
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Invite Robin

"Miss.All Sunday, are you Mr.0 sent to deal with us?"

Vivi, who is quite familiar with the behavior of the Baroque work club, immediately thought that the other party was here to kill him.

"I have no orders to deal with you."

Although it was surprising that Luffy revealed his name, it was obvious that he did not reveal himself by looking at the appearance of others.

He was slightly relieved, but Nicole-Robin didn't dare to be careless. In any case, if the other party really wanted to keep him, he might not be able to escape at all.

At this moment, Nicole-Robin regretted why she had come to check on this ship.

If he hadn't been so curious, he might not have fallen into the current predicament.

But even so, Nicole-Robin didn't show any fear on her face, she still answered Vivi's question with a smile.

After so many years, if you can't even manage your own expression well, then maybe you have died a long time ago.

Hearing Nicole-Robin's answer, Vivi didn't let down her guard, this woman, it's not easy.

"Don't be so nervous, you must know that the results of your investigation were obtained by me deliberately letting you follow. If I want to deal with you, why wait until now?"

Although he was provoking Vivi, his eyes never left Luffy.

"Of course I know that!"

Vivi is not stupid, on the contrary, she was able to go undercover for two years in the Baroque Work Club, thanks to her own agility.

"Stop talking nonsense, Nicole-Robin, I don't care what you're on this ship for, but right now, I have something I want to ask you!"

Luffy looked serious, and the others on the boat didn't say anything when they saw Luffy talking, but looked at Luffy with curious eyes.

They actually heard Luffy call the woman Nicole-Robin this time, which meant Luffy knew who the woman was.

But looking at the woman's expression, it was obviously the first time she had seen Luffy.

After hearing Luffy's words, Nicole-Robin was stunned for a moment, but then looked at Luffy vigilantly.

As long as Luffy made a move, she would jump on the turtle ship following the Merry without hesitation.

"what do you wish to ask?"

With her eyes fixed on Luffy, Nicole-Robin didn't dare to be careless.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not trying to hurt you or ask embarrassing questions."

Not slackening by Luffy's words, Nicole-Robin just watched Luffy silently, waiting for his next words.

"My ship is short of people now, how about you, do you want to come to my ship?"


"What are you talking about? Mr. Luffy."

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, Nami and the others who reacted first, especially Vivi, reacted the most.

Nicole-Robin also apparently didn't expect Luffy to invite herself aboard.

She didn't respond for a while, she just blinked and didn't make a sound.

"The goal of my trip is Crocodile. After the fall of the Baroque Society, you are going to run away anyway, why don't you come to my ship?"

Luffy ignored everyone's surprise and confusion, and Yi still looked at each other calmly.

"Hey, Luffy, what are you doing? You just brought a Miss. Valentine, you said she was useful, and now you're inviting this woman of unknown origin, don't you really like them?"

Luffy ignored Nami and the others, which didn't mean that Nami didn't speak. As soon as she reacted, she touched Luffy's cheek.

"Don't make trouble, she's different from Mikita, Nicole-Robin's presence is necessary if we want to navigate the world!"

Luffy held Nami's hand that wanted to pull his cheek, but he didn't mean to let go, so he held Nami's hand and explained.

"Since Mr. Luffy knows me, he should know about my past. Even so, would you still invite someone like me on board?"

Although she didn't know Luffy's specific purpose, Nicole-Robin wasn't so nervous at this point.

As long as the other party thinks that he is useful, he will not move him easily. This is Nicole-Robin's experience of struggling alone for so many years.

And when others don't need me, I have already made all the arrangements so that I can get away easily.

"What? Luffy, can you say hello before you invite people next time? It's a sudden invitation every time. If you don't say whether people will agree or not, we'll find it very awkward!"

Zoro still believes in Luffy's way of looking at people.

But I always feel that Luffy seems to have known these people for a long time, and his every action seems to be specially designed to invite himself and others.

"Looking carefully, isn't this a beautiful lady? Luffy, you finally did something worthy of praise!"


A question mark slowly appeared on Luffy's head, and Zoro said it was fine, Sanji, do you think I didn't do anything right before?

"Lu… Luffy, you don't really… really want to invite this woman, are you?"

For anyone and anything, Usopp is inherently timid.

"I know you've been looking for historical texts, and it just so happens that I have several pieces of historical texts on my side, how about that?"

Luffy felt like a human trafficker now, and he was destined to rely on these sidelines to invite people.

"Even the historical text, I'm even more curious about Mr. Luffy now."

On the surface, it was still calm, but when Nicole-Robin heard Luffy mention the historical text, the vigilance she had just dropped rose again.

"I sincerely invite you to board the ship, or do you need to think about it?"

Of course, you have to think about it. You are such a direct invitation that no one dares to accept it directly, right?

Nicole-Robin secretly complained, but she didn't mean to refuse directly.

After all, Luffy was right, if he did beat Crocodile, he should have run away too.

But what if you can't beat it? If he promised to get on his boat now, wouldn't he be finished by then?

"Are you worried we can't beat Crocodile?"

As if seeing through Nicole-Robin's heart, Luffy directly expressed her concerns.


Nicole-Robin was taken aback, although she did think so, but she didn't show the slightest expression of wanting to agree.

Can you see your hesitation?

"Why don't you do it like this, after I and Crocodile officially fight, if I win, how about you agree to my invitation?"

As for losing, there is no need to hesitate when everyone is dead, Nicole-Robin thought.

At the same time he said:

"Since Mr. Luffy has said this for the sake of it, if I refuse again, I will be a little confused. Then I will wait for the good news from Mr. Luffy!"*