
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 391

Chapter 391 Live Streaming Interrupted

"Have you been successfully awakened by him?"

At this time, between the powers of Mariejois, the Five Elders looked at the figure appearing on the screen with an extremely ugly expression.

Although they were ready to let the straw hat go, they never thought that the straw hat would wake up so soon.

"Also, its power seems to be stronger!

Looking at Luffy standing proudly on the screen, feeling the urge to laugh inside, one of the Five Elders continued to speak.

At least from the information they have learned, it should not be possible for this fruit to affect people at such a long distance.

"Rubber Fruit, no, or Renren Fruit-Eudemons-Nika form, this fruit has awakened, maybe, we have to prepare.""

What are you ready to do? The five people present knew it.

Whether or not Luffy intends to be an enemy of World government, as long as the fruit is still on him, there will inevitably be a battle between the two.

"It's pointless to watch this war any longer. Let's report this matter to Lord Yimu and let him decide. 35

When it comes to the awakening of this fruit, even they can no longer make their own decisions.

"Also, regarding Blackbeard, the information from Sengoku, and the prisoners we see with him, he is no longer fit for Seven Warlords of the Sea. 95

The shadow shrouded in the sky over Marineford has disappeared, and both Marine and Pirate can't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

In any case, there is an island hanging overhead that may fall at any time, and it is impossible for anyone to ignore it.

Then, they turned their attention to the figure that stood up again.

They were very curious about what the straw hat boy, whose image had changed drastically, was going to do next.

Watching Nami leave, Koala and Merry, who came down with Nami, also left together in Merry's chariot No. 1 under Nami's control.

Now, the scene seems to be back to what it was before.

If it wasn't for Luffy's completely changed image at this moment, those who didn't know might still think that Marine and the pirates had been confronting each other during this period of time.

Luffy glanced at Garp, who was still sitting on the ground, without saying anything, and turned his eyes to the direction of Blackbeard and the others.

After so long, can you finally bear it? It seems that the arrival of Nami before has made Blackbeard feel a sense of crisis and decided to take the risk.

However, he just came out of the dark with such carelessness, as if he never thought that he would become the target of a group attack!

Whether it's Marine, the Whitebeard Pirates, or Luffy, they won't let Blackbeard go easily.

Needless to say, the Whitebeard Pirates, in the current situation, the culprit of everything is Blackbeard.

And Marine, looking at the people in prison uniforms, Luffy could also guess what Blackbeard did, it was strange that Marine would let him go when he broke into Impel down.

And Luffy himself, out of vigilance for the future, didn't want to let Blackbeard go.

What's more, the two had fought in Magic Valley Town, and Blackbeard suffered a big loss in his hands. With his character, he would definitely not let him go.

"Hey la la la, straw hat, you are really disturbing, you will be knocked out by Garp.

Just as Luffy was looking at Blackbeard's group, Whitebeard's voice came from behind.

Although Whitebeard wanted to kill Blackbeard immediately, in this situation, he was more concerned about Luffy's situation.

Because only Luffy has the ability to continue fighting, their Whitebeard Pirates have the possibility to escape.

Otherwise, by myself, I might be able to stop it for a while, but it is impossible to stop it all the time.

Once Garp is restored and Sengoku joins the fray, the Whitebeard Pirates have no chance of winning.

"I didn't expect to have such a process to awaken a Devil Fruit. 35

Luffy replied without looking back.

This sentence Luffy is not perfunctory, but really unexpected.

He was kicked out by Garp before, and although he was indeed injured, Luffy was sure that it wouldn't cause him to faint.

However, under the influence of Rubber Fruit, I fell into that strange feeling.

To outsiders, Luffy really seemed to faint.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long, and Luffy quickly woke up and successfully crossed the door.

"The troublesome man has woken up again, which is not good news for Marine. 99

Aokiji, who was opposite Whitebeard, muttered to himself. Now Akainu is still seriously injured and in a coma, and Kizaru is temporarily restrained by the Blackbeard Pirates.

Garp also seems to be very physically exhausted,

And Staff Crane needs to take into account the situation of the battle, and can't shoot at will. Now, Marine's high-end combat power seems to be only himself and Marshal Sengoku.

There may be a few more Admiral candidates, but with such a lineup, it is not so easy to keep the Whitebeard Pirates and Straw Hat Luffy.

Moreover, with the current straw hat Luffy, who knows what the strength will be.

Listening to his tone, Devil Fruit seems to have awakened. In this case, the combat power is at least a little higher than before.

Moreover, judging from his lack of breathlessness at all, it seems that even his physical strength has recovered.

A Whitebeard that doesn't consume much, a straw hat that is stronger than before, Marine is a bit difficult to handle!

Aokiji scratched his head helplessly, and now, it's up to Sengoku to arrange it.


Just when Aokiji was still thinking about it, an explosion sounded suddenly.

Aokiji looked up, and a winged man suddenly fell from the air.

With the fall of the figure, there are also a pile of broken machine parts.

"Lafitte! Damn Straw Hat…"

Blackbeard, who was facing off against Kizaru with Shiryu and the others, shrank his eyes and couldn't help shouting at the figure who was shot down (Zhao Liaozhao).

At the same time, the look at Luffy was even more vicious. The crew members he recruited were killed by the straw hats one after another, making Blackbeard want to crush the straw hat boy directly.

At this time, Luffy was slowly retracting the arm he just raised.

The only remaining communicator was completely destroyed at this moment, and at the same time, the live broadcast of Sabaody Archipelago was interrupted.

"Sengoku, how about this war?"

Luffy decides to be the face king once again, and it's up to Sengoku to give him face.

Sengoku in the form of the Great Buddha glanced at the fallen man and machine, his eyes moving slightly.

Destroying the communicator, did you want to save Marine's face? However, this approach was too contempt for Marine.

"If you want the war to end, then let me see your current strength!"

Sengoku's eyes flashed, he wanted to confirm whether his decision was worth it.