

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 13 Othrys


Beast looks around before happily prancing off

"The size of what?!!" I hear Oceanus "make sure to send water and tree nymphs to help restore the land" he orders his men "I'll add an ocean after I'm done with the children in the shelter"

"Huh?" He looks to his side "Ah-yes I am quite aware poor Andromeda got blasted to nothing" he sighs

"Hehe* looks like I can retire sooner than I thought" I giggle

"Nghk*" he looks around for the source of my voice

"Ignia?!" He smiles widely after seeing me at the bottom of the steps

"Haha, man it's been far too long brother" he hurries over

"I-is that Oceanus?" Hamura asks

"Mhmm" I hum

"Hey Kid" Igneel smiles widely

"And you came back with this brat, huh" He stops in before me

"This is him?" He asks seeing Kara in my arms

I nod

"Did everything go as planned?"

"Kinda, as you might know"

"Yeah that massive crater you left from your battle" he sighs

"Yeah that was my fault" I sigh

"It's alright, we are now one step closer to eternal peace" he sets a hand on my shoulder

I smile "right"

He returns the smile before noticing Irene beside me

"Irene, it's a pleasure" he bows respectfully

"Oh… hey" she says awkwardly

"And who might these two be?" He asks

"Hagoromo and Hamura" Igneel presents his kids "theys my kids" he smiles widely

"Must be hard having such a father, huh?" Oceanus asks

"You bet" Hamura giggles

"Nghk* Shut up brat!" Igneel growls

"Anyways, where's mother?" I ask

"She well… she officially stepped down from her title not long after you left" he says

"Oh okay"

"She should be inside though" he adds

"Alright, I'll be going now" I nod

"Understood" he nods

I walk up the steps, being greeted by everyone as I remade my appearance after being gone for 1000 years

"Man is it good to be back" I head up to mothers room

"Here you go kid" I lay Kara on her bed

"Yeah dat was vewy fun huh mommy" the door opens

Mother giggles "of course papas" she says before noticing me

"H-hey ma" I smile widely before she lunged at me

"Ignia!" She hangs off my neck

"Hehe*" I giggle "hey ma" I say before setting her down

"And who's this little fellow" I ask as Coeus waddles over

"I-I'm Coeus" he says hiding behind mom

"Awe man, your so big now" I crouch down

"Baby, what are you doing?" She asks Coeus "it's Ignia, your big brother" she says

"B-big brother?" He asks

"Hehe*" I smile widely

He blushes before finding the courage to face me "hello my name is Coeus" he says formally offers to shake my hand

"Hello Coeus, I'm Ignia" I shake his hand

"Hello Mr. Ignia" he smiles

"He'll get used to you" mother giggles

He gives me a little smile before walking off to the bed

"W-wait is that ?" She asks finally noticing Kara behind me

I sigh

"Yeah… yeah it is"

We watch as Coeus crawls on top poking and feeling his fathers fur

"Who is this mommy?" He asks

"Oh that's…" she thinks

"You're brother" I lie

"Oh…" he leans into his face "is he sleeping?" He asks

"Yeah" I sigh

And I had a feeling he'll be for a while since his energy had almost been completely sapped

"How long will he be out for?" Mother asks

"I'm not sure" I shrug

"Probably around 15 hundred years" I hear a familiar voice

"Hahaha, Tora heh" I giggle, turning around to meet my younger sister

She smiles widely "hello brother"

"Man, fuck happened to you?" I raise an eyebrow, wondering what she did with her skimpy clothes

"She decided to take things serious after you set off to Gaia" mother says

"Nghk*" Tora grits her teeth "no I didn't, I started way before that" she crosses her arms

"Sure you did kid" I smile widely

"Man it's been a minute" she smiles up at me

"Yeah, I missed you kiddo" I pull her in

"I know you did" she giggles

"Whoa is that Tora?" We hear Igneel at the door "God I remember when you were just an annoying little kid" he giggles

"Shut up, brat!" Tora growls

"I'm older than you" Igneel pokes her forehead before she starts swinging at him, trying to punch him in the face

"So why's it going to take so long?" Mother asks

"Hmm?" Tora turns back to mom after failing to land a blow on Igneel "Well imagine being completely stripped from all your energy" Tora says "his body will need a long time to get used to being so weak.

It would've took at least 10 thousand years if his body was an adult but since he's a child now it shouldn't be as long" she adds

"So was he this old when you found him ?" She asks

"Yeah" I say

"Hmm that's weird he looks like he's over 2,000 years old" she says

"Yeah I didn't believe it was him at first either, but I guess he's just born at that age or something" I say

"Yeah" mother says "500 years after us Titans die we are reborn someplace else" she says "since we are incapable of surviving on our own if we were little babies our bodies reincarnate as a 5 year old (DC)" she explains

"Does that mean he won't age till he's actually 25 hundred years old ?" Tora asks

"Yes, his body won't age till he reaches the age he was reincarnated as" she nods

"So he should start aging by the time he wakes up again" Tora says

"Man you really know your stuff now, huh kid?" I smile widely seeing the woman she turned out to be while I was gone

"Oh shut it" she blushes "anyways, we should probably make sure he gets the nutrients he needs to survive while he's out"

"Layla, what's taking so long?!" she shouts

"Sorry ma'am, I'm on my way" we hear Aphrodite's granddaughter down the hall, struggling with a bunch of stuff

"Damn Layla you too?" Igneel says as she finally came through

"Finally" she sighs "Igneel?!" She freezes

"Hey, he smiles."

"Hello sir it's been a while" she bows to me as she connects some needle into Kara's arms

"Whuaa?!" Igneel says in confusion after she completely ignored him

"Wow I never thought I'd see you again"

She and Igneel had a thing way back when him and Selene took a break

Igneel ended up getting her pregnant and they had a little girl named Anna who grew up with Acnologia and eventually became lovers at one point

"Who do you think you are ignoring me?!" Igneel demands

"You're annoying, that's all!" Layla growls

"Alright we should get started on mother now" Tora says

"Wh-what?!" Mother asks nervously

"The only way this is going to work is if Ignia manages to control her essence" she says

"Whaaat?! You know, I had a plan of my own for this" I get in Toras face

"Don't be ridiculous, if you wait to strip its strength from her after she's born you'll kill it" she says

"I…" man, how'd she know?

"Your planning to 'jumpstart' her heart after ripping out her energy, huh?" She asks

"Well…" I bob my head

Yeah that was exactly my plan

"Well if we do that while she is in mothers womb then it won't be as risky since she'll still have mothers energy in reserve to her absent one"

"Oh… okay" I say still a bit confuzzled but I guess it kinda made sense to me

"Come now, mom" Tora says

"R-right" mom says nervously as we follow Tora out

We follow Tora into a dark room that lit up after the door locked behind me revealing all the weird well… doctor stuff she had in here

"Oh hey Ignia" Hamura says as my mother laid back on the comfy doctor chair thingy

"It's Lord" Hagoromo slaps the backside of his head

"oh… hey kid" I wonder why he was in here

"These are the mortals you chose as vessels in which you wish to seal the child's essence, am I right?" Tora asks

"Oh yeah, sure is"

That's right, almost forgot

"Alright Ignia, your up" Tora says

"Oh…" I set a hand on mothers belly

I close my eyes trying to focus on the child's energy

I take a deep breath tapping into Ultra Instinct before going a step further into Divine Providence

Besides the massive multiplier this form allowed me to control and create essence of my own even though I wasn't a founding Titan

Man it was heavy

Ut had the same exact evil presence as fathers

But how?

"Ignia.." Tora says reminding me of the task at hand

"S-sorry" I focus down on the essence slowly gathering it inside the child's belly

"Ready when you are" Tora whispers

I nod before tearing out every drop of the child's life force

In that same instant without the tiniest second of hesitation Tora forced my mothers essence into the child

I open my eyes holding the energy in my right hand waiting to hear or see some sign of life

I look over at Tora who I just notice had also achieved some form that allowed her to manipulate moms essence

"Oh-man" Hamura says nervously as we wait to see how the baby responds to such a drastic change

Hagoromo puts two fingers to his head and uses instant transmission to get right behind Tora as she collapsed

"H-hey its alive!" Hamura shouts

I listen carefully and I could hear its little heartbeat

I sigh in relief

"D-damn it Tora" I smile "your really did it kid" I watch as Hagoromo carefully helped her onto the chair

"You alright, ma?" I grab her hand

She nods exhausted from all the energy Tora had to drain her for the baby

"Y-yeah" she manages a smile before falling asleep

"Hagoromo" I get his attention

"Right" he comes forth

"Alright you two" I close my eyes

I slowly separate the energy in my palm into two equal spheres

After converting it into their chakras nature, I slowly begin hovering to my sides as I put my hands together making the snake hand sign before shoving my claws into each of their chests

"Nghk*" they grunt fighting through the pain as I forced the chakra inside them both

I used some of their energy and some energy of my own to reinforce the magic barrier, trapping the evil chakra for good


I slowly pull my claws out before putting my hands together as I made the snake hand seal

"Gah*" they both fall on their knees

"M-man what the" Hamura huffs

"You two are strong" I crouch down beside them

I help them up

"It" Hagoromo smiles

"Now make yourself at home" I tell them

"Really?" Hagoromo asks

"Alright" Hamura laughs before running off

"H-Hamura!" Hagoromo tries stopping him "please forgive us my lord" he bows

"It's fine" I chuckle

"Hamura!" he runs after his brother

"Mm-mommy?" I hear Coeus at the door

"Hey kid" I crouch down

"Mmm*" he hesitates "h-hello big broder" he waddles over dragging his little blankie

"Where mommy?" He asks leaning on my leg

"Mommy's up here, look" I pick him up

"She's taking a little nap" I whisper

"Oh.. oh okay" he whispers back

"How about we take her to her room" I say

He nods "okay" he whispers

"Go on try to wake your sister, Tora" I put him down

"Okay big brother" he smiles, walking over to Tora who was still laid out

"Alrighty ma" I whisper

"Wake up Tora" Coeus shakes her carefully

"Hmm?" She finally opens her eyes "oh" she stretches "hi bebe" she picks Coeus up

"hi sitter" he giggles

"Aw you so cute bebe" Tora taps his nose

"Oh-God" Mother finally wakes up

"Hey" I help her up

"I-is it over?" She asks

"You may be at peace now, yes." I smile

I take her back to her room where she asked to be alone for a moment with Kara

"Alright ma, call me if anything" I wave before shutting the door behind me

I look around for Igneel's kids before hearing Cronus

"Who the hell let these humans in the castle?!" he shouts

"Shut up, jerk! Why does it matter if they're mortals or not?!" Igneel growls

"It is fine Igneel, we'll leave at once if we're a bother" Hagoromo says

I sigh, using the instant transmission join them

"Calm yourself Cronus" I say

"Bullshit! No way you letting these two in here!" he growls

"We're all equal brother, when will you learn?" I tilt My head

"How the hell are we equal? we are Gods!" He demands

I put my foot down

"We are immortal beings" I raise my voice "the only reason we are seen as deity's is because we help the organisms on this enormous planet survive since it'd be impossible for them to do so on their own"

Cronus clenches his fists. "No, we are the embodiment of Strength, power, that's why we are Gods!" he growls

"The sad thing is that there are mortal species capable of surpassing you and even myself" I say specifically thinking of the saiyans

If a saiyans lifespan were at least 1000 years of age they could just easily surpass catch up to us

"That's bullshit and you know it" he grabs my shirt

"No, it is the truth, and you know it" I calmly grabbing his wrist

"Tch" he smacks his gums

"Whatever…" he lets go

"Soon that crown will be mine and I'll show you a true God" he says

"Is that a threat?" I ask as he got ready to fly off

He gives me a little smile

"Man, what a brat" I sigh

"You know him.." Tora sighs

"Hey mom" some little kid tugs on her dress "where's Coeus?" he asks

"Nghk*" I step back "m-mom ?" I ask

"He should be up there with grandma Isis" she says

"Okay mommy" the boy says before he makes his way up the stairs

"W-wait, mom?" I ask again

"Don't worry, it's not yours." she smiles

"Okay, but still… who?" I ask

"Iapetus" she shrugs

"Iapetus?!" I ask "when did he come to Othrys?"

Iapetus is our brother only he spends most his time in the underworld since he's the caretaker of the lost souls, keeping them from returning to the land of the living

There he casts judgment and decides whether or not they get a chance to rest in peace or if they are to be sent to purgatory

"Yeah, he kinda heard you were going to Gaia so he wanted to say farewell" she says "and… well one thing happened then the other and poof, Hisoka" she giggles

"Hisoka?" I raise an eyebrow

She nods "that's his name"

It's probably why she decided to get serious, it was about time she had a child of her own I mean she's been around for ages now acting completely childish around our father

"Farewell, huh?" I smile "he hasn't visited in over a hundred thousand years who does he think he is?" I cross my arms

He and I are the only ones born with the sharingan so he could easily sense fathers essence

But that jerk didn't even bother to show up to help us with father

He and Oceanus rival each other so he would've been a great help

"Anyways you should probably visit him" she says, following Hisoka up the stairs "he probably wanted to tell you something important"

"Right, I know" I sigh, putting two fingers to my forehead looking for Kharons, Iapetus' sons energy,

He helps the souls cross the river Styx, so I'll just visit him while I'm at it

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit, Oceanus" I smile

"W-wait whua?" He asks before I disappear in an instant

-to be continued