A Saiyan named Kara, a Titan amongst Gods. With a horrific past that has turned him evil in every aspect. His powers surpassed all imagination. But even so, he is finally defeated. After 500 years he is reborn in the planet Gaia, one that he himself made a living hell. His son takes it upon himself to find this reincarnation and tame him before he turns out to be the same devil that terrorized the universe But after an incident that shakes the world of the Gods, Kara is forced to live down on Gaia. On his journey to get stronger he battles his evil nature for the sake of those he has grown to love To make things clear this story is a massive crossover between the most known anime/comics/Mythology, it will include: Akame ga Kill, Naruto, My Hero Academia, avatar the last airbender, Attack on Titan, Naruto shippuden, Fairy Tail, One punch man, Tokyo Revengers (maybe), Tokyo Ghoul, One Piece, Dragon Ball / Z / Super maybe DBHeros. also not in this. particular order And more I can’t name off the top of my head Also also, the story contains a lot of ‘lemon’ I guess. and also if you haven’t seen the warning in the first chapter already it also contains explicit gore and ra.pe scenes