

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 4 Gift



"Baa" I hear

I slowly open my eyes

It was Coeus

"Bapa" he says

"Nghk*" I choke

His hand was in my mouth

"Mgh*" I sit up trying to get rid of the nasty taste from my mouth

"What are you doing, papas" I stand him on my lap

"Papa" he says

"Aw your smart aren't you, bebe" I tap his nose

He giggles

I look over at father

Only he wasn't there any more

All that was left was his blood stained on the ground

"C'mon pollito" I stand up "let's go home"

'Kai Kai' I say in my head before we are taken back to the castle

I leave Coeus with mother and I quickly head for the library

I take the book of Christ and it's respecting Holy Bible

I read through the two.

Apparently this was a universal religion. I heard something about this before whereas a singular religion arises on every habitable planet

It only inhabits 30% of planet Gaia. 98% of which are in the lesser continents. Meaning, those who lack the strength to defend themselves and often resort to nuclear arms a couple thousand years down the road

It explains why the religion is unheard of here on Othrys as far as I know

Now, Lucifer isn't a God, but an Archangel like Gabriel and Michael. He was banished from heaven for aspiring to the position of God.

After that he planted the seed of evil into the most beloved creation of God


The rest of the book was filled letters written by many prophets that prophesied the coming of their deity and the word of God

Once their God descended from the heavens he cause many miracles in the eyes of the mortals but in reality they were very much possible for any immortal of Othrys to do

All except for the part in which he resurrected on the third day

Of course there's absolutely no way to know any of this happened for sure. It dates far back, millions upon millions of eons before re-creation

Which actually explained the mortal obsession of this man.

In the beginning, there was no magic or super human strength. It was only man and his intelligence

After reading a few more books about the religion I fell asleep at the table

I woke up in some place, outside of Gaia

"Why doesn't he wake up?" I hear father whimper. He was a boy again, holding some mortal man about 18 years of age "W-why'd you kill my friend?"

Lucifer was standing over his shoulder just watching him shake his friend in disbelief

"I-Ignia. Please wake up" he whimpers


I watch as the three of them slowly fade away and we were back in a dark room only we were in a house this time

Dad was now grown. He was as about five thousand years old

He was standing beside a bed where a happy couple slept soundly

"Why must I kill them?" My father asks with a steady voice as he rest his blade to the woman's temple

"Because it's what they deserve." Lucifer whispers "instead of forgiving Us helping Us. He created this." He glares at the pair sleeping soundly in their bed

"Man." He says with great disgust

"We will seduce every last one of these filthy maggots and you, My Son, will send them to Me. Straight to Hell where He Himself sends the Wicked." Lucifer smiles

"Together we will create an army that will storm the heavens and plague the Earth"

"You alone will be My blade, Son. Because that is what you are. You, Are, Death."

"I… Am."

His eyes widen before he forced his blade straight through her head

"Beautiful, now the kiddy's" Lucifer claps after father dealt with the husband

Dad turns around and walks right through me as if I wasn't here

I watch as he makes his way to the other rooms and all I could hear were the beds shuffling as he dug his blade through his victims

I turn back to find Lucifer right in my face

"Hmm…" he sniffs around

I take a step back, once I did the scenery changes

"Stop it, don't kill him!" I hear my mother's voice only she was about twenty five hundred years old at this time wa

She was just a bit older than Ursa the first I saw her

"How far you have fallen, brother" the man who I'm assuming is my uncle Aether coughs

"Shut up" Fathers grin stretches across his face

They were standing on a chunk of earth floating through space

"P-please b-big bro…" mother begs as he rips his brothers heart out of his chest

She rushes over to father as he kicked Aether aside

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!" She punches and kicks at fathers leg as he consumed their siblings heart

"Y-you killed them." she cries "everyone!" she sobs "m-my babies my-my family!" she punches and kicks him

"Why'd you do it big brother?!" she cries hysterically before father slaps her across the face, sending her into Aethers dead corpse

"hmm*" he thinks "I don't know" he thinks "I was bored"

"God, am I tired" father opens his arms to the sky

"A-Aether p-please i-I'm sorry Aether." mother begs as dad knelt down right behind her

"Now, let's hear you scream" he tears her bloody dress aside

"Stop, what are you doing?!" she cries painfully as he slaps and stands her up

"Be sure to put up a fight. Let's give Him a show." He digs his fangs into her neck

I look away hoping the scenery would change and it does.

"There you go, hehe*" mother giggles as she sets a plate on the table where dad was sharpening his knives

She's grown another, two thousand years since

"S-so what'd you do today?" mother asks

Father yawns "nothing really" he thinks "just went hunting"

"Hunting? F-for what?"

He smiles

"Oh" she backs up

"So, why haven't you left yet, kid? You know Aether should be back by now"

"Y-yes. I'm aware b-but who's going to cook for you when I leave, big brother?" she raises a finger "I can't let you starve to death"

"Plus, Aether could also be big bully" she pouts

Though I can't imagine him compare to father

"Why would you care of my well being?" he asks stuffing his face with the turkey mom cooked for him

"Well" she blushes "I uhh" she plays with her hair

"I took everything from you and honestly. I'd do it again"

"Mgh* well" she looks down "you weren't raised by father, but no matter how much I want to hate you I can't" she says "we were taught not to"

"And also" she says as the door swings open "now we have this little one"

"Hey momma!" a child around 2500 years of age smiles

I'm assuming it's Chaos my older brother who passed on long ago

He was the spitting image of father

"Chaos? You decided to stay because I planted Chaos inside you?" He asks doubtfully

"W-well you are his father," she says "of course only you can give him such a name" she puffs her cheeks

"Hmm*" he thinks "tell me, do you hate me cause I put this... thing inside you?" He asks, poking Chaos's forehead

"Mmm*" Chaos frowns

"Never." She smiles

"I love my my baby" she hugs Chaos

"Hehe*" Chaos giggles

"So what if I just" he slowly digs his knife through the table

"You did it once before. Of Course I'd forgive you."

Her answer hits him by suprise, since he sensed nothing but truth behind her voice

"Whatever" he sighs before continuing with his meal

With the way father is he probably would've killed Chaos that very instant had he sensed otherwise

I look back up to a different scene my parents were looking down into a little cradle

"So what are you going to name him?" Mother asks, looking down at a the baby in the cradle

This time she was 15, the age a Titaness stops aging so her true age wasn't very clear

"Hmm*" Father thinks, looking down at the baby "You sure you want me to name him?"

Mother nods "of course I do" she hugs my father

"Ignia" he smiles

I felt my heart skip a beat

I watch as my dad took me into his arms and smiles

He watches with great wonder as the little baby me grabs onto his finger

"What a stupid name" I watch Chaos walk in

"nghk* Look who's talking!" I growl at Chaos as if he could hear me

He had also stopped aging so I couldn't tell how much time had passed since

But it had to be millions of years to see dad change so drastically

"Like yours is any better"

"Heh* Yeah" I agree

Again, as if they could hear me.

"Nghk*" Chaos grits his teeth "idiot, you named me too!"

"Oh hush up you two" mom takes me from fathers arms

"Lemme hold it" Chaos giggles

"Ch-chaos?" I hear suddenly

Dad holding Chaos in his arms

"W-wake up, son" he shakes his corpse

"He's gone. Y-you're safe, p-papas here"

"Wake up, child, p-please" his voice trembles "you have to"

I never knew just how much Chaos really meant to dad

All I heard from mom was that he quit fighting for eons after she and Chaos grew on him

"W-we'll be okay" mom tries to comfort him "we still have each other a-and Ignia." She creeps closer

"Wh-why couldn't I do it? Why couldn't I protect him?" He whimpers

"You're here now, that's all that matters. He got to see his father again before he-." She stops after hearing a flutter in her voice

"I-I'm… I'm going to kill him." Dad grumbles

"Wh-what? N-no you can't. You know you mustn't" mom follows as the earth shook with every step he took

"It has to be me."

He was in his own world

His mind was too far gone

Mom turns around and grabs baby me by the wrist

She reaches around for Chaos but she teleports onto the moon before she could reach him

"No!" She cries as she watches the planet explode and Father shooting out like a comet

"No, Father. Please! Please stop him, Papa. You have to!" She cries hysterically "you can't let him do this Father you have to do something! Anything, please!"

I was far too young to remember any of this but…

Who is she pleading to?


Mother was in the midst of feeding the baby as father just tossed his clothes at her feet

He was missing an arm and had this insanely deep slit around his throat

Seriously, it amazed me how it could be non fatal

"Did you…"

"Let him off that easy? I don't think so." He turns his back to her and heads for the bath

She finished feeding me by the time he got out the bath

His arm was still regenerating so it was obvious the battle was just barely won

He was in a deep sleep

She lays me down beside him before disappearing

"P-please don't hate him, Ignia" mother whimpers

She was half naked beaten and bruised all over

"What do you mean? Look at you!" I watch as my 9 year old self stands in between the two

"Pathetic!" He growls

"Shut up you pig, how dare you touch my mother!" I charge at him

Dad leans in to meet my gaze and revealing that mangekyou eye of his to my kid self

"Ignia!" mother catches me before my head could hit the ground

"Hate me now… Isis?" He smiles

"N-no" she responds as her tears dribbled onto my face


I remember this…

"All too well, don't you?" I hear behind me

"D-dad?" I look around to see if he was talking to me

When he suddenly sets a hand on my shoulder

"You know, believe it or not I put every last drop of my being into this"

"Y-your different from the f-father I knew"

"Heh* yeah?" He scratches his head "thought you might say that" he giggles

I had never seen him this way he was so full of positive essence, it was so comforting that it was putting me to sleep

"Well if you see me now that means I really did let you win" he smiles

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth "No way, I beat you fair and square!" I growl

Even though I had everyone's help at one point

"Hmh" he smiles

"You surpassed me" he looks down at his palms "i couldn't be more proud, son." he smiles

"B-but why dad? Why'd you change?"

"The bond between father and son is really incredible as you might know you'll do anything for your child"

"b-but when that bond." he clenches his fists "is ripped away. " he shuts his eyes for a brief moment

"He was strong. I hadn't sought battle for billions of years so I wasn't sure I could defeat him."

"That wasn't it. You didn't want to go back to… that."

"Y-yeah. Chaos insisted that I let him fight and without my blessing he charged straight into battle"

"You weren't the perfect father but you made me as strong as I am" I smile "and Chaos was a great man because of you"

"So don't take his death upon yourself. It was bound to happen"

He nods

I felt so odd being able to talk to him. It felt so natural, like I've known this side of him my entire life

"Here now there's something I wanted to give to you, my child" he sets a hand on my head

"Wh-what is it?" I shut my eyes

I could feel so much of his divine essence running through my veins from head to toe

"You know I loved you till the very end, right?"

I open my eyes

I never thought I'd hear those words come out of his mouth

"I don't expect you to forgive me for anything but make sure you tell your siblings just how much I love them as well. Tell them…" the smile on his face disappears "tell them I wish I could have been a better man"

I nod

"Now son," he continues "take my eyes" he says, shutting mine "use them to defeat me as many times as you have to"

"I-is that what you're doing?"

He nods "it'll grant you many abilities and will help you sense my essence much easier"

My eyes flutter for a brief moment

I could see the exact flow of his essence coursing through his veins

It was unheard of being able to sense much less see the exact flow of essence of an immortal deity's like mother and father

"I…I" I take a moment to take in the infinite knowledge that came with them in an instant

Besides that they granted the ability to perform the limitless arsenal of techniques related to the eyes

"What is it?"

"Listen kid," he sets his hand on his chest

"Yeah?" I ask

"The next time you find me..." he stops

"What is it?"

"You must consume my heart" he finally says "before I reincarnate you have to make sure to seal it within you"

"Nghk*" I step back "what do you mean?"

He sighs "I noticed... well... more like I felt his soul trapped inside me till the very end"


He nods

"I didn't want to tell your mother, but after consuming his heart I learned he had been trapped inside me. That being said the moment I die is the moment he'll be reincarnated someplace else"

"So as long as I'm alive you'll be sealed inside me?"

"It's the only way."

No, there has to be another

"Thanks, for everything."

"Goodbye, my son" he smiles

"Till we meet again…" I smile. "Father" I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I bid my final farewell to the father I thought I'd only meet in my wildest of dreams

-to be continued