
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 438

Chapter 438 Goodbye Vivi

"Princess Vivi, a soldier reported that a pirate had logged into Alabasta.

In the palace of Alabasta, Vivi sat in a daze by the window as always.

This is what Vivi does most often when there is nothing important to deal with.

It's rare to go out to experience the feelings of the people, but because of Vivi's current status, he can only go out occasionally.

Cobra has begun to slowly put things into Vivi's hands.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents from happening, Vivi tries not to go out unless it is necessary.

And just when Vivi thought that she would spend the day doing nothing as usual today, Ikalem came to the outside of Vivi's bedroom.

"Pirates? Are there any pirates so blatantly entering Alabasta?

Generally speaking, a superpower like Alabasta is also a member of the World government, so few pirates log in here.

And even if you log in, you should try to keep a low profile and not be discovered by the soldiers of this country.

Besides, isn't this kind of thing usually left to Kosha to handle?

Vivi turned around, and those bright eyes looked at Ikalem who was standing at the door.

"It was the two pirates who found the soldiers themselves."

With a slight smile in Ikalem's eyes, Luffy and Nami came to Alabasta at this time, apparently to see Princess Vivi.

But now, looking at Princess Vivi's slightly puzzled look, and thinking about what might happen in the future, Ikalem couldn't help but find it interesting.

Seemingly noticing the smile in Ikalem's eyes, or hearing the meaning from Ikalem's words, Vivi showed an incredible expression on his face.

"Is it Luffy them?

Vivi asked cautiously.

She expected an affirmative answer from Ikalem's mouth, with a hint of urgency in her eyes.

She wanted to rush out immediately to see with her own eyes whether it was the person she was waiting for, but she was afraid that she would not see the person she wanted to meet.

Ikalem did not disappoint Vivi, but confirmed Vivi's guess with a smile.

Although Vivi's expression made Ikarem find it interesting, he also didn't want to see his princess look disappointed.

"It's Mr. Luffy and Miss Nami. They are in the palace and are being received by His Majesty."

The only pirates who can be personally received by the king of Alabasta are the Straw Hat Pirates.

There may have been a Crocodile back then, but since Crocodile's conspiracy was revealed, he's no longer the hero of the country.

Hearing Ikalem's affirmative answer, Vivi had a long-lost smile on his face.

Then, Vivi stood up, lightly picked up the slightly too long dress, and quickly ran past Ikalem, without waiting for Ikalem to run towards the palace alone.

"Mr. Luffy, don't let down the princess' affectionate feelings!"

Looking at Vivi who couldn't wait to run out, and thinking that Vivi, who had rarely smiled since Luffy left, smiled again, Ikalem couldn't help thinking to himself.

Afterwards, Ikalem also trotted to keep up with Vivi.

"Princess Vivi, wait for me!"

After all, I have been out and about with Vivi for many years, even if my body is a little plump, this distance is still acceptable to him.

"Although you did say at the time that you would be back soon, I didn't expect it to be so soon.

Inside the palace, King Kobra stared at the man he had not seen for more than a month and sighed slightly.

"After the Summit War, I let my crew members go to practice, so I have this time to come here for the time being.

For Cobra, Luffy has nothing to hide.

The other party is not a talkative person, and there is a relationship with Vivi, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Summit War, I didn't expect that you, who dealt with Crocodile in the first place, would have such strength, which is really unexpected.

Cobra glanced at Luffy with a complicated expression, although being able to solve Crocodile already showed that Luffy was quite capable.

But it wasn't until the news of the Summit War spread around the world that Cobra knew that this man's power had exceeded everyone's expectations.

If Luffy were a Marine, or even just a civilian, Cobra would be happy with what happened with him and Vivi.

But he is a pirate, and even now he has the title of the emperor of the sea.

While Alabasta is a member of the World government, Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, and will even take over as the king of Alabasta right away.

•••••*#*・・・・ …

The identities of the two people can be said to be very different. The World Government and Marine are like a gulf between them.

Moreover, Kobra couldn't help but look to the side of Nami, the name of the Flying Witch, after the war, was completely known to the world.

And between them, there are not as many problems as Vivi.

"I won't say more if I'm here, in addition to seeing Vivi, I also have a Devil Fruit to give to Vivi. In addition, there are some things I need to tell you.

Hearing Luffy's words, Cobra turned his attention to the box Luffy was holding.

I was wondering if Luffy was holding this box and was planning to give Vivi a gift.


Since Vivi wasn't there, Cobra didn't ask any further questions.

Now that Luffy mentions it, is it actually a Devil Fruit inside?

It's just, I don't know what Devil Fruit will be, it's worth Luffy's fancy, and ready to give it to Vivi.

"Luffy! 35

And at this moment, Vivi's exclamation came from the door of the main hall.

Luffy turned around, and then, with Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Luffy stretched out his free hand and gently embraced the slender waist.

The relationship between the two is not a secret among the few people present, and Nami is the "culprit" who contributed to the relationship between the two, and there is no need to hide anything.

"Cough cough…"

However, although the relationship between the two is not a secret, as Vivi's father, watching his daughter throw himself into the arms of the man who was thinking about him in front of his face, while he was relieved, he was also a little uncomfortable.

The cabbage of his own was still arched. Although this man can be said to be very good, Cobra is just hard to let go.

"Vivi, there's someone else out there!

Seeing that his daughter didn't seem to have any intention of leaving Luffy's arms, Cobra had to remind her.

This Nami is still here, aren't you completely disregarding others?

The relationship between the two is obviously not ordinary. I really want to say, you are face-to-face ntr!

This is also one of the reasons why Cobra feels uncomfortable, her own daughter actually wants to share a man with another woman?