
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

"Boiled, to be so arrogant to say that he wants to deal with Kizaru, this straw hat boy is really arrogant!"

Hearing that Luffy actually said that he wanted to deal with Kizaru, Doflamingo couldn't help but sneered.

Although he had read the newspaper two days ago, in his Doflamingo's opinion, it was just something that guy from Morgans wrote on purpose to attract attention.

If Straw Hat Luffy really has the strength to compete with Marine Admiral, that's a big joke.

"Are some people, not only arrogant, but not even good at Observation Haki?"

Although Boya-Hancock said this to Doflamingo, Gekko Moria on the side always felt offended.

It can be said that after so many years on the Thriller barque, Gekko Moria is not as good as before in terms of physique and Haki.

Now that Boya-Hancock said this, Gekko Moria always felt that the other party was not talking about Doflamingo, but about him.

"You woman, do you like to find fault so much? Or, the dignified pirate queen, fell in love with a rookie pirate who just went to sea?"

Doflamingo, who was choked by Boya-14 Hancock again, finally couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Boya-Hancock with a bad look.

Picking his own thorns over and over again, each time he was evaluating straw hat Luffy, which made Doflamingo unhappy, and at the same time, his killing intent for Luffy was even more intense.

"What, was stabbed in the sore spot by the concubine? It seems that you, Doflamingo, are just like that.

Boya-Hancock doesn't frighten him Doflamingo, he can't even see a person's strength, and he is still talking nonsense over there, which makes people laugh out loud.

Hawkeye glanced at the two arguing, and since he swung a slash before, he hasn't made any more shots.

And since Luffy came on stage, he has been paying attention to the situation of Luffy and Whitebeard.

But one thing Boya – Hancock is right, as long as Observation Haki is more skilled, Doflamingo wouldn't dare to look down on the draft hat boy so much.

In other words, this guy has become so arrogant that he judges a person based on his own likes and dislikes?

However, Hawkeye didn't care about those two people, but the Bartholemew-bear next to him was more worthy of his attention.

The new weapon made by the World Government will actually look like him. What kind of relationship does it have between them?

Although Hawkeye has never been very cold about this kind of thing, does this event portend anything?

Bartholemew – The bear still doesn't see any expression as usual.

He didn't pay any attention to Hawkeye's glance.

Much of Marineford's land has been destroyed, and now there are few places where people can stand.

Whether it is Marine or Pirate, most of them are on the frozen ice of Crescent Bay.

The remaining part, Marine, was firmly guarded in the square in front of the execution stand.

This is also one of the few places where people can still stand. After all, people still need to be saved, and Whitebeard also needs to leave a way for his own people to move forward.

Luffy glanced at the surrounding situation. The Crescent Moon Bay, which was originally a large venue, seemed a little crowded at this time.

When the fight begins, such a big place will not be enough to be tossed about at all.

However, these remaining people are obviously not the existences that will be stunned by Conqueror's Haki, it is really difficult to do!

I thought it would be a good stage, and the old man Whitebeard is real, can't we leave more space?

But Luffy also thought that, if Whitebeard had left more space, it would be no different from not doing such damage.

Originally, it was so that Akainu would not dare to melt the ice surface of Crescent Moon Bay easily. If there is enough space, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"Then Kizaru Admiral, I'm going to shoot!

There was no point in dawdling, and what should be discussed with Whitebeard was settled. Next, there was only the matter of fighting.

"It's really scary? The current rookie pirates. 55

His mouth still had the same strange accent, but his eyes under Kizaru's sunglasses became solemn.

As Boya-Hancock said, as long as Observation Haki is strong enough, it is easy to perceive how strong a person is.

And it just so happens that Kizaru belongs to the kind of person who is strong enough for Observation Haki.

Although the two only tentatively fought each other two days ago, Kizaru could still feel how strong Luffy was.

Today, it may not be possible to fool each other by just punching each other twice like before.

Because, in Luffy's eyes, Kizaru has seen the burning intent to fight.

This guy, he's here just to fight, right?

So, the purpose of doing this is to use this war to make a name for itself?

"It's terrifying!

It was the same thing, but this time, Kizaru really felt that way.

Since you can't dodge it, let's do it first.

The shining light condensed on Kizaru's fingertips, and then, a laser shot straight out, the target was Luffy's location impressively.

"Straw hat, get down to Laozi, Laozi doesn't want the Moby Dick to be ruined here.

Watching the lasers coming straight from Kizaru, Whitebeard glanced at Luffy, then spoke, and at the same time, jumped off the Moby Dick himself.

As he said, the Moby Dick can't be destroyed here, otherwise even if 707 people are rescued, escaping without a boat will become a joke.

Although there are many pirate ships under his command, those pirate ships are far away from here in order to prevent them from being bombarded by Marine.

"Leave your stupid son to watch the boat? You really have a big heart, Whitebeard!"

Looking at Whitebeard rushing down, Luffy glanced at Scuard, who had not spoken since the beginning, and said sarcastically.

Then he dodged the laser shot by Kizaru and got off the Moby Dick as well.

"This time, it's not easy to fool the past, Kizaru Admiral! 35

Luffy's figure appeared beside Kizaru, even though Akainu and Aokiji were standing beside him, Luffy didn't have any worries.

"So fast!"

The Marine pirates who were far away had no idea how Luffy appeared behind Kizaru.

I only knew that when I heard the sound, I turned my eyes away, and Luffy's skin was flushed red, and the surface of his body was constantly steaming there.

"You really can't be careless! You smashed your sleeves last time, this time, do you have to leave something behind?

Observation Haki's fully open Kizaru left a sentence in Luffy's ear while his body turned into golden light.


The shock wave wrapped in Haki attacked the ice surface, directly blasting a hole in the ice surface.