
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 356

Chapter 356 Exposed Doflamingo

Whitebeard laughed loudly. Although Akainu suffered a small loss due to his old age, Akainu was also having a hard time.

After confirming that Luffy was alright, Whitebeard's eyes returned to Akainu.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and if he continued to entangle him, Sengoku would probably order the execution.

If you can't get rid of this magma kid quickly, then the people like yourself will be very passive.

However, was that thunderbolt just now, was that kid from the straw hat?

What a lucky heaven-defying kid to actually get Thunder Fruit.

However, the person who the straw hat said to save Ace should not be the Thunder Fruit person, but someone else, right?

Otherwise, it would not be suddenly exposed at such a time.

Others in the team may not have thought of this for the first time, but for them, they have lived for a long time and are standing at the top of the world.

Some things can be understood with a little thought.

"Damn, it's actually Thunder Fruit's ability? 35

Jumping out of the deep hole that was blasted open, Doflamingo's eyes hidden under his sunglasses were full of shadows.

Now, Doflamingo has come to understand, the other party, is definitely the straw hat guy.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that when he was just plotting against the straw hat boy, the attack fell on his head?

No one would have thought that the straw hat boy didn't come alone.

And, thinking about it now, how did the Straw Hat come to the battlefield?

Dropped from the sky? That is, they also have Demon fruit power that can fly?

"It's really a man of no quality, to actually do such a small gesture behind his back, but the concubine just made a mistake, your Observation Haki is really good, and you have escaped that lightning attack.

Boya-Hancock's slightly mocking tone rang in Doflamingo's ears again.

This time, Doflamingo couldn't hold back, the blue veins near his temple jumped violently, he stretched out his hand, and the invisible silk thread swept away towards Boya-Hancock.

"Ah? What, you want to do something to your concubine"~?

Facing Doflamingo's attack, Boya-Hancock did not panic at all, the slender thighs hidden under the cheongsam were about to rise.

However, a shock wave came first, heading directly towards Doflamingo's face.

Sensing the arrival of the attack, Doflamingo had to withdraw the action he had already attacked, and instead condensed a cobweb-shaped shield made of silk threads in front of him.

The shock wave was not able to penetrate the silk shields that Doflamingo made.

However, it also managed to draw Doflamingo's attention in the past.

"Straw Hat Boy!"

Doflamingo looked at the direction the shock wave was coming from, and shouted word by word.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm afraid I can't help but kill you now.

The attack just now was naturally sent by Luffy, and Kizaru didn't seem to have any intention of stopping Luffy, acquiesced to Luffy's actions and did not take the opportunity to attack Luffy.

This time, Luffy didn't use much power, just to attract Doflamingo's attention.

"Dare to say…"

Doflamingo's temper was not very good, and after hearing Luffy's words, his tone became even more unkind.

However, Luffy didn't care at all, and the reason for doing so was just to warn.

"Now that you've got your hands on me, get ready to accept my return, Doflamingo. Dressrosa, I'll be there soon.

Luffy interrupted Doflamingo directly, and what he said made Doflamingo's pupils shrink.

How did this guy know about Dressrosa?

"Huh? I seem to have heard something incredible!"

Brother Doflaming, he actually got his hands on the countries that joined the World Government? This is no trivial matter!

Although Luffy's voice was not loud, it was enough for Marine and the pirates who were present to hear it clearly.

And the person who felt the most incredible was Sengoku standing on the execution platform.

Although Luffy didn't say anything specific, anyone who thought about it could understand what was going on.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will seriously affect the reputation of the World government and Marine.

It is not something that can be easily perfunctory to allow pirates to enter the World government allied countries.

The Alabasta incident is still fresh in my mind, and now it has happened again.

Damn Doflamingo, damn Blackbeard!

At this moment, even Sengoku couldn't calm down.

If this matter hadn't been broadcast live, Marine might have been able to do something about it.

But now, because of the Blackbeard gang, there is still a communication device running.

This matter, I am afraid, has been hidden.

These damn pirates really don't have a good thing.

So are the bastards of the Five Elders, who came up with the policy of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and really got kicked in the head by a donkey.

Doflamingo noticed Sengoku's expression, and it was impossible to restore it now.

However, Sengoku has no time to pay attention to Doflamingo now, and he still has time to make some arrangements.

".~Huh, then see if you can survive this War Bear, Bonney.

Since the matter could no longer be concealed, Doflamingo simply did not explain, but spoke viciously to Luffy.

"Dressrosa, isn't that a member of the World government? What does it have to do with that pirate Doflamingo?"

In the plaza of the Sabaody Archipelago, some of the audience who heard Luffy and Doflamingo's conversation through the screen didn't know what was going on.

"This…this is another big news!

However, those reporters are still quite flexible in their brains, and many people have already called the phone bug of their own company again.

(Zhao De's) Regardless of whether the news can be released or not, since I heard the news, I must report it to my boss.

As for the follow-up situation, that is the matter of their own boss.

"Doflamingo, you really are a heinous bastard!"

Trafalgar Luo, who knew Doflamingo quite well, looked at Doflamingo, who was still scorched black, and his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of pleasure and coldness.

"In this case, perhaps after the war is over, I can contact the head of the Straw Hat.

Later, Luo glanced at Luffy who was confronting Doflamingo again, touched his chin, and thought to himself.

However, looking at the strength of the straw hat, maybe he can kill Doflamingo without him?

However, Luo did not intend to stand by and watch Rosinante's revenge, he wanted to personally avenge it.

He wanted to see Doflamingo die, even if it didn't help.