
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Prologue

Also, now that both sides are grasshoppers on a rope, there is no way Marine could let go of Luffy who suddenly arrived and said those words.

Dad shouldn't agree to him, right? Marko thought to himself.

Even though he is Ace's younger brother, the relationship between Dad and The fish men island is not just an ordinary affiliation.

If it was another island, Dad might still agree, but if The fish men island…

"I see, The fish men island can plant your flag.

Whitebeard didn't think for a long time, after all, he was still on the battlefield, and he couldn't allow him to think too much.


Marco was startled and wondered if he had heard it wrong. Dad actually agreed to the straw hat boy?

"But since you know those things, you should also know about my relationship with The fish men island. If you let me know what you have done to harm "703" The fish men island, even if you have red hair to protect you, Laozi won't let you go.

Hearing Whitebeard's words, Luffy couldn't help laughing, and he agreed. As for the threat behind him, Luffy just listened to it.

Whether he will endanger The fish men island is another matter. By that time, Whitebeard is still there, or whether he has beaten himself or not.

"If that's the case, then I won't talk nonsense, how about it, you should choose your opponent first.

Well, next, it's stage time for Luffy.

"Since that's the case, then I'm welcome, let Laozi clean up the candle lighting brat!"

The kid who lights the candle naturally refers to Akainu. For Whitebeard, most of the people present can indeed be regarded as kid.

Just now Akainu's fatal attack on the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard saw it in his eyes, and now he's finally getting it right, he naturally wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Hey, I chose a hard stubble, you don't want to capsize in the gutter!"

Luffy wasn't too surprised that Whitebeard chose Akainu, after all, the two had the most intense fight in the original book.

However, even though he suffered a short knife, what chance would the current Whitebeard have against Akainu?

"Goo la la la who do you think Laozi is, Laozi is Whitebeard!"

Whitebeard just laughed confidently at what Luffy said.

"But there are three Admirals on the other side? You chose one, you don't want me to deal with two alone? Then you look down on me too much.

The thankless thing Luffy didn't want to do, what's more, no matter how confident Luffy was, it would be impossible for Luffy to deal with two Admirals alone.

"Aren't you underestimating our Whitebeard Pirates too much?"

Marco's dissatisfied voice sounded from the side, maybe it's true that these people can't last long in Admiral's hands one-on-one, but if they only last for a while, it's completely fine.

What's more, the pirate captains didn't leave, and the captains were able to support themselves with empty hands.

"However, we are all facing Marine Admiral, who will save Ace?"

Whitebeard wasn't here to fight Marine Admiral.

If the Sengoku guy suddenly attacked Ace, even Whitebeard didn't have the confidence to come to the rescue right away.

Whitebeard glanced at Luffy. From just now, Whitebeard didn't see anyone else. Did the Straw Hat Pirates come?

That's right, after all, it's just a group of rookie pirates who just went to sea. It's already an incredible thing to have a Luffy, and others haven't come to that level.

But, speaking of it, this guy just came down from the sky, right?

There is no ship around, how did this guy suddenly appear?

"Someone came with me, let him save Ace."

Luffy said this so quietly that only Whitebeard and Marco, who was standing beside him, heard it.

Sabo's existence should be concealed a little, so that when saving people, the chance will be higher.

However, how to get Sengoku and Garp off the execution stand is the key.

Wait, when they are executed, shouldn't those two continue to stand on the execution stand?

Whitebeard didn't ask any further, since Luffy said it in a low voice, he obviously didn't want others to know.

At the same time, he glanced at Marco who wanted to ask, and shook his head at him.

Marco was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't speak again, also realizing Luffy's intentions that he didn't want others to know.

"Then, leave Kizaru to me, Sabaody Archipelago didn't fight last time, this time it will continue…"

Aokiji's words are relatively mild, so if you leave it to Marco and the others, there shouldn't be any problem.

"How scary? Is this allocating us as prey?

The conversation between Luffy and Whitebeard, except about Sabo, is not deliberately hidden.

Therefore, the way the two of them distributed their prey naturally reached the ears of the three Admiral not far away.

"Hmph, it's just a group of pirates with a big tone. The grandson of the hero Garp and the son of the leader of the revolutionary army, he is also a criminal bloodline who needs to be executed."

Akainu snorted coldly, ignoring Garp's face in the slightest, and scolded him when he spoke.

Aokiji glanced at Akainu, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the angry Garp on the execution stand.

If Sengoku had not put a hand on Garp's shoulder, maybe Garp would have rushed up to teach Akainu a lesson.

Ace, who was kneeling there, couldn't say a word, just stared blankly at Whitebeard and Luffy who were confronting the three Admirals.

"That guy in the straw hat, actually negotiating terms with Whitebeard at this time?"

Needless to say, Marine's equipment is really good. Even though the communicator is far away from the battlefield, it can still clearly transmit the sound of the battlefield.

At this time of Sabaody Archipelago, the pirates looked at the three 0.4 generals of Whitebeard Luffy and Marine in disbelief.

They just heard that the guy in the straw hat asked Whitebeard to give up The fish men island at this time. This is really taking advantage of the fire!

The point is that Whitebeard actually agreed, how is this possible?

That was Whitebeard, who gave up the island under his command so easily, and it was a place like The fish men island.

"The fish men island? 35

Rayleigh's eyes flickered a few times, and he remembered the prophecy he had heard when he and Roger arrived at The fish men island.

And what Roger once said, what he heard when he left The fish men island.

"The meeting between the two kings…?"

At this time, Rayleigh had a very strong feeling, Luffy, perhaps that was what the voice Roger heard said, another king of the distant sea.