
Iapetus ii

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 15 Iapetus ii


"I'm the king, why don't you just let me through?!" I growl

"Y-yes sorry sir but I'm afraid you might just get in the way" the nurse says nervously

"They've been at if for a 7 hours now I'm sure they should be done soon" Irene try's calming me

"I just wanna make sure she's okay" I sigh

"I think it's a boy" Igneel says

"Yeah?" Hamura asks "Well I'm sure it'll be a girl" they giggle excitedly

"Ahh?!" Coeus and Hisoka run from Tora

"Oh no!" Tora picks up her kid "Gatcha" she bites his little arm

"Ahh!" Hisoka shouts "help!!"

"Ahhh!" Coeus runs away, ditching Hisokas poor soul

"C'mere!" I grab his shirt before he could get away

"Ahhh" he shouts as I hold him in front of me by his shirt as if he were a puppy

"Hehe" I giggle at how silly he looked just hanging there, accepting his fate

"Hmm" Irene rests her chin on my shoulder "you know maybe it's about time we make another one of these" she pinches Coeus's nose

"A baby?"

"Mhmm" she nods with a little smile

"Oh man, okay" I giggle excitedly

"M-may the royal family please come forth" the nurse finally says

"Hey, c'mon Coeus" I hold him how I'm supposed to be holding the poor child as we rushed to our mother

I swing the door open, seeing her holding her newborn in a pink blanket

"Aww man, it's a girl" Igneel sighs, handing Hamura the gold drachmas he bet

"Awe so cute" Irene says as she rubs the baby's nose

"What are you naming her, ma?"

"Hmm" she thinks "I was thinking, Rhea" she smiles

"Aw baby Rhea, so cute" Tora says as she gets her turn with the baby

After I had my turn with the baby we were told we had to go back to the waiting room where we waited all day till sunset of the next day

And by the time the moon was up we were all back at the castle

"It's so tiny" I look over my mothers shoulder as she laid Rhea beside Kara

"Yeah," she says under her breath "though I'm sure your father would've liked Hestia" she says


She nods, watching the both of them sleep

I just hope I can raise him to be the great man he was to Chaos

I stand up

"Hmm." I smile after sending his arrival

"Where are you off to dear?" Mom asks

"I'll be back" I wave before heading downstairs

"Greetings, brother" Iapetus smiles

"What brings you around?"

"Me? Well I came to see Rhea and my kid of course" he adds

"It's been a long while, brother" Oceanus says behind me "you have some nerve showing your face after refusing to help with father"

"Yeah well I wasn't needed, as you can see." Iapetus says as Oceanus met him at the door

"Yes indeed you weren't" Oceanus shoulders him on the way out

Iapetus smiles "I see he still isn't as forgiving as you, dear brother"

"Heh, yeah" I chuckle

"I heard what you were talking to our brothers about" he says

"Did you?"

He nods

"I didn't know Cronus was in the mood to talk right now" I chuckle

"No, of course he isn't" he chuckles "I used my sharingan to see into his past"

"You can do that?" I ask

He nods "past or future that power is limitless when used on a mortal" he says

"What about an immortal?" I ask

He smiles "I could see just about 4 minutes into the past or future for an immortal" he says

"You little shit" I chuckle "that's why you didn't bother to help huh"

"Well I was aware of the outcome" he says "if I was to intervene things could've ended differently for better or worse"

"Yeah, I guess you're right" we make our way into the garden

"So what about you?" He asks

"What?" I ask

He smiles "that sharingan father left you" he says "have you learned to use it?"

"Oh… no" I say remembering the torment he would put us through using that thing

"His tsukuyomi is on a completely different scale" he says

"Y-yeah" I sigh under my breath

It was a genjutsu where he controlled everything



I'm sure it's what he used when he showed me his memories

When we were younger he would tourture us for thousands of years in a mere second

Though I'm grateful it was nothing like what Lucifer had done to him

"Man I get chills just thinking of it" he chuckles nervously

"Y-you know, I thought I would lose my mind the first time he did it to me" he says

"Yeah, I'm sure we all did" I smile

"Ahhaha" Hisoka giggles

"Iapetus!" Tora runs over before jumping into his arms

"How you doing?" he chuckles

"I missed you so much" she giggles "Look baby, it's papa" She says as he puts her down

"Aw how's my little boy" he crouches down, opening his arms for his son

"Ahhaha" the boy laughs before joining his parents for a group hug

"Have you seen Rhea yet?" Irene asks as she held Coeus's hand who was licking on a lollipop

"No I was on my way to meet the child" he says holding Hisoka in his arms

"Come now I'm sure Isis will be glad to see you" Irene says

We all head up to my mothers bedroom where we found her still laying beside Kara as she talked to her little baby

"Yes this is papa" she says introducing her to dad

"Hello mother" Iapetus says

"It's been a while Igneel" Iapetus smiles as they hug it out

"Oh my," mother smiles "hello darling"

"Jeez there's so many kids now" Layla sighs

"You know I'd love to put another one inside you" Igneel flirts

she blushes "shut up jerk"

"That reminds me" I throw an arm around Irene's neck

"Of what?" she giggles as I slowly lead her out her out

"What are you going do to me?" she asks playfully as I lead her to my room

"You know exactly what" I say before shoving her inside

She throws her shoes aside before playfully falling back on my bed

I lock the door behind myself before anyone can walk in on us again

She giggles excitedly as I join her at the foot of the bed

-to be continued