
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Gambling

"You actually give food to such a person? Should you say you are a good cook or stupid?"

On the deck behind Bharati, Zoro looked at the people who were gobbling down fried rice, and said sarcastically to the people who were smoking beside him.

"Hey, this is the back chef of the restaurant, why are you guys coming here?"

Ignoring Zoro's sarcasm, Sanji just said irrelevant words.

It's just that Sanji's ecstatic eyes staring at the sky made Zoro lose the idea of ​​continuing to mock.

"Although you may not be able to see others starve to death for some reason, have you ever thought that because of your actions, there may be consequences that you can't bear?"

Zoro didn't continue talking, but Luffy wasn't the Luffy he used to be, so he had to say something.

Some things, you can't make others feel grateful without empathy.

Although Ajin in front of him may be a person who repays his gratitude.

But also because of his gratitude, he attracted the Crick Pirates who didn't know what to be grateful for.

"Even so, let's wait until he's full. If he wants to fight or make trouble, I'll accompany him at any time!"

Luffy's words didn't change Sanji's mind at all.

Thanks to Ajin's tears, Sanji shoved all his plates and spoons into the sea.

"In that case, why don't we make a bet?"

Luffy felt that if he wanted to recruit companions in the future, he would have to bet with them.

"Oh? What bet?"

Although I don't feel that my actions need the approval of others, if I can get the other party to agree, then this bet is worth betting with the other party.

Seeing Sanji agree, Luffy's mouth twitched into a smile.

And Zoro Nami Usopp, who heard that the two were going to bet, also looked at Luffy and Sanji curiously for a while.

But the eyes of the three were mainly focused on Luffy's face.

Especially Zoro, when Luffy also offered the terms of the fight.

But because of Monka, the gambling fight between the two did not materialize.

Facing death, Zoro chose to join Luffy out of ambition.

So what kind of bet will Luffy make with Sanji this time?

"My ship is currently missing a chef. The food you cook is very good in both taste and nutritional value, and this bet is that I hope you will join us!"

Although he doesn't know how to cook, Luffy, who helped out at Makino's bar since childhood, was also taught by Makino, and naturally knows a little about the nutritional combination of food.

And with the plot of the original Kabuto at the end, Luffy naturally wouldn't doubt Sanji's level as a chef.

Thinking of Makino, the gentle smile flashed across Luffy's mind, but quickly suppressed it.

I can't go back yet.

Sure enough, you still didn't mention what would happen if you lost?

Zoro nodded secretly, although he still didn't know what to bet, but the bet Luffy had already said.

Just like the bet I made with myself before, I still don't think he will lose!

"Your condition…"

Not expecting that Luffy would actually want to board his boat, Sanji immediately wanted to refuse.

Hearing Sanji's intention to refuse, Luffy interrupted him directly.

"Don't rush to refuse, why don't you listen to the content of the bet?"


Sanji didn't speak, just stared into Luffy's eyes.

He seemed to want to see something in those determined eyes.

"You gave that Ah Jin a meal today, and we'll bet that Ah Jin will bring his captain to snatch Bharati?"

Without waiting for Sanji to say anything, Luffy continued:

"If you think this bet is not good for you, after all, the other party is also a pirate, then I can add a little more and bet on whether you Barati can stop the group of pirates!"

"Did you underestimate us because we are chefs?"

Without answering Luffy directly, Sanji felt that Luffy underestimated Bharati.

"Underestimate? If you think it's underestimation, then it's okay to underestimate it. How about you, do you want to make this bet with me?"

Luffy didn't explain much.

Looking at Sanji smoking a cigarette, Luffy was not in a hurry and patiently waited for the other party's answer.

"I promise you your bet for Sanji!"

Just as Sanji was silent, a breathless voice sounded from behind the closed door behind Sanji.

The corners of Luffy's mouth twitched slightly, not so much that this bet was a bet with Sanji, but rather that it was a bet between Luffy and Zapp.

Just now, Luffy had spotted Zapp who had been standing behind the door.

And the second half of this bet was also deliberately proposed after sensing Zapp.

The purpose is just to let Zapp know that he and others have the strength to enter the Grand Line.

"Hey, stinky old man, do you just want to drive me away?"

Facing Zep who suddenly came out of the door, Sanji didn't panic that he was caught, but just cursed at Zep in a flat tone.

"Whoa!" The sudden appearance of Zep didn't startle Sanji, but Usopp startled.

Then he yelled again after seeing the other's wooden right foot.

Zapp ignored Sanji and focused his gaze on Luffy in front of Sanji.

"Boy, it's best if you can take this guy away, but do you have the strength to enter the great route?"

Zhep's eyes were sharp, staring at Luffy without blinking, as if he wanted to see Luffy completely.

"It's not just about being the strongest. Since Sanji let the man named Ajin go, we'll just have to wait and see. After all, if you lose, I will naturally help my partner. Then you will know if I have this strength."

Luffy also responded to Zapp's question without fear.

"Hey, you two, don't ignore my existence. It's up to me to promise to get on your boat. What's the matter with this stinky old man?"

Seeing the two ignoring him and directly finalizing the bet, Sanji finally couldn't bear it any longer and yelled at the two of them.

Zapp ignored Sanji's roar, turned around and left after hearing Luffy's answer.

And Luffy also turned around, looking at the endless blue sea with some kind of anticipation.

Nami, who had been staring at Luffy from the beginning, saw that Luffy ignored Sanji and turned his gaze into the distance, with a strange color in his eyes, and he couldn't help but walk up.

"What's the matter, Luffy?"

It was the first time Nami had seen such a Luffy.

This look is full of anticipation and seems to be full of fighting intent.

It made Nami feel that Luffy at this time seemed so far away.

Shaking his head slightly, Luffy didn't answer Nami, just glanced at Zoro slightly.

Now that the Creek Pirates are here, Hawkeye, you should be there too, right? *