
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Simple Solution

"Shaping shot! 99

As Sanji hit Dibalu's face with his last kick, Dibalu's entire body flew out again under this blow, and at the same time, the person fainted.

"Huh, it's finally resolved, hey, you guys!

Seeing Dibalu who didn't climb out of the ruins anymore, Sanji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Sanji glanced at the spot where the speargun had just been fired.

There, there were several figures hovering, as if they wanted to come over, but they were hesitant to go forward due to the existence of Sanji.


The figures who were called by Sanji trembled at the same time, and their mouths responded involuntarily.

"Come and drag your boss away, it's so annoying!

Sanji didn't play hard, don't look at Dibalu being knocked out by Sanji now, but just like the name of Sanji's move, it is a cosmetic surgery.

It's just that the way of plastic surgery is a bit strange, and this kind of power can at most make Dibalu feel a little pain in his face.

"Yes Yes Yes!

Those figures hurried out from behind the building and walked carefully to Dibalu's side to help Dibalu, who was in a coma.

Then, seeing that Sanji really had no plans to continue, he hurriedly dragged Dibalu away from 14.

Sanji took out the cigarette box from his pants Kabuto, poured out a cigarette from it, lit it, put it in his mouth, and headed back toward Thousand Sunny.

"Hey, curly eyebrows, isn't that really your twin brother?"

As soon as Sanji returned to Thousand Sunny, Zoro couldn't help asking curiously.

"Huh? Is your green algae brain broken?

For Zoro's obvious ridicule, Sanji scolded back.

"Sanji boy is amazing!"

Camie looked at Sanji with some admiration, and being able to defeat Dibalu so easily was something Camie would never have imagined.

"Ah, Miss Camie~"

As a result, Sanji, who was still serious, immediately returned to his original shape in Camie's praise.

"Okay, now that it's settled, let's move on, Sabaody Archipelago should not be far away.

Now that Dibalu's matter is settled, Luffy asks everyone to move on.

Although the school of fishes summoned by Camie had dispersed just when the Flying Fish Knight attacked, the shadow of Sabaody Archipelago could already be seen in this Flying Fish Knight's stronghold.

Next, just go in that direction.

"Ah, by the way, just after I passed out, how did you come here?"

After hearing Luffy's words at this time, Camie remembered that she had just been frightened and fainted by the ghost after she had called the school of fish.

I haven't had time to direct the fish to guide them, how did Luffy and the others find the right direction?

"Oh, that, Mr. Luffy could hear the fish talking, so when he said he was going to Sabaody Archipelago, the fish took the initiative to point the way.

Although I don't know why the fishes would take the initiative to point the way to Luffy, Papagu could only attribute this to the magic of Luffy's ability to listen to all things.

"Huh? Can Mr. Luffy still hear the fish?"

Camie didn't care at all why the fish would help Luffy and the others point the way, but instead focused on the fact that Luffy could hear the fish talking.

"Is Mr. Luffy also descended from a merman?""

Although the child born by a female mermaid and a human male can only be human, but the water is very good, is it because of this reason?

"Okay, don't worry about these issues."

For Camie's brain supplement, Luffy has no intention of explaining it.

This mermaid's brain is not very normal, and Luffy is afraid that the more he explains, the more confused he will be.

"Before I get to Sabaody Archipelago, let me make takoyaki for you! Although the craftsmanship may not be as good as Yazai, I haven't seen Yazai for a long time."5

Camie immediately forgot about Luffy's ability to hear the sound of fish, who was just curious, and turned to Luffy and the others to talk about the takoyaki mentioned earlier as a thank you.

Hearing the name Hachizai, Luffy remembered the octopus Hachi in the original book, a member of the Evil Dragon Pirates.

The Bazai mentioned by Camie should be the octopus Hachi, but in this world, the Dragon Pirates were all arrested by Garp as early as 5 years ago.

Of course, it also includes Octopus Hachi, and that's why Camie hasn't seen him for a long time.

However, in the original book, Octopus Hachi seems to have escaped, but now he does not appear in front of him again, and he does not know whether it is because the place of detention is different or some other reason.

But none of these matters, since something like that has been done, we must be prepared to bear the corresponding consequences.

He wasn't directly killed by Garp, but was sent to prison and took his life. It was a great luck.

As for the Camie in front of him, Luffy didn't mean to explain it, so why bother?

When Camie talks about Bazai, even Nami doesn't know who she's talking about.

After all, it's been so long, Camie wasn't talking about Octopus Hachi, and it was normal for Nami not to think about going together.

"Takoyaki? So good!"

Others didn't pay attention to the Bazai mentioned by Camie. After all, they are not people worth caring about, and they don't need to know too much.

Instead, it was Camie's takoyaki that excited the likes of Usopp and Chopper.

After all, it is a beautiful thing to have food to eat.

"However, are you going to use your abilities to call the octopus?

Gal-Tino looked at Camie curiously, did what he said before come true?

After this guy joins himself and others, there will be endless fish.

"Ah, I forgot that I don't have any octopuses, I'll go catch them now."

Hearing Gal-Tino's words, Camie suddenly showed an exaggerated expression, apparently forgetting that takoyaki needs octopus.

Then, seeing Camie leap into the air, she immediately wanted to jump into the sea.

Seeing Camie's mindless action, Luffy grabbed the collar of Camie who had jumped into the air.

The sea is so big, even if you are a mermaid, you can swim extremely fast, but what if there are no octopuses here?

When you get lost in the sea, do you want us to find you?

Don't be kidding, if this is the case, Luffy will leave her without hesitation, anyway, it is a mermaid, and it is basically impossible to die in the sea.

"Don't bother, we just caught quite a few octopuses on the boat, so let's use those.

Luffy dragged Camie back to the deck and spoke.

In Thousand Sunny's aquarium, there are indeed a lot of fish, which are usually caught by Gal-Tino and others, and there are also octopuses and the like.

"Really? That's great!"

Camie, who didn't feel anything wrong with her reckless actions just now, immediately became excited again.