn rhinoceros - beast type - rhinoceros race - metal attribute.

Skills: ram, stomp, metal armor, iron horn.

- territorial creature with terrifying offensive ability and great defense, it lacked the speed but with its strength it has no problem fighting with a savage beast a stage higher than its own.

Fighting and killing are two different things but being able to fight a higher stage beast shows how powerful this Blood horn rhinoceros, if it attacked them no one will survive including Kali and the genius Celia.

While the blood horn rhinoceros the other participant started to panic but suddenly, eleven shadow figures appeared in front of them, they are the guard captains and in the center is the village chief riding his master stage Tiger beast.

" What are you guys doing at the boundary of the outskirts and inner area?" Asked the village chief.

" we heard a loud roar so we went here out of curiosity, then we saw Asu and Ban running away from the inner area of the forest" Celia answered while holding a white fluffy creature in her arms.

Ban was the name of Asu's friend.

When the village chief heard Celia's answer he looked angrily at Asu and Ban.

" didn't I tell you not to enter the inner area of the forest!" 

Asu and Ban lowered their heads after hearing the village chief.