
Sasuke’s twin brother

Kira_6410 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The encounter with naruto

No one's pov

The twins came down for breakfast and so did fugaku and itachi.Sasuke started rambling on how he and yuno discovered a new Justu while training and how their progress in taijutsu speeds up just by sparring together.

Mikoto smiled at how yuno tried to make sasuke stop talking while eating.Her babies were twins yet they were unique in their separate ways.

"Sasuke stop talking while eating what if u choke?"yuno said.

"Don't worry ugh u act like mom".Yuno just rolled his eyes at Sasuke's words.

"And what is wrong with yuno acting like me.If u don't hv someone to calm ur reckless behavior how do u expect yourself to be safe".Mikoto scolded her third son.

Sasuke decided to keep quiet while eating so as not to get scolded more by his mom because he knew that when she is angry she is terrifying.

Naruto's pov

After eating my breakfast which consisted of my usual but with extra meat,I went to training ground 5 because the normal training ground I use(which is training ground 6) is under reconstruction.

I wouldn't say it was entirely my fault,it is a training ground it was ohsupposed to be durable.

This is not my first time going to training ground 5 as I hv passed by during a peaceful stroll around the village though I would've enjoyed it more if the villagers weren't so adamant on chasing me with sticks.

I quickly settled down and summoned some of my Kage bunshin to practice some futon while two of my kage bunshin practiced iryo ninjutsu.I summoned two other kage bunshin to practice taijutsu while I practiced fuinjutsu.

It has been almost three hours since I started training that kurama told me that two uchiha's were approaching.

No one's pov

"Kit I can sense two uchihas coming but their chakra is a bit below jounin level so I think they might be teenagers though one of them has a strange chakra sign"kurama told naruto from his mind scape.

"So should I leave or stay"naruto asked kurama who just grunted in denial at the prospect of leaving.

"If they cause trouble for u,U will be able to handle it.I heard the uchiha's training ground is huge".

Yuno's pov

Sasuke was unusually quiet,I guess that mom's scolding got him hard.

"I can feel an enormous storage of chakra in the training ground"Yuno informed sasuke.

It was only then that Sasuke raised his head up and the two of us were on guard as we neared the training ground.

I told sasuke "Let's first observe the person first".We neared the training ground and hid at the top of a tree.After settling down comfortably we saw a boy with yellow hair,it was not every day you can see such a bright color of hair,even the yamanaka's were not as golden as this.

From our position we couldn't see his face,but after observing him for more than five minutes he finally looked up and asked "who are you guys and why were you spying on me".

If my system had not informed me that he had noticed us beforehand I would have thought that he just noticed us.(and yes I have a system)

As he looked up I finally saw his features.He had bright blue eyes unlike any I hv seen before with three whiskers on his cheeks,he looked so cute nd innocent yet his eyes showed as if he had more knowledge than I could comprehend.

If not the fact I have watched naruto the series before I would hv been amazed at his appearance but something still seemed different about him.I felt a responsibility to protect his innocence rise up.

Sasuke's pov

As soon as the boy noticed us and raised his head up,I saw his features and I can't deny I am amazed by how cute he was.I felt my heart rate speed up and a feeling of possession that seemed so foreign yet familiar crept up.

Naruto's pov

I looked up and saw the people and I hv to admit that I am shocked as I expected that they would be teenagers.I looked at the boy who was on the right branch,he had silver hair and red eyes but the boy on the left side captured my attention more he had raven coloured hair and black eyes(A normal uchiha feature)but that wasn't what captured my attention it was the fact that there was something I could feel pulling me like a string towards him.

I questioned them again about there presence because the continued staring at me.After five second,the silver haired finally took the responsibility of introducing themselves.

"My name is Yuno uchiha an myyounger brother's name is sasuke uchiha". He said

"Brother?"I questioned him by what he meant because they looked the same age.

"We are twins,I was born five minutes after "the boy whose name is sasuke answered.

I took up the stress to introduce myself "my name is uzumaki naruto".

I managed to finish and for those who see this, the ships include sasuke x naruto,kakashi x obito ,shikamaru x sai,kiba x shino.Yuno partners are a secret

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