
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Doing On Blackbeard

'What…what's going on?

Everyone in the square of Sabaody Archipelago look at me, I look at you, just saw a transparent beam of light zooming in and approaching on the screen just now.

Then, the screen went black, and now, they couldn't see anything.

"It seems that the next thing is not ready for us to watch, but since the straw hat boy is not dead, there is no need to continue watching."

Unlike those who want to see the outcome of this war, Kid just wants to make sure that Straw Hat is still alive.

Since he had already stood up at the end of the picture, there was nothing to see in the rest.

"Let's go, continue to New World, but we can't be pulled too far by others.

Kid flicked the coat draped over his shoulders, and left without looking back.

Kira looked at each other and followed at the same time.

And just after Kid and the others left, the other supernovas also left.

However, some people are still unwilling to see the results, and seem to want to wait to see if they can wait until the live broadcast resumes.

Among them, the reporters are the most urgent, because such a major event is very difficult to encounter. If the result cannot be recorded, they will regret it.

"The tide of the times has been rolled up. Next, this sea will welcome its king again!"

Rayleigh looked up at the sky, his eyes were hazy, and 727 never left for a long time.

"Awakened under such circumstances, damn it!"

At this moment, Doflamingo's mood is like riding a roller coaster, from low to high, and then from high to low.

Luffy has recovered, and seems to be stronger than before, how does Doflamingo accept this?

It seems that after the war, we must go to Kaido.

At the moment, Boya-Hancock ignored Doflamingo. She wanted to know more about the relationship between the woman who just appeared and Luffy.

Although the other party may have appeared because he saw Luffy in a coma, his intuition told Boya-Hancock that the relationship between the two was definitely not easy.

It's hard to find a man that he can like, Boya-Hancock is not going to let it go.

"The straw hat guy is alive again, and seems to be stronger, do I still have a chance to save Perona?"

Gekko Moria's face was also not good-looking, and he felt that he was getting farther and farther from Perona.

"However, the straw hat guy is so strong, so you don't have to worry about Perona's safety, and, looking at his (beae) behavior, it shouldn't hurt Perona, right?

Gekko Moria could only pray that Luffy wasn't that kind of bastard pirate at the moment.

"It's an incredible feeling!

Now Luffy, just standing there, makes Hawkeye have the urge to draw a knife.

That is a kind of desire to challenge the strong, it has not been much time, and the current straw hat has already reached this level.

Shanks, you guys are really insightful!

"Before that, why don't you get rid of the annoying guy first?

Although he is in this war, and Marine is on the opposite side.

But at least when it comes to Blackbeard, they should all be on the same front.

"It's a really good proposition.""

Sengoku also looked at Blackbeard's group, and Blackbeard's behavior obviously angered Sengoku more than drafting the Hat Boy.

The direction of this war has completely deviated from continuing to entangle the Whitebeard Pirates and there is no point.

Perhaps taking on Whitebeard would restore Marine's reputation a bit, but now, Sengoku has more important things to confirm.

"Hey, hey, you Marines and pirates don't want to join forces to kill me, right?"

Being stared at by Luffy and Sengoku at the same time, no matter how arrogant Blackbeard was, he would be in a cold sweat at the moment.

At this moment, he regretted jumping out of the dark.

Perhaps his inaction may make Shiryu and others look down on him and leave, but at least he can survive.

But in this situation, if Sengoku and Luffy attacked him at the same time, then he would really have to explain it here today.

Even, Whitebeard may also come to add a kick. After all, whoever hates himself the most here is undoubtedly the Whitebeard Pirates.

Now, Blackbeard is stared at by Luffy and the Straw Hat, unable to continue his actions even if he wants to.

There is Straw Hat Sengoku in front, Admiral Kizaru in the back, and Whitebeard on the side. Blackbeard has no time to absorb Akainu's Devil Fruit.

"Since you want to know if I am qualified to end this war, just watch it!"

Luffy said something to Sengoku, and at the same time, Luffy also wanted to know how far the awakened Rubber Fruit can do.

Also, is Dark Fruit really able to overcome all Devil Fruit?

Now Luffy also has a trick he wants to try to see if Dark Fruit restrains himself or if his experiment can be successful.

Thinking of this, Luffy didn't wait for Sengoku to respond, but rushed directly towards Blackbeard.

This time, Luffy did not appear directly beside Blackbeard, but rushed towards Blackbeard and others at a speed that was not very fast.

At the same time, Luffy grabbed the ice surface with both hands, and saw that the originally solid and flat ice surface seemed to be alive at this moment, constantly twisting.

And in the next moment he turned into rubber and was grabbed by Luffy.

Luffy jerked his hands hard, tugging at the rubberized ice.

That part of the ice surface was directly pulled away by Luffy, while on the other side, several members of the Blackbeard Pirates swayed left and right on the rubberized ice surface.

After Luffy pulled the ice off the ground, it fell to both sides.

Kizaru's eyes and hands are quick, and when Luffy moved, his body turned into a photon, and he grabbed Akainu lying there, and left in an instant.

"Rubberizing the ice surface, this seems to be just the ability of the ordinary Paramecia Devil Fruit after awakening, right?

Sengoku looked at the ice that Luffy was pulling up, a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that since Luffy has become like this, the awakening of Rubber Fruit should be more than that.

After all, no Paramecia Devil Fruit would wake up with the ability to change its appearance.

"Damn, that Sengoku guy is actually standing by and watching!"

Although Sengoku was thankful he didn't do it together, Blackbeard didn't expect that Sengoku, as Marine, would actually let the Straw Hat mess around here.

Blackbeard, who fell to the ground, cursed inwardly, and the deep darkness began to spread in his hands.

In any case, his own Dark Fruit will restrain Devil Fruit after all.

It's good for him that Sengoku doesn't shoot, as long as his darkness can grab the straw hat, he still has a chance.