
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Tranh châm biếm
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75 Chs

The Siege of Faradras I

[Faradras Orbit, Faradras System, Acteron Sector, Ultima Segmentum. 991-M41. 1 hour after the initial clash.]

In the vast expanse of the 41st Millenium, where the very stars cowered before the Tyranid swarm, a reality unfolded that many struggled to comprehend—the magnitude of a relentless force capable of snuffing out the brilliance of celestial bodies. It cast a shadow that veiled entire planets in darkness, an encroaching blackness that foretold their inexorable doom.

The overwhelming numbers of the Tyranids, a deluge that could make the proudest fortress tremble, rendered even the mightiest strongholds vulnerable. No arsenal, no velocity, no force of arms could withstand their ceaseless assault. Each advance, an overwhelming tide, had the potential to dim the brightest stars as if they were mere candles flickering against the impending darkness.

Yet, beyond the sheer terror of their numerical might, it was the Tyranids' dreadfully adaptive nature that heightened the horror of their relentless pursuit. Triumph achieved once was but a fleeting respite, for the next encounter would unfold in a twisted dance of ever-evolving strategies.

Such grim realizations weighed heavily on the Saiyans above Faradras. Bodies strained to break the bounds of their own speed, surpassing limits to shame even the swiftest vessels. Gargantuan strength clashed with the evolved armor of millions of bio-vessels as the Saiyans, with almost divine effort, sought to dismantle the approaching doom.

In the void, amidst the chaos, the Saiyans moved with mythological prowess, almost reaching the divinity, dodging both ally and adversary. Every sinew strained, every strike unleashed—a desperate symphony to buy precious moments before the inevitable retreat into the heart of the besieged planet.

Enveloped in the residue of the Tyranid onslaught, Rucule emerged as an implacable force of annihilation. His form, draped in the remnants of the bio-vessels he relentlessly disintegrated, stood as a testament to the ferocity of his unyielding assault. Each thunderous ki pulse echoed like a war drum, resonating with the aftermath of obliteration.

Driven by an unbridled berserker fervor, Rucule's body bore the stains of the Tyranids' fluids—a gruesome tapestry of carnage that marked his relentless path. Within the confines of his consciousness, a singular goal reverberated—a haunting mantra that drowned out reason and conscience.

The rhythmic chant of 'KILL, KILL, KILL' thundered through the corridors of his mind, a primal chorus that mirrored the relentless cadence of his berserker trance. In this state of ecstatic liberation, Rucule found solace. There was no land to fear, only the Tyranids that lay before him—an existential threat that begged for obliteration, even as they put forth a more desperate and resilient resistance.

Swept up in the intoxicating embrace of his berserker trance, Rucule's might proved futile the attempts of his foes. His Saiyan lineage manifested in the very essence of his being, and his body reveled in the visceral satisfaction of each massacre. The blood and flesh of every vanquished bioform became a sacred offering, not merely nourishing but revitalizing his very cells.

His mind, tempered by generations of ancestors who thrived in the crucible of battle, absorbed every advantage the chaotic fray offered. Rucule became an unstoppable force in the ceaseless struggle against the Tyranids. The colossal bodies of bio-vessels crumbled beneath the might of his fists, and his keen perception discerned the intricacies and vulnerabilities within the mesmerizing tapestry of Tyranid biology.

Within the span of a mere hour, Rucule transformed into a contender against the most knowledgeable minds of the Divisio Biologis ans the Ordo Xenos from the Imperium of Mankind. His relentless assault continued, a declaration of doom against the cosmic menace.

With every strike, he positioned himself as the harvester, ensuring the hive mind's chances of reclaiming its lost creations dwindled in the face of his indomitable might. Amidst the cosmic shadows, Rucule stood as an unwavering guardian, a force that defied the encroaching darkness.

In the throes of his berserker frenzy, Rucule's mind resounded with an unrestrained proclamation, 'YOU WON'T ESCAPE FROM ME!' His gaze fixated on the looming figure of a colossal Devourer, its mass expanding exponentially in the blink of an eye. Undeterred by the seemingly impossible, Rucule pushed his Saiyan physiology to its limits, hurtling through space at speeds that defied the constraints of any non-Saiyan entity.

His hands, though tremulous from the ceaseless onslaught, drew upon the wellspring of his ki. With an unwavering determination, Rucule penetrated the bio-vessel's formidable armor, unleashing a torrent of energy that seared through its insides. In an explosive display, the Devourer succumbed to obliteration, leaving naught but celestial confetti in its wake. Rucule's insatiable appetite for destruction sought its next victim, an unquenchable thirst for cosmic chaos driving his relentless assault.

However, Rucule was not alone in his fervor. Each of the five Saiyans raced against the inexorable passage of time, unleashing devastating blows upon the hive fleet. Though the Tyranid armada experienced substantial losses, its ominous presence lingered, a testament to its enduring malevolence.

The aftermath of their cosmic clash manifested as a mist—a grotesque concoction of spilled innards and remnants of colossal bio-vessels. This macabre mist, under the gravitational pull of the planet and its moons, assumed the form of a celestial belt, reminiscent of a field of asteroids. Yet, this was no natural occurrence; it was a manifestation of Saiyan fury, an artistry of destruction etched upon the cosmic canvas.

A cosmic graveyard, unparalleled in its scale, floated amidst the cosmic void, bearing testament to the unwavering will and unmatched might of the Saiyans. Their unyielding determination, like a blazing comet streaking across the cosmic expanse, left an indelible mark upon the celestial tapestry.

Amidst the hive fleet tempest, Faradras' overlords weren't the sole combatants in the struggle against the relentless Tyranid tide. Racing through the void at breakneck speeds, the trio of Imperial vessels desperately sought to evade the encroaching swarm. Depleted of torpedoes after relentless salvos claimed hundreds of Tyranid vessels, they relied on their macro cannons and energy lances. The once-potent void shield, now waning, strained to withstand the overwhelming onslaught.

Even as the Imperial vessels showcased unmatched agility, deftly dodging the escalating bioattacks, the sheer numerical superiority of the Tyranids proved insurmountable. The fighter squadrons, valiantly engaging the swarm, saw their ranks dwindle in the face of relentless opposition. Each lost fighter became a somber notation, an epitaph etched on the hollow coffins that awaited them in the aftermath of the impending battle.

Within the carnage of Faradras, unsung heroes fought fervently, destined to be forgotten in the annals of time. Their lives, emblematic of humanity's indomitable will, stood as a bulwark against the encroaching horrors of the galaxy. Their sacrifice, though uncelebrated, was a testament to the ceaseless struggle to stave off the galactic abyss.

The space station, a bastion of Imperium might, unleashed a torrent of firepower upon the approaching swarm. Seleri, assuming her role with preternatural grace, lent her strength to the defense. The fighter drones, acting as a cloak for the approaching Devourers and Razorfiends, weaved a tapestry of colored tempest as the void resonated with the symphony of relentless attacks from both sides. In this cosmic crucible, Faradras hung in the balance, its fate entwined with the courage of its defenders.

In their unwavering determination to shield Faradras from the encroaching Tyranid horde, the formidable Saiyan quintet found themselves stretched thin against the relentless tide. The overwhelming numerical superiority of the Tyranid onslaught, coupled with the vast expanse of space, presented an insurmountable challenge even for their prodigious might.

Bann, shouldering the Herculean task of halting the hive fleet's resource gathering from the moon, stood solitary as he unleashed torrents of fiery like plasma-infused ki blasts upon the encroaching swarm.

Explosions, each possessing the cataclysmic potential to annihilate the biomass of an entire planet, cascaded through the tendrils of colossal bio-vessels as Bann traversed the celestial bodies near the speed of light.

In a relentless dance of destruction, he maneuvered through the cosmic expanse, leaving devastation in his wake. The once overwhelming numbers dwindled as Bann strategically navigated between the moons at varying distances, compelling the hive mind to divert its attention elsewhere.

His valiant efforts bore fruit, evident in the diminishing numbers approaching the satellites. Yet the toll exacted upon Bann was profound. Depleting half of his formidable ki reserves and enduring the immense physical strain of reaching unprecedented speeds, he grappled with a mental exertion unparalleled in his combat experience.

Each second demanded a myriad of actions, pushing Bann beyond the limits he had ever known, all in preparation for the daunting battle that lay ahead.

The unrelenting stress gnawed at Bann, sapping the once fervent lust for battle that coursed through his Saiyan physiology. While his comrades, the triumvirate of juggernauts, reveled in the berserker thrill, Bann's mind maintained a semblance of calm and collected composure. Yet, beneath the veneer of control, anxiety festered, rapidly escalating as his eyes bore witness to a nightmarish tableau.

From the vantage point near the last satellite, a cosmic horror unfolded before him. The once serene blue planet of Faradras was now veiled in a mist of unfathomable numbers—hundreds of billions of Tyranid bioforms descending like an apocalyptic swarm. The silent explosions, each capable of consuming an entire continent, punctuated the void of space.

A somber gulp reverberated through him as the chilling reality sank in. "They're landing..." he murmured, his eyes strained to discern the small but ominous eruptions on the planetary surface. With a deep breath, he steeled himself and accelerated towards his maximum speed, urgently transmitting a rallying cry to his fellow Saiyans.

"RETREAT TO FARADRAS, THEY HAVE REACHED THE PLANET! FALL BACK!" His voice, amplified by the breathing mask, echoed through the scouter frequencies, but the response he received was drowned in the chaotic symphony of battle. His comrades, lost in the maelstrom of carnage, remained oblivious to the urgent call for retreat.

Recognizing the critical importance of annihilating each spore, Bann's desperation fueled his shouts. "I'VE SAID FALL BACK! WE NEED TO SUPPORT THE CITIES! RETREAT INTO THE PLANET, GOD DAMN IT!" Yet, his impassioned words fell on deaf ears amidst the chaotic turmoil of the cosmic battlefield.

Huffing with frustration, Bann redirected his course toward the nearest comrade, Aprit. The young Saiyan, engulfed in the berserker rage, stood surrounded by the remnants of bio-vessels and a dense mist that obscured the vast expanse around him for hundreds of kilometers.

With the precision of a surgical strike, Bann cut through the mist, colliding with Aprit like a celestial body impacting the surface. The force of impact stole Aprit's breath as Bann delivered a resounding slap to jolt him from his berserker trance. 'WAKE UP, YOU FUCKING IDIOT! RETREAT TO THE PLANET!' Bann's booming voice reverberated through Aprit's mind.

Confusion momentarily clouded Aprit's eyes, but as Bann's words penetrated the fog of berserker instinct, a look of terror replaced the haze. "S-Shit!" Aprit cursed under his breath, launching himself desperately toward Faradras, leaving destruction in his wake as he raced back to the planet.

Not wanting to waste time, he swiftly intercepted Ramela mid-flight, Bann's powerful grip halted her ferocious assault on the Tyranid vessels. His eyes, bloodshot with urgency, conveyed the severity of the situation as he admonished her, 'I TOLD YOU TO RETREAT TO THE PLANET! MOVE NOW!' The intensity of his gaze and words snapped Ramela back to reality.

For a moment, she locked eyes with Bann, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Without further delay, she shook her head hastily, expressing remorse with a quick "I'm sorry." With renewed purpose, she accelerated toward Faradras, leaving the cosmic battlefield behind.

After releasing a deep breath, Bann spotted Rucule amidst the cosmic chaos, his powerful ki pulses resembling a pulsar star. The giant Saiyan, with the most substantial kill count among them after Bann and Seleri, created a dead zone of large extension in the vast vicinity of the planet.

Enveloping his body in ki, Bann approached Rucule, who seemed like the very avatar of destruction amidst the swarm. Using his telepathic voice, Bann urgently conveyed, 'RUCULE! YOU MUST RETREAT NOW! WE CANNOT LOSE MORE TIME OUT HERE!' However, the giant continued his relentless advance through the swarm.

Moving at high speed to intercept him, Bann attempted the same approach as with Ramela. Yet, Rucule's eyes were white, and a feral grin adorned his face. "GET OFF OF ME, YOU BUG!" his voice roared, attempting to attack Bann.

Releasing him momentarily, Bann tapped into the Ōzaru surge, doubling his speed. Landing two powerful blows to Rucule's skull, he launched the giant away, who groaned in pain.

'WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT! WE NEED TO DEFEND FARADRAS!' Bann's voice thundered in the giant's mind, his will threatening to induce blackout. However, Rucule responded with a bestial roar, ki surging from within him.

"FUCKING HELL!" Bann cursed loudly under his breath, appearing before Rucule and unleashing a barrage of punches, kicks, and a headbutt. Simultaneously, he employed telekinetic abilities to hold Rucule in place, determined to break through the berserker frenzy.


The resounding uppercut beneath Rucule's chin carried not just physical impact but an ominous ultimatum from Bann, 'IF YOU DON'T COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES, I SWEAR THIS STAR WILL DWARF COMPARED TO WHAT WOULD REMAIN OF YOU.' The chilling words reverberated, successfully jolting Rucule back to clarity, though confusion lingered in his eyes.

Unwilling to squander another moment, Bann issued a direct imperative, "LET'S RETREAT BACK TO THE PLANET!" Swiftly, he moved in the direction of Faradras, Rucule closely trailing. Their positions were rapidly engulfed by the relentless Tyranid swarm.

As the Saiyans withdrew from the vastness of space, the Tyranids seized the opportunity, advancing unhindered, their countless numbers casting a foreboding shadow over the planet orbit. Seleri, the lone defender left, bore the monumental responsibility of safeguarding the station and providing support to the besieged planet.

The hive fleet paid a heavy toll, leaving behind a haunting ring of remnants that floated ominously around Faradras, shrouding the planet in a chilling mist. The brilliance of the system star dimmed, and an unsettling shadow descended upon the once-vibrant sky.

Millions of spores descended like an ominous rain, marking the descent of four falling stars, their explosive impact in the atmosphere heralding the beginning of the land theater and the desperate struggle for survival that unfolded on the planet's surface.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon.


The Hive Mind is really an insidious piece of shit.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts