
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 439

Chapter 439


Vivi, who was reminded by his father's cough, also reacted at this time, left Luffy's arms, and glanced at Nami a little embarrassed.

Although it was Nami who fulfilled himself in the beginning, it is really not good to be in front of Nami like this.

"It's okay, I don't care.

Nami glanced at Vivi with a half-smile, and Vivi's white and tender face was immediately dyed with a layer of blush.

"Since Vivi is here, then just eat this Devil Fruit! By the way, Vivi, you shouldn't object to becoming a Demon fruit power, right?"

The person in his arms had already left, and Luffy no longer had any nostalgia for it, but raised the other box with Devil Fruit in his hand.

The box is still made with Gal-Tino's abilities, but in the form of a normal box, unlike those boxes that hold people, "Zero Zero Three" is sealed from beginning to end.

"Ugh? Devil Fruit?"

For Vivi, Devil Fruit is no stranger, not to mention the two guard captains of Alabasta are Demon fruit power.

Even when I was in the undercover Baroque studio in those years, I also saw a lot of Demon fruit power.

The former hero, Crocodile, also caused the turmoil in Alabasta because of Devil Fruit's ability.

Vivi once thought about whether to take a Devil Fruit, so that it might be more convenient for him to act.

But it's not that simple to get a Devil Fruit when you're only outside with Ikalem.

This also made Vivi's idea finally come to an end.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to eat?"

Vivi's stunned reaction made Luffy think that Vivi didn't want to eat Devil Fruit.

If that's the case, Luffy doesn't feel comfortable letting Vivi go to the World Summit two years later.

Even in normal times, although there is no situation in the original work, this is not a comic after all, who knows if it will be different from the original work.

If someone wanted to harm Vivi, Luffy had no way of knowing in advance.

As for the two guards of Alabasta, with their strength, Luffy is not very optimistic.

Maybe for ordinary people they are very powerful, but if they are against some powerful pirates, or CP personnel of the World government, it is not enough.

"No, no, I'm just a little surprised. I once wanted to find a Devil Fruit to eat, but I couldn't find it. 35

Vivi shook his head, indicating that he was not unwilling to eat.

And Vivi's words made Cobra a little stunned, although Vivi didn't say why she wanted to eat Devil Fruit.

But Cobra could have guessed that it was not out of curiosity, but because she needed it when she was undercover in the Baroque studio.

A hint of shame flashed on Kobra's face, a country with a big promise, but Vivi, who is a princess, needed to go undercover to be saved.

And, if Vivi didn't get to know Luffy and the others, maybe Alabasta would have changed hands by now?

The power of Crocodile, even if the entire Alabasta is exhausted, there is no way to deal with it.

And this is the despair of Logia Devil Fruit for ordinary people.

"By the way, Luffy, what ability does this Devil Fruit have?

Vivi asked Luffy curiously, although even if Luffy gave only an ordinary Devil Fruit, Vivi would not refuse it.

Cobra also put down the shame in his heart and looked at Luffy.

Since it was the fruit that Luffy specially sent to Vivi, it should not be any ordinary Devil Fruit.

Those who can be seen by Luffy have unique abilities, right?

"This fruit is called the door door fruit, as the name suggests, it can open a door anywhere. 99

Cobra and Vivi, who heard Luffy explain the Devil Fruit's ability, were a little confused.

Open the door? Is it the door they understand? If so, what is the function of this fruit?

The two did not doubt Luffy, but waited for Luffy to continue to explain the function of this ability.

They believe that Luffy will not black Vivi, a fruit that is only used to open the door.

"The ability of the door door fruit is only one, that is to open the door, but as for where to open the door, it depends on how well the fruit of Vivi energy that eats the door door fruit is developed."

"The former owner of this Devil Fruit can open the door directly in the air, thus hiding in a different space that no one can reach.

Nami on the side interjected, when they were in the capital of seven waters, those CP agents were able to approach Franky unknowingly by relying on the ability of the door fruit…

And, if it weren't for that time Mery had wounded Blueno first, and they couldn't escape because of their mission.

Otherwise, with the ability of the door fruit, even Luffy might not be able to stop the opponent.

And it was precisely because they couldn't escape that this door fruit finally fell into the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Hearing Nami's words, Kobra's eyes lit up.

He already understood why Luffy gave Vivi the Devil Fruit.

Although he didn't know Devil Fruit very well, he understood Nami's words. A different dimension that no one can reach means that no one can hurt Vivi.

This is indeed a very powerful Devil Fruit, and if Vivi eats this Devil Fruit, then Cobra doesn't have to worry about Vivi's safety.

In this way, he can also hand over the king's seat to Vivi more quickly.

"However, it should be noted that the original owner of this Devil Fruit is the CP personnel of the World government. Although the rebirth of Devil Fruit is irregular, it should be used as little as possible in front of outsiders.

Luffy went on to remind:

"To avoid being targeted by the World government, although you are a member country of the World Government, I have now been targeted by the World Government."

"And the original owner of this Devil Fruit died in my hands. Once the news of Vivi eating the fruit is known to the people of the World 4.6 World Government, the World Government may not doubt your relationship with me. 39

"You're being targeted by the World government? What's going on here?"

Vivi's voice was a little anxious, she didn't care about the door fruit, but more concerned about Luffy's safety.

"Don't worry about me, the World government will not do its best to deal with me now, and when that time comes, I should have enough strength to deal with it.95

Luffy shook his head, not to console Vivi, but to be sure that Luffy had the ability.

Maybe the head-on confrontation may not necessarily be an opponent, but the sea is so big, Luffy wants to run, and Nami's Lion Fruit is there, it is also very easy.

Moreover, at that time, it is still unknown whether Luffy's strength can be further improved.