
Coronation ii

Book one

Volume 2

Ch. 19 Coronation ii




"Mmgh*" I groan

I'm so sore and sticky from last night

I open my eyes


She was still small and puny

"Hm-hmm" I giggle to myself

Who does she remind me of?

My mom?


Man, I really wish I knew.

I pull her hair aside

Gosh she's so pretty

I feel like I've known her all my life,

"Morning." I smile

"Oh…" she blushes "morning, Kara."

I pull her head into my arms

She sighs "I really missed this" she rubs her nose on my chest

"Yeah" I giggle

The first time I did this with Zuri was nothing compared to last night with Isis

"I love you Isis" I whisper

"I love you too, Kara" she smiles

I giggle before grabbing a handful of her booty

"Mmh K-Kara" she gasps before I roll her on top of me

"Your so full of energy, aren't you big guy?" she giggles

I giggle happy to go for another round if she was up for it

"Say, are you hungry?"

"Oh, you bet!" I nod

She stands up before going over to the door still butt naked

"Layla! Is breakfast ready!?" She shouts just loud enough to be heard down the hall

"Yes ma'am!" Layla shouts back

"Alright" Isis giggles as she hopped back in bed with me

After a few seconds Layla came in with a tray of food

"Oh m-morning Lord Amaterasu" she bows before setting the tray of food between Isis and I

"Hehe." I giggle

"Thank you Layla, that is all for now" Isis dismisses the maid

"Y-yes ma'am" Layla bows once more before heading out

"Oh yummo." I giggle before chowing down on the yummy pancakes

"Have you had these before?" Isis asks

"Oh yes, Mrs. Irene made them for me back on Gaia" I say with a mouth full

"Well that's awfully sweet of her" she smiles

"Mhmm" I nod "you want some?" I offer her a piece

She shakes her head "no thanks I'm gonna start the bubble bath you make sure you get nice and full okay?" She winks

I giggle "Yes ma'am!" I stuff my face "A bubble bath sounds super duper fun"

"Why yes it is" she giggles as she heads into the bathroom

I stuff everything down before joining her

"Wow this is so awesome" I giggle before hopping into the humongous bathtub filled with bubbles

"Yeah" Isis giggles as she scrubbes her body

"Y'know I'm more than willing to help you scrub" I sit down right infront of her as she did so

"Yeah? I'm sure you are" she giggles as she turns around

"Here, scrub my back" she hands me the sponge

"You got it" I giggle as I began scrubbing her

"Did you stuff that belly of yours?" She asks

"Mhmm" I nod "though I'm still kinda hungry and thirsty" I smack my lips

It was a bit odd but all that food wasn't enough for me

"Mgh" she groans

"Oh…" I stop scrubbing "sorry did I hur-"

She had the tiniest scratch on her neck along with the smallest dribble of blood scurrying down her back

"Oh… y-yeah it's just a little scratch from last night, guess you just reopened it that's all"


"Kara?" Isis turns her head

Gosh she smells an awful lot better than she did before


Is it…

The blood?

Yeah, that's where that smell is coming from

"You okay?" She tilts her head "I can scrub myself if you-"

I grab her neck before shoving her into the water

"K-k-kgh." She gurgles

All I had on my mind was that little… cut on her shoulder

I felt so excited down there all of a sudden.

It was as if having her throat… her life in My hands really.. really turned Me on

I carefully slipped My dick inside her

I quickly found Myself blowing her back out before leaning in and digging My fangs into her shoulder

K-Kara. Isis shakes her head

P-please baby. Her voice echoes in My head

It was so sweet b-but salty at the same time it was an odd flavor that mixed just perfectly

"Mgh-armf" I dig my fangs even deeper as I finally climax inside her


My eyes flutter

I sit up

Wh-why's there so much?

Why am I …


I reach into the water before carefully pulling her out of the bloody bath

"Isis" I lay her out on the floor as her blood got everywhere

"Wh-what happened?" I ask

"God, please Isis" I block the wound so it can stop bleeding

"W-wake up Isis please" I shake her

What should I do? Is she already…

I dig my nails into my forehead

Did I do this?

I lick my lips



What's wrong with me?

"Mgh" she groans suddenly

"Isis!" I help her sit up

"Y-you dummy," she grumbles

"Isis, I-I'm sorry did I do this?" I pat her back as she coughs again and again

"It's not your fault" she clears her throat as she set her hand on her shoulder where she was bleeding from

"What? D-did I bite you?"


I bring my hands to my head

"It's okay" she smiles "y-your father… he had that same… problem." she says


She nods "he would often bite himself to calm this urge for a bit before he'd have to get it from something else" she smiles

"Oh…" I think

I open my mouth before digging my fangs into my hand, sucking on the blood just beneath my thumb


She was right. It really did help

"Everything will be alright, okay?" She pulls me into her arms "I love you too much, Kara. I'll talk to Ignia, he'll figure something out" she pulls Me back before pecking at my lips

"O-okay" I blush

I wonder why she took all this like it was nothing

I tried to kill her but she was completely fine with it

"C'mon I'm leaving soon" she pulls herself up

"Okay" I follow her back to the bedroom

She puts on some tight jeans and a white shirt

All I put on are some gray sweats since my fur basically worked as a shirt

"You ready?" She asks

I nod

"Alright, c'mon" she opens the doors

"Tag, you're it!" Beerus shouts

"Aw no fair you came at me cause I'm the smallest" Rhea frowns

"Stop being a sore loser!" Champa shouts before Rhea tags him

"Whuaa?!" He looks around

"Hehehe* Your it!" Rhea giggles

"That's cheating! I don't wanna play anymore!" He puts his foot down

"Awe, who's the sore loser now?" Whis teases

"C'mon Champa, I told you you should get yourself in shape" Vados sighs

"Shut up you two got the ultra whatever so we'll never catch you!" Champa shouts

I hop off the edge, ready to join in on the fun when the front door slowly opened

"Hey Kara" Coeus huffs

"Oh… hey" I look to see who was at the door

It was a very tall bird man

"Well, look who finally decided to show up" Anubis who was sitting at the table talking with Igneel stands up

"Who's that?" I ask Whis

"Oh that's the Great Supreme Kai of this Universe, Amun-Ra" he says

"He's also Anubis' best friend and greatest rival" Vados adds

"Whoa, awesome" I giggle

"What took so long, old friend?" Anubis asks

"Well I was bringing these two along" Amun-ra says as the doors open further

"I already told you, so shut it" I hear a familiar voice

"Zuri!" I run over to my old pal

"K-Kara?!" She jumps after I catch her off guard

"Whoa who's this?" I ask looking at the little green baby she had in her arms

"Oh, yeah this is… err Guru" she says as she puts him down "c'mon say hi Guru"

The boy stands up

"Hi kid" I offer a high five

"He looks an awful lot like me, doesn't he Kara?" Zalama says besides Zuri "I-I mean that would make sense since I am his father after all. y-you know since it couldn't possibly be yours" he scoffs nervously

"Just shut up already" Zuri steps on his foot

The little boy sets his hand on mine as if comparing the two

"P-p-b." He mumbles

"What's that? You want papa?" Zalama scoops him up before he hurries off

"That was weird" I raise an eyebrow as Guru waves at me

I wave goodbye as they went up to Ignias room

"Oh he's a Namekian" Zuri tells Kusu

"Oh I see he resembles Zalama by a lot" Vados says

"Yes, most unfortunately I'm merely following orders to pick up Mrs. Isis" Amun-Ra says

I look up at Isis who was on her way down after running into Zalama and Guru

She was tall now, back to normal

"You're leaving right now?" I ask

"Yeah" she sighs

"Oh… okay" I smile

"Wh-where are you going mama?" Rhea asks

"Yeah, what happened?" Coeus asks

"I have to go look for your uncle, Aether" she says

"Yeah and I'm coming with" Tora hurries down the stairs

"You to, mom?" Hisoka asks

"Yeah, don't worry baby, we'll be back" Tora crouches down beside Hisoka

"Aw don't give me that look," Tora frowns, "daddy's gonna come in a bit, okay?"

"Okay" Hisoka says

"Alright, bye Kara" Tora gives me a little hug

"Bye…" I hug her back

I watch as Isis said bye to everyone

I can't believe she's leaving

I'm really going to miss her

"We'll be back, alright?" Isis smiles

"Okay" I smile as they joined Amun-Ra

"I'd like to see my husband before we go" Tora says

"Very well" Amun-Ra says before disappearing with the pair

Man I really wish Isis didn't have to go

"Hey Kara" Beerus taps my shoulder

"What?" I ask

"Whis told me how you were able to hold your own against him" he says

"Yeah?" I smile

"I was just curious if you were down to spar a little, you know I'd like to show you how it feels, to fight a future God of Destruction" he pats his bicep

"Yeah, that's sounds super fun" I giggle

"C'mon" he leads me out back

I follow him into the forest, away from everyone so that they wouldn't catch on too fast

"He told me you're really fast" he says as he finally stopped and out of habit I activate my sharingan as he did

"Yeah but compared to him I wasn't the best" I say

"Yeah?" He asks

"Mhmm" I nod

"Well Whis is on a completely different level than us" he says

"Yeah" I smile seeing his muscles twitching

I raise palm catching his fist before ducking under his foot

I dig my fist into his stomach and he stumbles back a bit taking the blow like a champ before coming right back at me faster and more accurate than before

"Heh" I smile finally uppercutting his chin

He shakes it off before I flip back evading his attack coming for my legs

"Ha-ha-ha!" he throws a barrage of ki blasts

I manage to evade most but was forced to knock the last one aside

"Gatcha!" he growls

I turn around to feel his claws slash across my chest

"Nghk*" I grunt, grabbing his wrist

I spin a few times before slamming him into a tree

"Gahh*" he jumps out the way before I slam my fist on the tree making the whole thing come crashing down

"C'mon Kara" he huffs as our fist clash in the middle

"What, tired already?" I huff

"Don't make me laugh!" he jumps back

I take a step back as well before we both launch at each other

"Nghk" I clench my teeth seeing who came in between us

"That's enough you two" Coeus holds my fist and Beerus' like it were nothing

Man, I never knew he was this strong

To be able to stop both of us with ease

"What the hell?!" Beerus growls

"Yeah, what's with you guys?" I frown "I just wanna have some fun"

"Yeah, accept your missing the fight" he smiles widely


He nods "Anubis wanted to spar with Ignia just before he leaves" he says before turning around

"Wh-what really ?!" Beerus asks

"Put a hand on my shoulder" Coeus says putting two fingers to his forehead "and see for yourself" he smiles

We do as he says and we were teleported back to the castle where Whis had a big sphere showing Anubis out of breath

"Whoa, dads losing?!" Beerus shoves me out of the way

"Yeah, Ignia was going easy on him at first but then Anubis got mad a-and it was awesome" Rhea says

"Ignia hasn't even tapped into Rosé" Whis says just as excited as we all were watching them duke it out

"Where are they fighting?" I ask

"The went down to Gaia" Vados says

"Anubis is the most powerful God of Destruction but even he is no match for Lord Ignia" Kusu says

"So is your dad even stronger?" I ask her

"My father?" She asks "hmm let's see" she thinks

"Father once told me Kara was far stronger than him and Ignia defeated him so I'd say Ignia is equally matched if not a tiny bit stronger" Whis punches his fingers

"Y-you mean my dad?" I ask

"Uh.. yeah" Whis says

"Gosh, that's so awesome" I giggle excitedly

We all watch as Ignia slapped Anubis's attacks aside as if they were nothing

It was the awesomest thing ever

"Alright time to go Anubis" Ignia helps him up

Ignia throws his arm over his shoulder before they disappear and reappear into the same room we us

"Oh… hey guys" Ignia smiles

"I tried telling the idiot but nooo" Bastet says annoyingly

"Dad, you suck!" Champs stomps his foot

"J-just heal me, please baby?" Anubis begs

"Like hell!" Bastet crosses her arms "I'll do so when we get home"

"Ah c'mon" he begs

"No worries" Whis's mom taps Anubis on the head and in an instant he's completely healed along with his ripped clothes get fixed

"Thank you" Anubis sighs

"Hmph" Bastet pouts

"Anyways we should get going as well" Mrs. Priestess says

"Right" Ignia giggles not even phased by the battle with Anubis

"Alright, bye Beerus" Rhea waves

"Uhh… b-bye" he blushes, waving back

"Hah, you like her, you like her" Champa teases

"Shut up fatso!" Beerus growls before they all disappear

"Man that was real fun" Coeus sighs

"For real we had so much fun" Rhea giggles

"I'm super tired though" Hisoka yawns

"Kara" Ignia sets a hand on my shoulder

"Y-yeah?" I ask nervously

"Come boy" he smiles

I nod

"What happened?" Coeus whispers

"I don't know" I whisper back before following Ignia to his room

"Isis told me what happened" he says

"Oh…" I should've know it was that

Now I'm about to lose everything again

I was so happy these couple days but I'm sure he'll make me go now

"Listen, I want you to know it isn't your fault" he says

"What?" I ask

"It's not your fault, okay?" he repeats

"Wh-why?" I felt myself tearing up

"Nobody wishes to be born this way"

"B-but why…" I look down at my feet

"No buts" he rubs my head

"Why are you so nice t-to m-me, Ignia?" I felt a nasty lump on my throat

I wanted to cry so bad

It hurts

I've been alone for so long and not once was I treated like this

"It's okay, Kara. Like I said, you were born this way, there's nothing you could do about it okay?" He grabs my shoulder

"Oh gosh Ignia" I couldn't help myself

I wrap my arms around him before I start bawlin My eyes out

"It's alright, my boy" he rubs my back

I cry in his arms for a couple of minutes

"Listen" he pulls me back

"Mhmm?" I rub my eyes

"I want you to take this everyday, okay ?" He hands me a some kind of metal cup

I spin the top open before my nose is filled with that… aroma

Is it?


"Unfortunately your body has grown accustomed to this… need." he says

I nod shamefully

"It's alright, kid" he pats my shoulder "before you know it. I'm sure maybe five thousand years from now you won't be so terribly dependent on it" he smiles

I'm sure five thousand is a super big number

I bet it's even bigger than six

Either way it'll be a long time from now

"Yeah" I smile" "That's a super long time though, isn't it?

"Yes it is" he smiles. "Everything's gonna be alright, c'mere" he opens his arms

Why is he so nice?

"Thank you Ignia" I jump into his arms, getting awfully teary again

"Yeah" he chuckles "no problem… kid"

He lays back against the bed, running his fingers through my hair as I cried myself to sleep

-to be continued