
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Invite Chopper

"Your purpose was Chopper from the beginning, right?"

In the room, Doctor Doriere stared at Luffy's eyes tightly.

Although I don't know where Luffy learned about Chopper, Doctor Doli Er has this feeling, and the other party came for Chopper from the very beginning.

There are only Doctor Dorie and Luffy here, and the others are in other rooms.

"Yes, I came to the drum kingdom, indeed, for Chopper.

Luffy had no plans to hide the question from Doctor Dolier.

I came here to take away Chopper, who was like a parent to her, and any concealment would be disrespectful to this person who is like Chopper's mother.

Without those things happening in the original book, Luffy didn't know if Chopper would agree to his invitation.

But Luffy has no regrets about resolving Wapol in advance and handing Wapol to the people of the Drum Kingdom.

It's just a pity for the doctors on the Wapol ship.

At the time, I didn't think too much about it, and it was indeed a miscalculation to directly let Mikita take action to sink the White Iron King.

However, after the pirate ship was destroyed at that time, he did not continue to do it, and he still had a certain chance of surviving.

"That's quite frank, kid!"

For Luffy's frankness, Doctor Dolier just gave Luffy another look.

"I'm not against you taking Chopper, and he really should see the outside world.

Speaking of which, Doctor Doli Er paused.

"However, I will not allow anyone to take Chopper away without his will!""

At the end of the day, Doctor Doli Er's eyes were already filled with cold light.

"I may use coercive means for the enemy, but Chopper is not my enemy, and if he really doesn't want to go with me, I won't force it. 35

This is also Luffy's real thought, although it would be a pity, but Luffy can't treat Chopper as well as those in the Baroque Work Society, it's a matter of principle.

"I hope you can do what you say"~.

"Wow ah ah… Doctor Doli Er, help ah ah ah!

Just when Luffy and Doctor Doriere fell silent, there was a sudden noise from outside the door.

Then, the door of the room where the two of them were was violently pushed open.

The little reindeer, who had returned to its original state, ran into this room with a panic-stricken face.

And behind Chopper, Sanji and Usopp are chasing him, shouting reindeer meat, don't run like that.

"What do you want to do to my reindeer? Bastards!"

Doctor Dorie, who was silent because of the topic just now, grabbed the kitchen knife and broom hanging on the wall and chased after Usopp and Sanji.

The two, who were still chasing Chopper, fled at a faster speed after seeing Doctor Dolier chasing after him.

In this way, you chase me, I chase him play unfolds in Luffy's speechless eyes.

Soon, the very small Chopper slipped into Luffy's room while Sanji and the two were chased by Doctor Dorie, and had no time to care.

I saw Chopper quickly closed the door after entering, and then pressed his hooves against the door, with a sigh of relief with fear on his face.

Seemingly sure that the two outside were not chasing in, Chopper lowered his hoofs against the door and wiped his sweat-soaked forehead.

"Tony Tony – Chopper."


The little reindeer, who had never imagined that there were people in this room, was frightened by the sudden sound, and then turned back stiffly.

After seeing Luffy sitting there looking at him, he quickly ducked towards a chair beside the door.


It's just that the hiding direction seems to be a bit wrong, and the head wearing a pink hat is half hidden behind the chair.

The upper two hooves grabbed the chair legs, and the whole body and legs arched toward the other side of the chair.

Looking at the classic reverse hiding, Luffy didn't know what to say for a while, so he had no choice but to remind:

"You're hiding.


The little reindeer froze after being reminded by Luffy, and then slowly began to wriggle towards the back of the chair, but his head did not need to be adjusted.

The reindeer, which was hidden again, stared at Luffy like a voyeur.

"Human, how did you know my full name?"

Although he was afraid of life, after all, it was the person invited by Doctor Doli Er, and Chopper was not too scared to speak.

"Doctor Doril just told me, how is it, do you want to be a pirate with me?

Since there was such a chance to be alone, Luffy naturally invited Chopper directly.

"You… are you inviting me?"

Luffy's words made Chopper visibly stunned, everyone he'd seen before would only call him a monster.

And this person in front of him, not only did not call him a monster, but also invited him, because he had never seen him transformed?

66~ Yes, I heard from Dr. Dolly that you have learned all her medical skills. There is a shortage of doctors on my ship, so I hope you can come and be the ship doctor on my ship.

For a performance like Chopper's, Luffy seemed patient.

"Hmph, even if you, a human, praise me, I won't agree to you, idiot~"

Chopper, who was still hiding behind the chair, twitched and moved out immediately after hearing Luffy say that he had learned all the medicine from Doctor Doriere.


After a while, Luffy saw Chopper's two signature moves, and Luffy felt that Chopper was too simple.

"Why don't you agree, Doctor Doli Er also hopes that you can go to sea with me!

While Dr. Doril did say she wanted Chopper to see the outside world, she didn't say she wanted Chopper to follow Luffy.

Luffy said this deliberately, although it was a bit of a misunderstanding of Doctor Doli Er's meaning, but it was not a deception.

"You said that Doctor Doli Er also wants me to go to sea with you?"

"Don't lie! Human fruit (Li Wangzhao) are all liars!"

Excited, Chopper's body suddenly grew larger and turned into a huge humanoid.

"Don't get excited, you… have grown bigger!

"Ahhh, bastard!

Chopper, who was reminded by Luffy again, shrank quickly and returned to his previous appearance.

"You… aren't you afraid? I was shaking just now?"

Seeing Luffy's still flat face, Chopper couldn't help but ask.

"It's not something to be surprised about, the Devil Fruit's powers are all kinds of strange, you can get bigger and smaller, and I can lengthen my body like this. 99

Saying that, Luffy suddenly stretched out his arm, towards Chopper's direction.


Seeing Luffy's sudden lengthening of arms, Chopper's eyes suddenly bulged out, and he shouted at Luffy with a frightened look.


Call me a monster, right, when you get on the boat, you will look good.
