
Sky Island

Book One

Volume 2

Ch. 23 Sky Island



I quickly get back up

"Forget it, we're leaving now" I pull Rhea through the crowd with Beast closely behind us

"Where are you leaving to?" An old man asks

"We-" I think "we'll figure it out" I say before I keep going

"You know you are welcomed here" he says

"What?!" Kalgara growls

The old man just puts his hand up and shuts him up

I look at Rhea who still looked exhausted "alright but we won't be staying for long"

"Fantastic let me walk you to your home" he dismisses his people

"May I ask how old you are, my child?" he asks as I sit down beside Rhea

"I'm Five-thousand, Five-hundred forty four" I say "and Rhea is Four-thousand, five-hundred thirty six" I look at her hoping I didn't get it wrong this time

"Heh" he smiles "you two kids" he chuckles before noticing we were dead serious

"O-on your calendared year I-I'd be nine and Kara is eleven" Rhea says

"O-Okay…" he still seemed a little baffled at my first answer

"Y-yeah" I agree with Rhea

"Can you tell me where you are really from?" He asks

"Othrys" I say again

He tilts his head "are you sure?

I nod

"S-so is that what this place is?" He asks "have we wandered into the sacred land of Othrys ?" He asks

I shake my head "O-Othrys is still a few miles up" I say

"So would that make you a God?" He asks Rhea

I look at Rhea "y-yeah" She sighs

"B-but wait, does that make you are THE Akuma Amaterasu Kara?" He asks a bit worryingly

"K-kinda, Amaterasu Kara but I was named after my father the Founding Titan Amaterasu you speak of"

"Oh my, Kara, yes. The boy heir to the throne of Othrys" He says

"I-I don't know about that throne stuff, b-but my oldest brother Ignia raised me and he is King of Othrys"

"Hmm" he thinks "okay, then the prophecy shall be fulfilled" he stands up and starts babbling about the offspring of the sun deity and his friends freeing them from their prison

"okay…" I look at Rhea who was as lost as I was

"This calls for a celebration" he jumps into the air a bit more well… active than he should be for his age

"Please excuse me my lord" he bows before heading out

"What was that about?" Rhea asks

"I don't know" I say laying down beside her

"H-hey Kara?" She turns around to face me

"Yeah?" I ask

"H-how long do you think we might be down here?"

"A year at the most. Until Beast is ready to fly."

Only because I can't carry her all the way back

It was way too far of a fall



Her face turns beat red

"What is it?" I tilt my head

"Th-this… this is all your fault!" She points at my face

"Wh-whua? Wh-what are you talking about?" I back off as she jumps to her feet

"Wh-why didn't you tell Me you wanted to have a baby?!"

"Wh-wh… wait… you don't mean."

"Hmmm." She puffs her cheeks

"R-Rhea a-are you?"

I felt my stomach sink

She nods

"H-how do you know?"

"I-I don't k-know I just do. Aphrodite once told me that a God will always know when she's pregnant and… well I guess I just know" she shrugs

"Oh my God!" I pull her in

Even though I just banished myself from ever entering Othrys again

I went and did the very thing Ignia trusted me not to do

"So what are you naming him?"

"Her*" she frowns


She nods

"Y-you know all this?"

She nods excitedly

"Awesome, so what will you name her?" I ask again as she sits down on my lap

"I don't know" she thinks "H-Hestia?" She asks

I heard it was the name Isis planned on naming her, before she changed her mind to Rhea

It's a beautiful name I have no objections

"That's beautiful, Rhea" I hug her tightly

"B-but" she stops "what will happen once Cronus finds out?" she asks

I think "he won't" I smile widely "we can stay down here till the baby is big enough and then we'll go back" I say

"What?" She asks "y-you sure that's a good idea?" She asks

"C'mon don't you remember how badly we wanted to come down to Gaia?"

"Y-yeah b-but" she stays hesitant

"We'll raise her down here without a single problem, Rhea" I whisper "she's going to grow up big and strong just like mama, trust me"

She blushes "okay, we can stay till she's 13" she says

"13?! R-Rhea, that's like seven-thousand years"

"It's sixty five hundred and so?" She pouts

"W-we aren't even that old yet."

"I know b-but that's the age a god fully matures so it be better if she returns to Othrys as an adult" she says

"I don't know about that long though" I think "maybe till she's 5?" I raise an eyebrow

"I-I don't know" she thinks

"I mean if we're gone that long everyone will think we're dead. I- I don't think I can do that to Ignia"

"Oh… right" she sighs

"You know Ignia will understand he'll protect the both of us from Cronus if he has to" I grab her waist

"But you know the rules." She frowns "I have to marry within the Royal family

"I am Royal." I frown "I'm a Titan too you know."

"No you aren't. Not officially. Cronus hasn't allowed it."

"B-but we have the same dad-."

"Our Father had millions of kids. Even on Othrys. You had to be birthed by Isis as well to be considered Royalty."

"Hmm." I frown

"W-we were supposed to wait, remember? When we started dating 12 years ago? Coeus said he'd marry me and let us be together so you would be within your rights."

"So what?! Ignia would never let them lay a finger on us."

"It was our Father himself who wrote this law to keep his blood from mixing with commoners. Titans and Gods like Atlas and Nike would stop at nothing to get rid of you!" She puts her foot down

"That's so stupid! He's so stupid! Dad must've had billions of them down here on Gaia, including me!" I pout

"Yeah!" Rhea shouts

"Then what do we do?" I sigh

"I don't know." She sighs

"Guess, we'll just have to wait ten months." I smile widely

"Keheheh." She giggles

"You can't believe a single word these brats say!" Kalgara storms inside

"You" he points at me "who the hell are you?!" he demands

"I already told your old man!" I growl

"I'm going to go see the village doctor" Rhea sneaks out before things get heated

"What?! you expect us to believe you are some type of God?!" He shouts back

"No, I don't expect you to believe a thing" I admit

He sighs

"You got my gramps thinking you're going to save us from who knows what"

"I don't know what you guys want from us. The last thing I remember is slipping off the edge then we ended up here" I look up at him "wherever here is" I add

"Look, us 'Gods' are nothing like you think we are"

"What do you mean?" he asks

"Well we don't have that vision like you think we do. We are not all knowing, we can not see everything, nor hear all like you humans think we can, we are only Immortal beings that help this planet strive" I explain "that is why we are seen as 'Gods' by you mortals"

He sighs "is it possible?"

I think for a second "well it's said anything can be mastered like… Ignia, he is about as old as this universe, there's no doubt he is all knowing by now, then there are his senses they have been sharpened to the point where he can hear and see all, but when it comes down to it, it's not entirely the same"

"Did you lose somebody?" I ask

"I thought you weren't all knowing?" he asks

"Well even though we still don't possess this feature I was raised by Ignia… he's taught me a lot. I guess I can just tell by looking at you that you've been grieving"

"N-Noland" he sighs "he was my best friend" he clenches his fist "I just got word that while we've been stuck up here he had been executed" he wipes the little tear dribbling out of his eye

"What do you mean up here?"

"You are currently on Sky Island" he says "it is a natural phenomenon where a 'fossilized cloud' roams the earth for eons making it possible to be walked upon"

"Fossilized Cloud?"

He nods "and there is a powerful current right beneath the cloud that can push… no… more like it shoots anything into the sky"

"Nghk" I grit my teeth "s-so in your case it shot your island into the sky?" I ask

He nods "unlucky, don't you think?" he chuckles

Gaia is so massive I guess anything's possible

"Man" I sigh

"So then, since we are 'Gods' you figured I could bring this friend of yours back to life?" I ask

"I just wanted to speak to him one last time" he sighs

"I'm sorry I don't have free reign over the dead" I sigh

"But you know who does?" He asks

I nod

"Iapetus" I say "but trying to talk him into letting me summon this friend of yours is pointless" I add

"I see then" he sighs getting to his feet "please excuse me then, m-my lord" he gets on on knee

"It's alright no need to do all that" I rub my neck

"No it's an honor, to even be in your presence" he gets back up "the preparations are almost ready" he says "please join us" he says

I give him a little smile "thanks" I say as he turns around

"Actually" I stop him "there's a ritual, I believe I can summon his spirit for you to talk to at the least" I say

"R-really?!" His face lights up before he notices how childish he sounded "Ahem* th-that'll be very much appreciated, my Lord" he bows before heading out for good

I sigh

"Sheesh" I shake my head

"What is it?" Rhea ask, joining me again

"Is this what Ignia has to deal with?"

"Hehe*" she giggles "yeah"

"I was trying too hard to be so proper and professional" I groan as she walks over to me

"You'll get used to it" She wraps her arms around my neck as she sits down on my lap

"You think so?"

"I know so" she pecks my cheek

"You know I'm dying to see little Hestia" I whisper

She giggles "so am I"

"What?" I ask seeing she just sat there looking at me

"Nothing" she smiles "I'm just so happy" she giggles

"Pardon the intrusion my lord but preparations are ready" the old man says

"Okay" I stand up, slowly setting Rhea down "C'mon" I take her hand before leading her out

"Wow" she smiles widely

"Here take a seat my Lord" he sits me at the far end of the table opening another seat for Rhea but she insists on sitting on my lap so the elder sat to my left and Kalgara to my right before we all started digging into our food

We all drank ate and sang around a campfire for a couple of hours till the moon shone brightly in the night sky

-to be continued