
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Dibalu


The iron mask fell off Dibalu's head under the impact, rolled on the ground several times, and finally landed in front of Sanji.

The smoke and dust from the collapsed house buried Dibalu's figure.

In the distance, everyone could only see Dibalu's figure struggling to get up in the billowing smoke.

"Since the mask has been knocked off, then look carefully! Look carefully at my injured face!

Dibalu, who climbed up from the broken walls, stooped, and said in a low voice with some kind of grievance.

"This…this is? 35


"No way!"

"real or fake?"

When the smoke cleared, Dibalu's face, which was not covered by the mask, was completely presented in front of everyone.

Blonde hair, slanted bangs covering his left eye, and his face is rough and "sixty-sixty-seven", but also has a strange tenderness.

At this moment, Dibalu's eyes under the curled eyebrows were constantly streaming with tears.

Looking at the original appearance of Dibalu in front of them, everyone was shocked and speechless.

"I've been waiting for today to come!"

"I decided to kill you before I went to sea!"

"But it's so hard to find you!"

"Because you look different from the photo on the wanted list!"

Speaking of which, Dibalu took out a wanted notice from his arms, and the person on it was Sanji!

However, the photo on the wanted notice that was taken out was exactly the same as Dibalu holding it.

"How could such a thing happen?"

"This sea is truly amazing! 39

"Hehehehehe! 35

Looking at the picture with black feet Sanji clearly written, but the photo is the man's wanted order, everyone can only feel that this sea is really magical.

"Marine and the bounty hunters may not even know you are who they are if they see you!

Speaking of which, Dibalu's voice was already a little distorted with excitement.

"No, they still found it!"

"When they find it, they will say that, found you, Blackfoot Sanji! 35

"Then I will say…that person is not me, I don't know him!

Dibalu, who was bursting with tears, threw the reward list in his hand and shouted at Sanji not far away.

"I'm not even a pirate!

At this time, Sanji, with a low head and a gloomy face, looked at the bounty list that was thrown away by Dibalu, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Then, I saw Sanji's body running and rushing towards Dibalu with a strange expression.


"None of my business!

He kicked Dibalu's face that was exactly the same as the one on the bounty list, and Sanji's expression at this time was completely replaced by anger.

"I'm the one who should be angry, how on earth did that **** wanted order take my photo to look like you!

Sanji, who kicked Dibalu away, has completely lost his usual composure at this time.

"I think that man named Dibalu is so pitiful…"

At this point, Franky on Thousand Sunny has started to wipe away tears.

"Wow, they look so good!""

Camie looked at Sanji and Dibalu in amazement, and after seeing Sanji easily kicked Dibalu away, he no longer worried about Sanji's safety.

Sister, is there something wrong with your eyes?

Luffy and the others all looked at Camie, who said they looked alike, with a strange look on their faces.

"It's made from this mold at all!"

Zoro and Gal-Tino on the side looked like they completely agreed with Camie.

You are really good brothers!

Fortunately, Sanji didn't hear Zoro and Gal-Tino, otherwise Sanji might leave Dibalu and fight them.

"If you don't want to look exactly like the photo on your wanted list, change your hairstyle or grow a beard!"

"Some places can be easily changed!

At this time, Sanji was speaking loudly to Dibalu.


After hearing Sanji's words, Dibalu, who was knocked back and sat up again, fell into a brief silence for a while.

Then, I saw Dibalu slap his left fist with his right palm, and said with a sudden realization:

"Yes! So there is such a method…"

"You are really stupid!"

Sanji roared at Dibalu's face, which turned out to be okay.

How can people be so stupid!


Just as Sanji was roaring angrily, several spear guns shot out from the building behind Sanji, targeting Sanji who was roaring loudly…

Hearing the movement behind him, Sanji was startled, just because he was too angry, Observation Haki failed, and he was not able to detect the surrounding situation at the first time.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The smell of gunpowder was in the air, and the spear guns that had been fired at Sanji were shot down at the same moment as the flames burst.

On Thousand Sunny, Usopp is wearing his goggles and Kabuto is slowly lowering the huge slingshot in his hand.

"Sanji also has a partner!"

"Wow, Usopp boy, you are amazing!"

Camie, who was a little terrified after seeing the spear guns that suddenly appeared, couldn't help but marvel when Usopp shot down all the spear guns with precision.

You must know that those spear guns were moving at a high speed, and when the incident happened suddenly, he was a little unresponsive, and Usopp had already shot down these spear guns.

Although I had seen Usopp shoot down those flying fish knights before, now even such a quick and sudden speargun can be shot down.

Are all the people on this ship so powerful?

"Hahaha, this little thing can't be difficult for my uncle!"

Usopp, who was praised, burst out laughing instantly.

But this is enough, with precautions, Sanji will not be attacked by such an attack again.

"Well done, Usopp!

Sanji thanked and calmed himself down again, and Observation Haki recovered.

0.4 can't be more careless. If he overturns against such an opponent, he will definitely be laughed at by Zoro and Gal-Tino.

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Saying so, Sanji rushed towards Dibalu who was still sitting in the ruins.


In Dibalu's terrified eyes, Sanji's foot slammed heavily on Dibalu's eyes.

However, it's not over yet.


Another spin, and the other kicked Dibalu's nose.


The foot that had kicked the eye was retracted and kicked out again.

"Mouth! 35



Landing on one foot, the other foot kicked out continuously and kept kicking Dibalu in the face.

"Wow ah ah ah… stop… stop…"