
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 399

Chapter 399 The Arrival Of The Red Hair Pirates

"This Kaido is really tough!"

On an island not far from Marineford, many people are sitting or lying on the ground without any image.

This island is now in a state of tatters and will sink at any time.

The only plants left on the island are also burning at this time, and will turn into a pile of ashes at any time.

"But he ran away in the end."

Laki-Lu lay on his back on the ground, and he didn't know when, there was another chicken leg in his hand, and his round belly was facing the sky at this time.

"His purpose is just to fight, and whether it's with Marine, with the Whitebeard Pirates, or with us, it's all the same to him."39

Ben – Beckman shoved the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, took a breath and said, but looked at Shanks not far away, who was watching Kaido leave.

Now that Kaido has run "Seven Thirty Zero", it is time for them to move on to the next step.

"Okay, little ones, we should go on, there's a war waiting for us!

Seemingly feeling the sight behind him, Shanks put the Griffin in his scabbard back in his scabbard, then turned back and shouted to the crew members who were resting.

Don't know what's going on with Marineford either, hopefully things don't get to the point of being irreversible!

Otherwise, this sea may be completely violent.

"Oh! 39

The crew members who were originally resting responded one after another, got up from the ground, and walked towards the ship that was docked on the shore.

"Hey boss, what are you thinking about?"

Yasopp, who was running towards the boat, noticed that Shanks hadn't followed immediately, and turned to Shanks and asked.

"No, nothing, let's go!"

Shanks shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to care.

Yasopp didn't ask any further questions, just nodded and continued toward the boat.

"Luffy, will you be there?

Just after Yasopp turned around, Shanks murmured, and then walked towards the boat as well.

"This is really exaggerated!"

When the Red Hair Pirates finally arrived in Marineford, the first thing they saw were the two giant tsunami ice sculptures.

In front of them, there are already many wrecks of warships and pirate ships floating on the sea.

Although it was not exaggerated to the point that the blood dyed the surrounding sea area red, there were not a few corpses on the sea surface.

There are marines, and naturally there are pirates, and not far away, there is a huge circular surrounding wall.

The only remaining entrance to the circular surrounding wall, or it could be said to be the exit, was where the corpse of the gigantic Demon Oz was lying.

If there is no accident, if there is no such corpse, the entire circular surrounding wall may not have this exit.

"Red… Red Hair Pirates!"

When they first appeared here, someone on the outer warship had already discovered them.

No way, after all, it is the Four Emperors Pirates of New World, that flag is too conspicuous.

"Damn, why are the Red Hair Pirates here, are they already allied with the Whitebeard Pirates? 99

When the sight of the Red Hair Pirates was discovered, the expressions of the Marines outside changed greatly.

The appearance of the Red Hair Pirates at this time is not good news for their Marines.

Originally, there was a straw hat boy, but now the situation in Crescent Moon Bay is not very optimistic.

If even the Red Hair Pirates were involved now, things might not be good.

"Red Hair Pirates, what is your purpose here?"

However, Marine couldn't do nothing at this time, and could only bite the bullet and ask the purpose of Red Hair Pirates here.

"Huh, have you been found? I wanted to sneak in.

Shanks nonsensically opened his mouth to several cadres around him, which immediately attracted the eyes of several people.

"We obviously didn't hide, okay? Isn't it normal to be discovered? 39

"Is it? lol!"

Hearing this, Shanks seemed to have just reacted, scratching his head in embarrassment.

However, just as he looked up at Marine not far away, the original hippie smile suddenly disappeared.

Instead, a majestic and Haki face.

"Don't be so nervous, we are here only to end this war.

While speaking, the Red-Foss did not intend to stop, and still drove straight towards the only entrance of Crescent Moon Bay.

"Red Hair Pirates, stop your pirate ship!"

Although Shanks has stated his purpose, it is clear that Marine has no intention of letting the Red Hair Pirates enter Crescent Bay…

This is normal though, after all this is Naval Headquarters Marineford anyway.

Even if this place has been reduced to a battlefield, if the Red Hair Pirates are also involved, then Marine may really be destroyed today.

Although the red-haired Shanks said he was here to end the war, Marine and the pirates had no trust at all.

The muzzles of several warships have been aimed at the Red-Foss, and if the Red-Foss hadn't stopped, they would have fired without hesitation.

However, the Red Hair Pirates obviously did not stop, and the Red Firth continued to move forward.

At this time, Shanks, who was standing on the bow of the Redford, looked at the surrounding warships that aimed their muzzles on his side, his eyes narrowed.

Conqueror's Haki poured out at this moment, and an invisible gust of momentum started from Shanks and swept toward those warships.

The hull of the warship began to crack, and Marine on the ship also rolled his eyes at this moment, and his body fell softly.

At this moment, on the warships that were about to open fire, only a few people were left standing there.

"Damn, it's Conqueror's Haki!

Officer Marine, who was still standing, looked at all the Marine soldiers who had fainted around him, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth at Shanks' group 0.4.

However, without the soldiers to open fire, he rushed up and desperately alone, but he was only going to die, and he could only watch the Red Foss constantly approaching the Crescent Moon Bay.

And just as the Red-Forth was docked near Oz's body at the exit, a deep darkness suddenly erupted from somewhere in Crescent Moon Bay.

At the same time, there was one more person in the sky. On the head and feet, the fist changed from small to large, and finally became an exaggerated size, which seemed to cover the entire Crescent Moon Bay.

And on that fist, the dark and rich Armament Haki covered it, and black-red lightning radiated from the fist to the arm.


"No way?"

Looking at the huge fist that suddenly appeared, and the various colored Hakis wrapped around the fist, even as a crew member of the Four Emperors Pirates, they were all in shock at this moment.