
Saturday Nights (bxb)

Alex has spent all his life trying to convince himself he is NOT gay. Greene has spent all his life accepting that he IS. Now all he wants to do is show Alex how green the grass is on the other side, but can he be involved with him, and protect him from his other life; a life of guns, drugs and secrets?

Annoying_Microwave · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


"Beach party on Saturday," Louise says as soon as I answer her call. I'm on my bed, throwing darts across the room while listening to music.



"Well, I hate parties, I hate the beach, and I hate people."

I can feel her rolling her eyes. "You always say that but I manage to get you to go out with me every time. We're going."

I groan in frustration. I'm not one of those "antisocial guys" who hates everyone and everything, despite what I've said to Louise. I enjoy socializing. I enjoy parties. I enjoy drinking. The real reason behind my reluctance to go is I know Greene will be there. But I'm not telling Louise that. I'd rather heave her think I'm some introverted nerd.

And even though I don't mind partying every once in a while, beach parties tend to be horrible. They always last until 2 am, I end up smelling like smoke and they almost always end in someone fighting someone else for stealing their girlfriend.

Point is, they suck.

But I can't tell Louise that. She'll call me a party pooper and go on a rant about how I never go out and how I need to "come out of my she'll." I've heard it a million times and I don't think I can take it.

"Fine. We'll go, but when I want to go home, we go home."

"Deal. Shit, mom's calling. See ya." She cuts the line before I get to say goodbye, and I toss my phone on the bed, shaking my head. I disconnect my phone from the Bluetooth speaker and plugin my headphones. Looking through Louise's Spotify playlist, I click a song called Saturday Nights. I don't think I've ever heard it.

Saturday nights, blueberry sigarellos

Swishers make my throat hurt

Rollin OCBs On the side of me, light em up and let em both burn

Family fueds, saying mom's confused

I'm for sure she doesn't wanna learn

On cue, there's a knock on the door before my mom walks in.

"Honey? Dinners ready." She smiles at me.

I'll never admit it to her, but I look up to my Mom. She's been through a lot, with dad, with work, and when our sister, Anna, died. But she's strong and she tries not to show it when she's hurting. She cares about me and my little brother and she tries to give us a good life. I love her, I do. I just never tell her.

I get up and walk to my little brother's room. Andy's playing Call Of Duty on his playstation. He doesn't notice me coming in, with the headset on his head.

"Where did you get that?"

He sharply turns to me and yanks off the headset, reaching to take the game out of the playstation.

"What are you doing in here?"

I smirk. "Was gonna tell you to come eat. Where did you get Call Of Duty? You know mom doesn't like it when you play games with violence."

He groans, "literally every game on earth has violence."

I move to sit on his desk, but he shoves me away, so I settle on the corner of his bed. "So where'd you get it?"

"Promise you won't tell mom?" He eyes me suspiciously.

"I promise." I put one hand on my chest and lift the other one.

"Bro-shake it." He crosses his arms, making me roll my eyes. We stand up and proceed to do a series of hand shakes, fist bumps and shimmies for two minutes. I sit back down and watch Andy reach under his bed, pulling out a box.

" I was walking home and saw this house having a yard sale this guy had all these cool games. I think he goes to your school."

I peer into the box, which contains a lot of 18+ violent games. Mom would have a heart attack if she saw these. "What's this guy's name?" I asked. And why would he sell a nine year old 18+ games?

"I think his name was Blue. Or is it Green?" He shakes his head. "All I know is that it's a color. He has black hair. He's pretty cool."


"We need to return these."

"What? No!" He shoves the box back under his bed. "I paid money for these!"

"Too bad. You need to give them back. What if mom sees them? She'll kill you. Then she'll kill me."

"C'mon man, you promised you wouldn't tell! You did the sacred bro-shake!"

"I won't tell her, but you still need to give them back. You're not old enough for these anyway. What are you, eight?-"

"I'm ten." He seethes, sagging into his PewDiePie gamer chair. I got that chair for him for his tenth birthday. He almost hugged me to death.

"Fine. I'll give them back. But can I keep Call Of Duty?" He puppy dog eyes me.

"Only if you let me beat you in multiplayer after dinner,"

He grins at me. "You're on."


To no one's surprise, Dad isn't back from work for dinner. He's always working late, or always on some work trip. And when he is here, it's like he doesn't exist. I only get to see him in the morning before I leave for school.

Mom and dad fight a lot. About work, about home, about Andy's grades. He's a smart boy, but sometimes his grades slip and mom takes away his videogames. Dad thinks mom is too strict on us and they always end up arguing about it.

Mom, Andy and I have formed a routine for when dad isn't here for dinner. We place the food on the table, like a buffet, and pile our plates. Then we go watch Game of Thrones in the living room. Mom doesn't like that Andy watches it because of the violence, but I promised to help him study his Math for the rest of the year if she let us watch it.

After dinner, we wash up and I go upstairs to study. Mom usually stays up to watch her romcoms and Andy goes to 'sleep' (play videogames)

After my 1vs1 game with Andy (he won), I take a shower and jump into my bed with just my boxers on. Plugging my headphones in again, I fall asleep to the guitar riff of Saturday Nights.
