
Saturday Nights (bxb)

Alex has spent all his life trying to convince himself he is NOT gay. Greene has spent all his life accepting that he IS. Now all he wants to do is show Alex how green the grass is on the other side, but can he be involved with him, and protect him from his other life; a life of guns, drugs and secrets?

Annoying_Microwave · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Greene is looking at me from across the classroom. Again.

Not that it's surprising or anything; Greene is always glaring at me, I'm used to it. But today he has a small smirk on his lips. Almost like he's happy to see me.

I remember the first day I saw him, in this very class. I walked in with the teacher and she introduced me to the class. I glazed my eyes over everyone else, but I noticed him. He was in the middle row, right at the end. He was hunched over but his eyes looked right up at me. It sent shivers down my spine.

I decided not to think anything of it as I instinctively  moved to a vacant desk on the other side of the classroom, a row ahead. Though I couldn't see him, I could feel him practically boring holes into my head. It made me uncomfortable mixed with something else.

As the weeks progressed, I got used to him looking at me for at least 6 minutes in the lesson. I decided to sit sideways from my desk with my back against the wall, in order to have a clear view of him. That way I could stare back.

Weird, I know.

Now it's almost like a daily routine. Like we have an unspoken agreement to look at each other at least once during the lesson. As weird as I am, I kind of enjoy it. Keep in mind I've never even actually talked to Greene. I don't even know anything about him.

My best friend, Louise, thinks I'm crazy and just want his attention. She thinks I imagine him staring at me because I'm secretly interested in him, which is crazy, because that'd mean I'm gay. And I'm not gay.

My phone vibrates from my pocket as I'm writing down my notes, trying to not think about Greene's eyes on me.

Lou: want me to guess what you're thinking? G R E...

I roll my eyes and ignore the text. Mostly because it's true.

When the lesson ends I wait for him to leave first. I'd hate to walk too slow or too quickly and end up bumping into him at the door, that's like top tier awkwardness.

Instead I wait for Louise to make her way to me from the back row, where she spends her time texting and eating.

"I can't believe you ignored me," she feigns offence.

"Shut up."

"You were thinking about him, weren't you?" She bumps her shoulder into mine and wiggles her brows. When I don't respond she lifts her arms in exasperation.

"Just talk to him for fucks sake."

"No. Are you crazy?"

"For suggesting you be a normal human being? Sure," she rolls her eyes. "He's cool, you should just go and say hi."

Did I mention Louise happens to be friends with Greene? I forced her to swear not to bring me up when she talked to him, and I constantly ask her if he ever talks about me. (He doesn't.)

"Look, we don't talk."

"Right. You just stare at each other from across the room because that's fucking normal."

"So he does stare at me."

"That's not the point here, Alex! It's been months, and everyone in the room can feel the sexual tension-"

"There is no sexual tension-"

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." We make it to the cafeteria where Louise's other friends are sitting, laughing at something thats undoubtedly not even funny.

"Hey, Alexander," Addison, one of Louise's many many (many) annoying friends, waves at me.

"Hey, Addison." I give her a tight smile. She knows I hate being called Alexander, but she does it anyway. I tell myself that maybe she forgot but I know she just likes pushing my buttons because she's into me. Addison is cute, don't get me wrong. Her long blonde hair curls around her round face. She has big, blue eyes and an almost innocent look to her. She's actually beautiful, but I'm just not into her.

Maybe because you're gay.

I silence the unwelcome thought and eat the rest of my lunch, listening to Louise argue about pineapple on pizza.


Ever seen someone so good looking you can't stop staring ?👀

(Me, when I look in the mirror)