
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Silence

"Can't wait any longer!"

Sengoku also looked at the deep hole that had just been blown out under the execution platform.

If that Thunder Fruit person continues to attack, it will be very disadvantageous to Marine.

The point is that Marine has no way of finding that person's location, even if he wants to do something.

"Garp, do you want to continue sitting here?-"

Sengoku is about to execute Ace, he can't and then Garp stays here.

Otherwise, the pressure would be too great for the two soldiers who were executed.

The conversation just now Sengoku and Garp did not hide the soldiers on the execution platform, so even if they didn't know it before, they now know Aceka's righteous grandson.

In this case, if Garp continues to sit here, they may not dare to attack directly.


Garp was silent for a while, glanced at Ace who had been watching Luffy and Whitebeard in the battlefield, and stood up.

Without saying anything, he just jumped up and went back to where he was before.

There, Marine General Staff Crane was still standing there.

Looking at Garp who said nothing, Tsuru didn't say anything.

At this time, any words are pale, Marine and pirates are destined to coexist peacefully.

At this time, Sengoku also left the execution platform and jumped to a higher place, ready to announce the execution of Ace.

"Damn, Marine is actually preparing to execute Ace early! 39

Sengoku's actions undoubtedly reminded all the pirates present that Marine was finally going to attack Ace.

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't help but clenched their weapons tightly and began to fight hard against their opponents.

Having sacrificed so much, if Ace can't be rescued, then the Whitebeard Pirates will really become a joke.

"Prepare for execution! 99

Sengoku's words spread throughout the plaza through the phone bug, and to everyone watching the live broadcast in front of the screen.

The two executioners finally breathed a sigh of relief after Garp left, and after hearing Sengoku's order, they adjusted their postures.

The execution sword in his hand was erected in front of him, waiting for Sengoku's final execution order.

At this time, Ace glanced at the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates who were constantly fighting on the battlefield, and finally set his eyes on Whitebeard and Luffy.

He didn't say anything, his dirty face was surprisingly calm at this time.

Finally, as if accepting his fate, Ace slowly lowered his head, ready to meet the last moment of his life.

"Hey, straw hat!"

Seeing that Ace was about to be executed, Marco still hadn't seen the person who Luffy said could save Ace.

Marco finally couldn't help shouting at Luffy.

Is Luffy lying to himself and Whitebeard?

Luffy glanced at the anxious Marco and said nothing.

Although Whitebeard didn't question Luffy like Marco, it could be seen from his attack that became more violent, and his heart was already anxious at this time.

However, Whitebeard himself knew his own situation, his aged body, being able to stand still with Akainu at this time, was almost at the limit.

If the person the straw hat said didn't show up, Whitebeard had already decided to do his best.

At this time, Sabo, who had been hiding in the dark for a while, couldn't help but get anxious.

Seeing that Sengoku was about to give an order, Sabo still couldn't find a chance, so he had no choice but to force his way.

"Execution! 99

Sengoku's voice reached everyone's ears, and at this moment, everyone on the field couldn't help but stop what they were doing.

There was a hint of relief on the Marines' faces that it was finally coming to an end.

The pirates, on the other hand, showed some despair.

After trying for so long, is it still a failure?

Although it was blown up by lightning, Doflamingo, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, couldn't help but laugh wildly on his face.

The audience in front of the screen also swallowed their saliva at this time, nervously looking at the execution blade that had already pointed at Ace's heart.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world Kabuto gathered here.

Just when Sabo couldn't help but want to expose himself to save Ace, a domineering aura swept the audience.

An invisible gale swept across the cheeks of everyone on the battlefield.

"click" "click"

At this moment, the wooden execution platform was broken inch by inch.

On the execution platform, the two soldiers holding the execution blade high suddenly froze at this moment, and then their eyes turned white.

…..for flowers 0

The execution blade in his hand fell, and his body slowly fell backwards.

At the same time, there were figures falling on the battlefield, whether it was a pirate or a Marine.

Even if these Marine pirates are the elites of their respective camps, at this moment, they cannot resist the invasion of that momentum.

The clouds in the sky seemed to be blown away by this momentum at this moment, forming a Uzumaki-like appearance.

"Conqueror's… Haki…"

Marko stared blankly at Luffy who released this momentum not far away.

At this moment, the unparalleled figure made him seem to see the scene where his father and Roger were fighting back then.

They are all so domineering and unmatched.

"This level of Conqueror's Haki…"


Is this really the level of a person who has been out at sea for a few months?

Even knowing that Luffy owns Conqueror's Haki, Sengoku never thought that Luffy's Conqueror's Haki had reached the point where it could affect the real thing.

You must know that Conqueror's Haki cannot be strengthened through cultivation. Only by continuously increasing one's own experience will Conqueror's Haki continue to grow.

And now Luffy seems to have broken Sengoku's usual cognition.

Or are you telling me that someone who never left East Blue, just came to the Grand Line for a few months, and raised Conqueror's Haki to such a degree, would it make sense?

"Ace's younger brother…does he also have this kind of aptitude?"

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are no strangers to the Conqueror's Haki used by Luffy.

Also, that Conqueror's Haki, who was domineering enough to affect the execution platform, they had only felt it not long ago.

"Such an amazing Haki, I don't know how much better than when we first met!

Hawkeye, as the only person present who has experienced Luffy Conqueror's Haki, can naturally judge that the Conqueror's Haki released by Luffy at this time is much stronger than when he was in East Blue.

"Sure enough, it was impossible for me to bind you to Marine from the beginning! 35

Although Garp felt that way when Luffy first awakened Conqueror's Haki.

But until now, he didn't realize that he might still underestimate Luffy Four.

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