
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 400

Chapter 400 Surprised Red Hair Pirates

"Does that person look familiar?"

After the shock, there was a brief silence, and then someone spoke with some uncertainty.

"It's a little familiar, but not the same.

"I also feel a little familiar.

"Yes, then, this person is…"

The people at Red Hair Pirates seem to know who the owner of that fist is.

"Hey, bro, what are you talking about? Who is this person, do you know each other?"

However, of course, there are also people who don't know each other. After all, even if it is Red Hair Pirates, there will be new people joining.

"It's Luffy, has your strength reached this level?"

The corners of Shanks' mouth twitched, and there was a hint of nostalgia on his face.

"Is it really little Luffy? But, how did it look like this?"

"And, is that Conqueror's Haki twist?"

Although I got confirmation from Shanks and recognized it myself, I just couldn't believe it.

Before they felt that Hawkeye was joking with them, even if they knew that Luffy's talent was indeed amazing, 14 but it would take at least a little time to catch up with them.

But now that I really saw it, I found that at this time, they were really no longer Luffy's opponents.

Based on the current punch alone, it is estimated that Captain Shanks will be able to take the next step.

After all, with this level of Armament Haki, coupled with the entanglement of Conqueror's Haki, the attack power of this punch has definitely reached a terrifying level.

"Perhaps without us, this war will soon be over.

Shanks sighed slightly, Observation Haki had already covered the entire battlefield.

It can be clearly felt that in Crescent Moon Bay, there are no other fighting sounds at this time, but there are still a lot of breaths.

Obviously, the people in Crescent Moon Bay, like them, were watching Luffy's battle at this time.

Moreover, several familiar auras still exist in the Crescent Moon Bay.

"So shall we leave like this?"

Yasopp gave Shanks a funny look and laughed.

"Haha, how could it be possible to leave like this, although it is not the same as expected, but since Luffy has come this far, why should we meet again?"

"Then disembark, there is no sea for the Red Falls to move forward in the next place.

Not only was the entrance blocked by the corpse of the Demon Oz, but also the frozen sea in Crescent Moon Bay could be seen from here.

"Now is not a good opportunity to get off the boat, but the fist is about to fall."

One can imagine the consequences of such an attack hitting the solid ice of Crescent Moon Bay.

Even though the surrounding walls might be tough, Shanks would definitely not be able to take the punch.

And once the surrounding wall is broken, the ice layer in the Crescent Moon Bay is also broken, and the surrounding is probably surging upwards, and it is easy to be knocked over by the waves.

But this is not a big problem for their Red Hair Pirates, after all, they have never eaten Devil Fruit, even if they fall into the sea, it doesn't matter.

However, the Marines and pirates in Crescent Moon Bay may suffer.

"It's really messed up, but, facing that kind of guy, really shouldn't let him live?"

Looking at the darkness rising into the sky, Shanks' Observation Haki also sensed the aura of the man he cared about.

Reaching out and stroking the three scars on his left eye, Shanks' eyes couldn't help but turn serious.

"Is this guy trying to destroy Marineford?

Looking at the fist that seemed to cover the entire Crescent Moon Bay, Sengoku's face darkened, and then he glanced at Garp who was still sitting there.

This kind of nonsense is really exactly the same as Garp, completely ignoring the consequences of doing so.

You know, Marine isn't the only one here, and the Whitebeard Pirates haven't left either!

If this fist hits, it is estimated that even the Whitebeard Pirates will attack together.

Sengoku is ready, if Luffy really smashes such a big fist directly, he will shoot whatever he says.

This is Naval Headquarters, and not all the surrounding Marines died, many were just stunned by Luffy's Conqueror's Haki before.

If they really let Luffy's punch fall, they'd be really helpless.

Also, Sengoku glanced at Whitebeard out of the corner of his eye, and he wouldn't let Luffy's punch fall.

"What a foolish kid, I thought he was mature enough in the previous conversation, but he still likes to fool around like the old guy. 55

Looking at the huge fist falling from the sky, Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand that was not holding Cong Yunqie had already exerted a little force, clenching it into a fist.

If Luffy can't pull the punch, Whitebeard will definitely hit the punch.

Not to stop Luffy from killing Blackbeard, but to not let Luffy hurt the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, Sengoku and Whitebeard's concerns were unnecessary, and Luffy's punch was always aimed at the Blackbeards.

The reason why I have become so big is just to see how big my body can become.

At the same time, it is only to prevent Blackbeard and others from escaping.

With such a big fist, presumably they don't know where to run, and in the end they can only act together in 730.

And this is what Luffy wanted.

However, the awakened Rubber Fruit seems to have no limit. Luffy feels that even this level of size is not his limit.

However, there is no spare time to continue to grow bigger.

The fist was about to fall, and just when Sengoku and Whitebeard were about to lose their hold, Luffy's fist, which was enough to cover the entire Crescent Moon Bay, was also shrinking continuously.

In the end, it became a size that could only cover a few Blackbeards.

"It's not easy to run away, if you can't take my move, just die here, Blackbeard, Marshall-D-Teach!

Luffy's voice resounded in Blackbeard's ears, and they stared at the fist that was about to fall.

It was unrealistic to want to continue to escape. Several people stopped and used their abilities to fight Luffy's punch.

Blackbeard's hands were already covered in darkness, and the darkness swirled in Blackbeard's palms like Uzumaki, as if to devour all Kabuto.

Shiryu of the Rain also squatted down slightly, and his hands holding the long sword kept accumulating power, condensing the strongest blow.

Even Katrin-Diemei, who had a broken arm, turned into a fox-headed orc with a ferocious face.