
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Visit

"It is basically certain that the Pluton design drawing is in the hands of Franky, the boss of the dismantling business Franky's family.

Blueno's bar, Kalifa told the information he had collected.

Beside her, in addition to Blueno disguised as the bar owner, there are two other people.

On one shoulder stood a pigeon, and the other had a long nose like a building block.

If the iceberg were here at this time, they would definitely find that the other two people were the Carrera Company, the boatman of No. 1 Dock, Lu Qi and Kaku.

"Franky? Why is he there?"

Disintegration business Franky and Rob Luqi have been undercover here for so long, so naturally they know him.

But to outsiders, this is just a little bastard who is picking things up in town.

At most a little bit of shipbuilding technology, why is it related to the Pluton design?

"The Straw Hat Crew on the island recently, they pointed Franky and Iceberg to build them a new boat, you know that?"

Kalifa pushed his glasses and asked a question.

The three of Rob-Lucci nodded, especially Rob-Lucci and Kaku, who were clearly the boatmen of Carrera Company's No. 627 Dock.

Dock No. 1 has given up a space for the past two days, and the two naturally know that Franky and Iceberg are building new ships for Straw Hat Crew.

The two also secretly observed Franky and the iceberg, but did not find anything strange.

The two of them were completely the same as usual. Franky would find fault with the iceberg from time to time, and the iceberg communicated with Franky normally.

Except for the fact that they were both invited by Straw Hat Crew to build ships, the two of them did not seem to be familiar with each other.

"Is there any connection between Franky and the iceberg? 99

As a CP9 agent who can perform undercover tasks, Kaku's brain is naturally quite flexible, and he quickly thought of the main points.

"Yes, they were all once the disciples of Tom the Murloc.

"No wonder…"

"If that's the case, then get ready to do it!

There is no need to ask the reason for it. It is an agent who walks in the dark. With a little clue, he can act directly.

Moreover, with the dark justice in Rob Luqi's heart, he would rather kill the wrong person than let it go.

"Don't you need to wait until the Straw Hat Crew is gone?"

Although the relationship between Iceberg and Franky was discovered, Kalifa did not know that Luffy had invited Franky on board.

So, in her mind, is she waiting for the pirates to leave before starting, lest they spoil the mission.

"Justice doesn't need to make way for pirates.

Rob Luqi looked grim and said calmly.


Three days passed quickly, and by the time Luffy and his gang came to Carrera's Dock No. 1, the new ship had been completed.

"Here you come, little devils, the ship has been built, let's take a look at this super's new ship!

Seeing the arrival of Luffy and the others, Franky and the iceberg came up at the same time, and Franky showed his habitual super moves.

"I didn't expect Devil Fruit's ability to be so powerful. I thought Franky said it was impossible to build a new ship in a week, and it was still made with the treasure tree Adam."

The iceberg on the side was amazed at this time, even as a master shipbuilder, he had to sigh, Devil Fruit is really magical.

During this week, the iceberg was only doing the simplest work, such as stitching.

The modeling and other tasks that need to be processed on Baoshu Adam are all completed by Franky with the ability of Munch-Munch Fruit.

"This ship looks so big!"

Although the new ship was covered with two pieces of black cloth, leaving only the amazingly high mast exposed, it was indeed several times larger than the Merry in terms of size.

"Then, it's time for the mouth to be excited!

Franky and Iceberg were pulling the corner of the (beae) black cloth covering the new ship, and Franky shouted exaggeratedly.

"Hurry up, I want to see what the new ship looks like!"

People are always very interested in new things, and now Chopper and Usopp can't wait to see new ships.

Because the problem of the Merry was successfully solved, everyone was not as sad as in the original book, and now everyone can only look forward to the new ship.


As Franky and Iceberg exerted their own strength, the ship covered by the black cloth was finally completely revealed in front of everyone.

The shape of the new boat is roughly the same as the Thousand Sunny in Luffy's memory, but the surface of the hull is no longer just wood, but wood and metal.

The new ship is a schooner as a whole, with a total length of nearly 40 meters, and the bow is the same as the original lion's head like the sun.

On the side of the ship, in a circular structure, is marked with the number 1.

The sails were folded, but from the traces that showed, the logo of the Straw Hat Pirates had already been drawn.

Above the observation deck, the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates has also been raised.


"And it's so big, it looks really stylish!

Seeing the new ship fully revealed, even Luffy, was excited for a while.

This ship, whether it is material or technology, is top-notch, and Luffy believes that it will be able to carry himself and these people to complete the goal of traveling around the world.

"The pirate flag and the straw hat on the sails were done by Merry.

Seeing that Luffy and the others were all in shock, Franky added another sentence.

"After reading the outside, let me show you the environment inside! 39

Looking at Straw Hat Crew who sighed, Franky's heart was full of pride.

The boat built by oneself can be recognized by others, which is undoubtedly a kind of honor for the person who makes the boat.

"Hurry up, I can't wait to take a look at my pantry!"

"And me, and me, I want to see my infirmary!

Usopp and Chopper, who couldn't stop their excitement, took the lead to keep up with Franky and climbed onto the new boat in a flash.

Luffy and others followed suit and climbed up.

After climbing on the deck of the new ship, the first thing that catches the eye is a green lawn.

Chopper, who climbed up first, was already rolling around on the lawn.

"Ah, so comfortable!

Chopper, who was lying on the lawn, had a soft feeling all over his body at this time, and let out a strange scream.

"The new ship has three floors. According to your requirements, the boys' room is on the first floor, and there is also an aquarium here.

"In addition, there is also an energy supply room on this floor. In addition to the original Coke energy, a special power supply system has been added according to Luffy's request. 35

This is also Luffy's inspiration from Enel's Ark of Proverbs.