
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 357

Chapter 357 Logia—Thunder Fruit

"Hey, hey, isn't it the time to care about that? Don't you care about that thunder pillar that suddenly fell down?"

For most pirates, instead of caring about the so-called World government member countries, it is better to care about how the thunder pillar attack came about.

Whether it's Doflamingo or Dressrosa, it's not something that these little pirates need to care about.

However, there is a good thing to see. Listening to what the straw hat boy just said, it was Doflamingo who just attacked him, causing the straw hat boy to be hit by Kizaru.

And that thunder pillar attack was also because Doflamingo attacked the straw hat boy.

In other words, the person who released the thunder pillar was the one from the straw hat boy.

When this war is over, as long as the straw hat boy doesn't die here, then according to his tone, he will definitely find Doflamingo.

And with the strength that the Straw Hats are showing now, Doflamingo may not be his opponent.

I just don't know if Doflamingo is secretly playing some tricks.

After all, there are not a few people who know the name of Joker, the intermediary of the dark world.

"This level of lightning attack, what is Devil Fruit's ability?

Not everyone knows that there is a Devil Fruit like Thunder Fruit.

After all, if people who go out to sea and become pirates have not reached a certain level of 710 steps, how can they have the chance to see the Devil Fruit illustration book?

"This…is this the legendary Thunder Fruit?"

However, there are still people who know about this Devil Fruit, but the person who said the name of Thunder Fruit is not quite sure if it is.

After all, how long has Thunder Fruit not appeared in the sea? Even if you know that there is such a Devil Fruit, you don't know what its specific abilities are.

"Thunder Fruit? 35

Even if you don't know the specifics of Thunder Fruit, just by hearing the name, you can know that it must be related to thunder and lightning, but it just fits the thunder column attack just now.

"I once heard a senior say that Thunder Fruit, even among all Logia Devil Fruits, is one of the invincible abilities! 39

Some pirates explained what kind of fruit Thunder Fruit is.


Many pirates took a deep breath. No matter how amazing the power of Thunder Fruit is, Logia alone is enough to envy these pirates.

What's more, Thunder Fruit is one of the best in Logia.

This has made them even more jealous, the guy in the straw hat is too lucky to be able to find Thunder Fruit!

At this moment, they all have an idea, that is, they hope that the Thunder Fruit ability will appear on the battlefield.

It is best to be killed by Marine Zhijie, in this way, they may have a chance to get the invincible fruit.

"Thunder Fruit? Was it the breath that was perceived at that time?"

Looking at the deep pit displayed on the screen, Rayleigh couldn't help but think of a special aura he had sensed when he got off Merry's Tank One.

It was something Rayleigh didn't sense when he was in Thousand Sunny.

In other words, the Straw Hat Pirates have a hidden existence other than those on the bright side.

However, in this way, it was slightly different from his previous guess.

Rayleigh originally thought that the hidden existence was relying on Devil Fruit's ability to let himself not perceive it when he was on Thousand Sunny.

But now, it doesn't seem like that?

What a fun bunch!

"Yahahahie, there are still such terrifying companions hiding in the dark, your Straw Hat Pirates are already a terrifying force?

The thing about Dressrosa, the headache was Sengoku, after Kizaru muttered a word, he turned his attention to the god pit that the thunder pillar blasted out.

That's why Kizaru didn't shoot when Luffy shot Doflamingo.

However, even after keeping an eye on Luffy, Kizaru didn't plan to shoot at that time.

It's a good thing for Marine to let Beae and Doflamingo bite the dog.

Although they are in the same faction, not many people in Marine have a favorable impression of those Seven Warlords of the Sea.

For Doflamingo, Luffy didn't pay much attention to it, just like his Joker code name, for Luffy, Doflamingo was just a clown who bullied the soft and feared the hard.

Maybe it's really unusual to develop Devil Fruit to the level of awakening, but that's what his strength is.

Perhaps Devil Fruit's ability can indeed enhance human strength to a great extent.

But the stronger he became, the more Luffy felt that Haki might be the power that could truly dominate this sea.

And Doflamingo, maybe Haki can really use it proficiently, but the quality of his Haki is not so good.

Ignoring Doflamingo's blackened face, Luffy turned his gaze back to Kizaru.

These Marine Admiral, regardless of the battle, seem to use Devil Fruit's ability to fight.

But that's just the reason for the properties of the Logia Devil Fruit.

Didn't you see how skilled they were using each Observation Haki?

All kinds of advance elementalization to avoid attacks, there is no extraordinary Observation Haki, you can't do it.

As for Armament Haki, it can only be said that it is contrary to the characteristics of Logia's flow, so their attack methods are all using Devil Fruit's ability.

But to say they captured Grandmaster Armament Haki, Luffy couldn't believe it.

I remember during Summit War in the original book, but there was a scene where three Admiral used Armament Haki to counteract Whitebeard's vibrational power.

"I got a laser from you, and then I'm going to get revenge.

Luffy's eyes were calm, even though he was hit by a laser from Kizaru, but for Luffy, it was no big deal.

However, there was a shot in the chest, and Luffy didn't intend to expose it.

"It's really scary!"

Facing Luffy's threatening words, Kizaru just chanted a mantra and didn't say much.

"What a handsome man, it made my concubine a little moved!"

Under the execution stand, Boya-Hancock held his slightly flushed cheeks in both hands.

Although Luffy's attack just now might not be to help him, Boa Hancock still felt that Luffy shot for himself.

Not only did he dare to take action against Celestial Dragons, but now he also helped himself against Doflamingo, Boya-Hancock felt that this might be Luffy's love for him.

So, do you want to agree? By the way, doesn't he want Nine Snake Island? It's better to use Nine Snake Island as a dowry.