
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Iron Fist

"Wow! The food in this restaurant is delicious!"

In the Barati restaurant, Luffy and the others were eating the food on the table with relish.

It can only be said that it is a famous sea restaurant, and the taste is better than any food I have eaten before.

"It's really good!" Zoro agreed with Usopp's exclamation.

For him, it has always been a bounty hunter for a living.

In East Blue, there is no pirate whose bounty is high enough to allow Zoro to spend a fancy restaurant.

It is indeed the first time that I can taste the food of Bharatti at this time.

"Beautiful lady, this is dessert after dinner, please try it!"

Just when Luffy and the others were about to finish eating, Sanji placed a dessert that was obviously carefully prepared in front of Nami.

"Huh? But I didn't order dessert! Wouldn't there be an extra charge?"

Looking at the dessert in front of him, Nami didn't refuse immediately, but looked at Sanji with a somewhat pitiful expression.

"Ah, ah, of course it's free, miss, please feel free to taste it!"

Seeing Nami's expression, Sanji's body immediately twisted weirdly again, and his eyes turned into pink hearts again.

"Hey! Chef, what about ours?" Zoro on the side looked at Sanji while picking his teeth.

"A dessert of three million baileys, how about it, Chlorella, do you need a serving for each of you?"

Hearing Zoro's words, Sanji, who was still twisted into a ball, immediately returned to normal, and spoke with a little provocation.

"You bloody curly eyebrows, cook!"

Three million baileys Zoro naturally can't come up with, and it's not necessary to have this dessert, just displeased with Sanji's obvious sexism.

"Come on, Luffy, have a bite of this dessert, it tastes really good!"

Nami scooped a spoonful of dessert and reached for Luffy with a little anticipation.

Looking at the spoon in front of him that was clearly Nami's just used, Luffy bit it while Sanji's eyes were about to spit fire.

"I'm so envious, bastard, to be favored by such a beautiful young lady, Damn it!"

Looking at Luffy's eyes closed and enjoying, Sanji couldn't bear it anymore, he could only reluctantly look at Nami's smile looking at Luffy, and left with a broken mouth.

"Hey, I said you two don't go too far!"

Watching Luffy and Nami, who were left alone, eating desserts one by one, even Zoro couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah, what, Zoro wants dessert too, okay, I'll lend you Bailey, order it yourself, but you'll have to pay it back three times later!"

Hearing Zoro's resentment, Nami glanced at Zoro, and scooped the last bite of dessert into Luffy's mouth under his angry gaze.

"Three times? Nami, are you the devil?"

Usopp, who was resting while rubbing his bulging stomach, looked like he was full, and his eyes bulged out of shock when he heard what Nami said to Zoro.

Just when a few people were sitting at the table to rest after eating, there was a sudden noise outside the restaurant.

Then, a man in a striped suit walked in, arm-armed by a richly dressed lady.

After seeing the man come in, the guests who were eating quietly and quietly started to discuss each other, apparently they all knew the man.

From the surrounding discussions, Luffy also learned the identity of this man.

Captain Naval Headquarters, Iron Fist Finbudy.

For this man who calls himself Iron Fist, Luffy doesn't know whether to say he is arrogant or has a dream.

I don't know if Garp knows such a person, but with his character, he probably wouldn't care if he knew it!

What follows is a farce like the original.

That Captain Marine played a b-defeat and got a c.

With a loud scuffle, Captain Marine's dining table was split in two and smashed into two halves.

"By the way, is the plot so inertial? What about the bounty hunter brothers in the original book?"

For the farce in front of him, Luffy just watched quietly, but at the same time he was thinking about the plot.

It stands to reason that he should have advanced a lot of time, but he didn't expect to encounter this same plot as the original, and Luffy didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"I didn't expect that the color cook was quite capable of fighting?"

Zoro put one hand on the back of the chair and watched with interest as Sanji grabbed the Marine by the neck and lifted him up.

It was Usopp, who was sitting in a chair with a serious face.

But looking at his slightly trembling legs under the table, he didn't know what he was afraid of.

"But is this restaurant really okay? Beating Marine like that."

On the other hand, Nami was a little puzzled by Sanji's behavior. Wouldn't this really bring trouble to the restaurant?

Luffy was noncommittal. Although he was Captain Naval Headquarters, really speaking, the Captain of the Headquarters was equivalent to a miscellaneous soldier, right?

Not to mention whether Marine has the free time to take care of this, even Finbudi himself, I guess he didn't have the face to report that he was beaten by a restaurant chef, right?

Although that's how he threatened Sanji.

Fenbudi, who was thrown to the ground by Sanji, got up and was about to say something.

At this time, another sailor ran in outside. Seeing his hurried look, it was obvious that something urgent had happened.

"Go on… Captain, it's not good, the fighter of the Creek Pirates we caught two days ago has escaped!"

"What did you say?"

Fenbudi, who originally wanted to threaten Sanji for a few words, no longer had the idea of ​​finding his way back. The escape of the captured pirates was not a trivial matter.

"Do you know where he escaped to?"

"He He..."


Before the sea soldier's words were finished, there was a gunshot from the door behind the sea soldier.

Then, the sailor, who was just panting, stiffened, blood gushing out from his chest, dyeing Marine's uniform red, and then his body fell violently.

After the navy fell, the restaurant, which had been quiet because of Sanji's violence, suddenly heard various screams.

At this time, at the door of the restaurant, the figure with the gun shooting suddenly fell to the ground.

"Food, give me food!" The weak voice didn't look like he had just shot and killed.


"Lu… Luffy, we… are… should we go?"

Usopp, who was still pretending to be calm, after seeing someone shoot Marine, his timid nature was revealed, and he began to urge Luffy.

Nami on the side also covered her mouth with her hand.

There was shock in the bright eyes, obviously not expecting someone to shoot Marine here.

"I said Usopp, if you don't change your timidity, how can you become a brave sea warrior!"

Glancing at Usopp, Luffy had no intention of getting up.

"Who… who said I was scared, I… I just got a disease that would kill me if I didn't return to the Merry!"*