
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Thousand Sunny

Since Thunder Fruit was eaten by Merry, it is natural not to waste Thunder Fruit's ability.

In this world where most ships still rely on wind and ocean currents, even the World Government only uses steam power for sea trains.

And this was only possible because the rails were laid on the sea surface.

Now, the new ship not only has the leap technology that can be powered by cola, but also has electric power.

Even if the coke stock on the ship is low in the future, you can use the Thunder Fruit's ability to generate electricity through Merry.

As long as Merry is not still in the state of attachment after showing up, with the materials of the new ship, it is completely possible to continuously use the wind gun to escape.

Moreover, as a ship spirit, Merry can also sail alone.

This is what Merry personally told Luffy. As a ship spirit, he can use ships more than ordinary human Grandmasters.

Even if it is not the main body Merry, Merry can still drive.

In this case, if someone is stopped on the island in the future, Merry can also be used as a means of escape.

"It's too luxurious here! I can't believe it, this will be the ship we will take in the future."

It's only the first floor, and everyone's heart is full of excitement, and there are still 2nd and 3rd floors that have not been seen!

Franky led the crowd into the aquarium, and as soon as they entered the aquarium, they faced a whole wall of fish tank.

"There are actually fish? Also, these fish tanks are so big, I feel like I can catch some fish and raise them in the future to prevent food shortages. 35

Although Straw Hat Crew has not experienced a shortage of supplies so far, who knows if the islands will require long voyages in the future.


The faces of Usopp and Chopper have been stuck to the glass wall of the fish tank, and they looked at the inside of the fish tank with only small fish in amazement.

"The boats in Qinghai are incredible! Right, Sisi.


Conis followed behind Luffy and the others, looked around at the aquarium, bowed his head and said to the cloud fox Sisi in his arms, his eyes full of amazement.

"I feel like I bought less cloud-made furniture when I was at Sky Island. Now that the new boat is so big, it can be placed more."

Nami said with some regret.

But Luffy said that when you get Lion Fruit, Sky Island can go back at any time, and then you can get some more gold, happy!

"Here is a lift facility that connects to the kitchen on the second floor, and food can be delivered through this lift facility.

Franky stopped at an entrance.

After visiting the aquarium, everyone returned to the deck.

"Next is the second floor, let's go up from here."

The stairs were the same as on the Merry, on both sides, and the crowd followed Franky up to the second floor again.

"This is the health room, the medical room that Chopper needs.

"Ah, I want a swivel chair.

As soon as he entered the health room, Chopper's eyes lit up and he jumped to the prominent chair in the room.

Chopper jumped up with a little force, and the chair spun up.

"The kitchen and the granary are arranged together, and the mouth of the fish tank of the aquarium is also here. If you catch fish, you can throw them in from here.

Walking out of the infirmary, Franky did not intend to stop, and pointed to several other rooms.

"The other girls' rooms are also on this floor. 35

This Franky didn't show the crowd any more.

"On the third floor is the library and the surveying room, and there is a bathroom above the surveying room and the library, you can go and see for yourself when the time comes!

"In addition, the watchtower has also been made into a room, which has broadcasting amplifiers, fitness equipment and so on."

"The rest, it's up to you to see for yourself, how is it, are you satisfied? 35

At this time, everyone was speechless. This new ship was beyond everyone's expectations.

This is more than satisfaction, and future sailings will definitely be very comfortable.

"The pirate ship can actually achieve this level, and those cruise ships of the nobles are not so luxurious!"9

When Gal-Tino used to be an agent of the Baroque Society, he also enjoyed taking cruise ships.

But compared with the ship in front of him, it seems to be nothing.


Marianu also agreed with Gal-Tino that the so-called cruise ships they took when they were on the mission together were completely incomparable to this one.

"Okay, let's go down first, I'm anxious to come to the iceberg, he's still waiting for you to name this new ship!

Hearing Franky's words, everyone's eyes lit up again, yes, the new ship doesn't have a name yet! What kind of name should I choose?

At this time, everyone's minds began to think about what kind of name should be given to this new ship.

"How about it, are you still satisfied with the new ship?"

As soon as everyone got off the boat, Bingshan asked.

Although the main design and manufacture of this ship were done by Franky, Bingberg himself has also modified a lot of places, and naturally he is full of expectations for this new ship.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

"It's more luxurious than my ideal boat!"

Usopp and Chopper answered without hesitation, the excitement on their faces was still there, and they didn't mean to fade at all.

"It's good to be satisfied, then, do you have any thoughts on the name of this ship?

A ship always needs a name, let alone a pirate ship, it will be completely bound to this pirate group.

"Since this ship was built by Franky and Mr. Iceberg, it's up to you two fathers to name this child!

Luffy suppressed everyone's excitement and said sincerely to Iceberg and Franky.

This ship, for Iceberg and Franky, has a very special meaning.

So, Luffy wanted the duo to name the new ship.

"Huh? I want to name our ship too."

Everyone wants to name this favorite ship their favorite name.

But now that Luffy has made this decision, everyone can only secretly pray that Iceberg and Franky can give the ship a good name.

"I'll leave the name to you, as you know, I'm not good at this kind of thing.

Franky turned his head away, as if he really said he wasn't good at naming things.

But the iceberg knew that it was Franky who gave himself the opportunity.

As the designer of this ship, and he built the ship himself, how could Franky give up this opportunity because he is not good at naming names!

"Call it Thousand Sunny!

"Is it a thousand miles of sunshine?"

"Well, I hope it can be like the sun, calmly and happily traverse the cruel sea!"

"Then this ship is called Thousand Sunny!" Four.