
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 The Man On The Merry

"It takes a day to record the pointer magnetically, so let's fix it here today!"

Although this is also a subordinate bounty hunter agency of the Baroque Work Society.

But at present, apart from the top secret agents, only Mr.9, who followed Luffy and the others, knew Vivi's identity.

So with Mr.8 like Ikalem, Luffy and the others naturally don't need to waste their energy to kill these bounty hunters.

As for Miss. Valentine who was tied up, he was still tied to the stone over there and basked in the sun!

Don't worry about her escaping, her light Lion Fruit can only act on herself, and can't fly when tied.

But Luffy is a little strange, she herself said that the light Lion Fruit can make her weight freely change between 1-10000 kg.

Even in the lightest state, it should be 1 kilogram. How did she fly?

Devil Fruit is really strange, maybe she doesn't fully understand her own fruit ability!

A few people rested in the town for a night, during which Icarim entertained Luffy and others.

Although there was not much food left in the town, he left immediately, so he naturally ignored it.

As for the other bounty hunters, they were not a group.

And because of Vivi's reasons, Luffy and the others had already saved their lives by not taking action against them, so naturally there was no need to feel any burden.

The next day, Luffy and others boarded the Merry again, ready to go to the next stop, Little Garden.

When he left, Mr.9 naturally wouldn't follow him, and even if he wanted to, Luffy wouldn't let him stay on the Merry.

And Ikalem, under the persuasion of Vivi, took the lead to go back to Alabasta.

Since Luffy has been invited as a savior, it is natural that someone needs to go back and tell the purpose of Crocodile to Vivi's father, the current king of Alabasta, Cobra.

Moreover, when someone goes back, they can also make some arrangements in advance, so as not to cause too many losses in time.

Originally, Ikalem planned to let Vivi go back and report the situation to the king.

And he followed Luffy and others, and when they were done, he would lead the way to Alabasta.

But thinking that it would be dangerous to let Vivi set out alone, it is better to let her follow Luffy and them.

Although there may be other dangers on the road, with Luffy's strength, they can fully protect Vivi's safety.

Furthermore, the condition was agreed by Vivi. It was completely unreasonable to exchange with Vivi, and Luffy and the others would not necessarily believe in themselves.

So in the end Vivi followed Luffy and the others, but before leaving, Ikalem gave Nami a permanent pointer to Alabasta.

As for himself, he had to find another way.

"But why are we bringing this guy?"

On the Merry, looking at Miss. Valentine who was brought aboard, Nami looked at Luffy dangerously.

You just got yourself, and are you ready to take action against other women?

Although neither Ikalem nor Mr.9 followed the Merry, Luffy took the Miss Valentine who had been stunned by Sanji before.

"What does Mr. Luffy need this woman to do?"

Although Vivi felt that Luffy didn't bring her up because he fell in love with the other party, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Maybe this woman could be used in Alabasta."

"As for whether there will be any damage on the ship, leave it to our merciful chef, Mr. Cook!"

Slightly staggered Nami's line of sight, although this Miss. Valentine looks good, but Luffy didn't fall in love with her at a glance.

"That's not the way to keep tying her like this, right?"

Taking Luffy's word for the moment, Nami wouldn't be surprised that Luffy always knew something.

As for whether this woman is really used in Alabasta as Luffy said, that will be discussed later.

If he dared to lie to himself, Nami wouldn't let Luffy in his bed.

Hearing Nami's words, Luffy looked towards Miss. Valentine who was bound.

"Our cooks may be merciful to women, but if you do something that harms the ship, I'll just throw you into the sea, understand?"

Frightened by Luffy's eyes, Miss. Valentine nodded hurriedly.

That green-headed man with curly eyebrows and three knives without a reward can easily defeat himself and Mr.5.

Miss. Valentine doesn't think she can escape from this big pirate with a bounty of 90 million.

The other party didn't mean to kill him before, so it's better to be honest, maybe he can leave alive.


Miss. Valentine was always calling, and Luffy found it annoying.


Miss. Valentine didn't hesitate, and immediately said her name.

"Usopp, untie!"

Although there is no guarantee that the other party will not make small moves, but with Sanji watching, there will be no major problems.

No matter how bad it is, his own Observation Haki is not for watching.

Just monitoring someone, Luffy's Observation Haki consumption is not too much.

"Hey, is it really okay to just untie her like this?"

Nami was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, as long as you're still on this ship, no one can hide from my Observation Haki."

Luffy patted Nami on the shoulder, then continued looking in a certain direction.

"Are you right? Miss Nicole-Robin."


"Someone else got on the Merry? Where is it?"

Luffy's words were out of his mouth, and Zoro immediately put his hand on the hilt at his waist.

Sanji also stood in front of Vivi for the first time.

Usopp, on the other hand, looked around nervously, not knowing where the person Luffy was talking about was.

"Monkey-D- Luffy, I'm so curious how you know me?"

In everyone's eyes, behind the deck on the second floor of the Merry, a woman in a denim leather jacket walked out from there.

"You're…Miss.All Sunday?"

The first time she saw the woman, Vivi recognized who she was.

But obviously, Vivi only knew the identity of the other party's Baroque work club, but not her other identity.

"Miss.All Sunday? Also an agent of the Baroque Works?"

Hearing Vivi's shout, everyone's first reaction was that the other party was also a Baroque worker.

Ignoring the others, the woman stared solemnly at the man who directly called out her real name.

Nicole-Robin, who wanted to make fun of the other party, was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

In his profile, the other party is obviously just a newbie pirate who has just entered the Grand Line, why can he recognize him at a glance?

You must know that on the reward order, your portrait is still at the stage of a child! *