
Sasuke’s twin brother

Kira_6410 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Author’s notice

I originally wanted to finish a chapter last night but my phone was low.I apologize to all the readers that were eager for an update.Something came on an earlier day than expected.

Omg it feels so painful to even look nd type on my phone.it was mostly because of this that my update is slower.Anyway when it ends I will try my best to give u two chapters a week👊I promise.

I am already nearing the end of a chapter nd I will try my best to finish it even with this pain.I also hv some school work to round up.

I know my story is trash but I will try to make it better.

I originally wanted to inform u about the ships nd etc but this pain is too much so goodbye muchachos.