
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 The Rescued Wapol

"Boy, it's alright, to be able to talk to Chopper, that kid is very afraid of life!"

Doctor Doli Er, who was holding a kitchen knife and broom, opened the door from the door and came in. She glanced left and right, as if she wanted to find someone.

But seeing Luffy actually chatting with Chopper, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Am I a monster after all? Isn't it normal for monsters to talk to monsters?'

Luffy deliberately emphasized some monster words, looking at Chopper while answering Doctor Doriere.

"Bastard… bastard, who are you calling a monster!"

Although I did accidentally say that the other party was a monster just now, but I don't need to repeat it all the time, right? This human being is too vengeful!

Chopper could still hear Luffy's accentuated tone, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Although he was called a monster by the man in the straw hat in front of him, Chopper did not feel the same as being called a monster by others.

The fact that he didn't feel angry or angry at all made Chopper a little weird.

Even Doctor Doli Er, who had just opened the door and came in, was a little surprised, after all, she knew a lot about Chopper.

In the past, as long as he was said to be a monster, he would grow uncontrollably, but now he is not even angry at all.

What did the man in front of him say to Chopper while he was away?

But it's a good thing that Chopper doesn't care about these things, and now the first thing he has to do is to cook those two bastards who want to cook Chopper's meat.

Thinking of this, Doctor Dorie closed the door again. Since Luffy can make Chopper not care about the name of the monster, let him solve Chopper more.

"Chopper, go out to sea with me! There are many people like you in the ocean outside, and there is even a kingdom of talking animals! 99

Luffy looked at Chopper seriously, and invited him again, with anticipation in his eyes.


Looking at Luffy's expectant eyes, Chopper opened his mouth blankly, wanting to say something.


Just then, a roar came from outside the castle.

"What's the matter? What happened?

Interrupted by the sudden roar, Chopper dared not look into Luffy's eyes again.

He hurriedly ran out, trying to conceal his desire.

"Huh? It seems that I was still showing mercy at that time (beae)!

Seeing that Chopper was about to agree, he was interrupted by the sudden sound of cannons.

Luffy opened Observation Haki rather unhappily, and everything outside was quickly imprinted in his mind.

Wapol, who was supposed to be guarded by the people, appeared at the gate of the castle with the support of his two men.

And those two subordinates were the two who were with him in front of the White Iron King.

"Isn't this dead, and it's a bit incredible to have arrived here even when the ship was destroyed!

It seems that I will have to kill myself in the future!

Perceiving Wapol and his two subordinates who appeared outside the castle, Luffy's expression was a little ugly.

I don't know if this will happen if I kill him before.

Luffy got up and walked out of the room. At this moment, Nami and Vivi, who had been resting in the other room, rushed out at the same time.

Obviously he and the others heard the roar just now, but they didn't see Sanji and Usopp at this moment, not even Doctor Dolly.

Luffy sensed it with Observation Haki and found that they had appeared at the gate of the castle, and Chopper was running towards the gate of the castle quickly.

"You two follow me, the Wapol guy was rescued by two of his men, and now there are three of them at the door."

With Marianu's abilities, Wapol could not have escaped on his own, apparently being rescued by his two men.

When Luffy and the others entered the drum kingdom, they handed Wapol to them. Obviously, those people were not the opponents of Wapol.

"Didn't all his men sink with the pirate ship? Can they still swim here?

Both Nami and Vivi were a little surprised, even if they were swimming, they couldn't be so fast, right?

"It should have grabbed another ship, otherwise it wouldn't have been so fast!"

Luffy was talking while walking, the two women followed behind Luffy, and the three of them soon came to the castle gate.

"Damn it's straw hat brat, you are here!

Wapol, who was still facing off against Sanji before, jumped up the first time he saw Luffy.

Apparently being caught by Luffy before, Wapol was extremely angry, as if he had been humiliated.

"Your life is really big, can you find it back here?

Luffy ignored the yelling Wapol and turned his attention to his two men.

"Hmph, if it weren't for you, we would have returned to this country long ago, and it is unforgivable to even dare to arrest Lord Wapol and hand it over to those foolish people! 39

The clown man with wavy lips, after hearing Luffy's words, looked at Luffy very angrily.

"Also, get out of my castle quickly, this is my castle, not for you fools!"

This was said to Doctor Doli Er, who was beside Sanji and Usopp, but apparently he couldn't hear the answer he wanted.

"What? You ask me the secret of eternal youth?"

Doctor Dolier turned a deaf ear to Wapol's anger, and instead teased him with great interest.

What a smart old woman, knowing that she won't sit idly by because of Chopper, so she doesn't look worried at all.

At this time, Chopper looked at the three Wapols angrily. It was because of these people that Dr. Silke died.

Chopper couldn't contain his anger, and the originally petite figure suddenly rose up and turned into a reindeer shape similar to King Kong.

"Oh? I remember you, the reindeer beside the quack doctor, what kind of Devil Fruit did you eat?"

Seeing the sudden transformation of Chopper, Wapol's men seem to remember the existence of Chopper.

"You are not allowed to call Dr. Silke a quack!"

Chopper, who was already on the verge of anger, finally couldn't help rushing towards him after hearing the words of the clown man with wavy lips.


Doctor Dorier looked at Chopper who rushed out worriedly.

"Sanji, Usopp, you and Chopper deal with those two Wapol's men, Wapol is up to me."

I would like to see if I kill you here, if there will be a black drum kingdom.

"Got it, I'll fix them.

"Just leave the support to me!"

Sanji is quite normal when it comes to fighting men.

As long as he is not careful, with Chopper's cooperation and Usopp's harassment, he should be able to easily deal with these two people.